Week 1
Light cycle=22/2
Light Power=86w 36%
Extractor controller settings
High temp= 24c
Low temp= c
Temp step=0c
High Rh= 70%
Low Rh= %
Rh step=0%
Speed max=5
Speed min=1
Smart controller settings (during lights on).
Lights on=22/2 (02.00am)
Radiator on= below 19c
Radiator off= above 20c
Humidifier on= below 64%
Humidifier off= above 67%
Dehumidifier on= not in use.
Dehumidifier off= not in use.
Smart controller settings (during lights off).
Lights off=22/2 (00.00am)
Radiator on= below 16c
Radiator off= above 18c
Humidifier on= not in use.
Humidifier off= not in use.
Dehumidifier on= not in use.
Dehumidifier off= not in use.
VPD aim=0.4-0.8
DLI aim=15-18
EC aim=0.4
PH aim=6.2
Thursday 28/12/23
#2 (Day 1)
📋 Looks fine.
Friday 29/12/23
#2 (Day 2)
📋 she looks ok
Saturday 30/12/23
#2 (Day 3)
📋 Wet the soil.
Was H=7cm D=77cm DLI=17.5
Now H=7cm D=70cm DLI=17.8
Switch to 20/4
Light power was=86w=36%
Light power still=86w=36%
Lowered light by 7cm.
Extractor controller settings
High temp= 24c
Low temp= c
Temp step=0c
High Rh= 68%
Low Rh= %
Rh step=0%
Speed max=5
Speed min=1
Smart controller settings (during lights on).
Lights on=20/4 (04.00am)
Radiator on= below 19c
Radiator off= above 20c
Humidifier on= below 62%
Humidifier off= above 65%
Dehumidifier on= not in use.
Dehumidifier off= not in use.
Smart controller settings (during lights off).
Lights off=20/4 (00.00am)
Radiator on= below 16c
Radiator off= above 18c
Humidifier on= not in use.
Humidifier off= not in use.
Dehumidifier on= not in use.
Dehumidifier off= not in use.
Sunday 31/12/23 (New year's eve)
#2 (Day 4)
📋 Happy New Year.
Monday 1/1/24 (New year's day)
#2 (Day 5)
Method= manual
Easy Ph down=0 drops/L
Total runoff=60ml
Ec=2.2 PH=5.7
Tuesday 2/1/24
#2 (Day 6)
📋Humidifier didn't come on autopilot.
Wednesday 3/1/24
#2 (Day 7)
📋 H=8cm D=69cm DLI=17.0
She has done fine this week and is exactly where I'd expect her to be. Rooting is good and I could possibly transplant her at the same time as the others next week.
Back soon.
Take it easy.
Look at this, bro. You're measuring everything with graphs. I just invested in a temperature and humidity monitor that connects to an app and provides graph data. I also bought an air quality monitor because I'm trying to cover all aspects of the growing environment. I'll keep tweaking things until I master the environmental side of growing.
Happy smoking 👊👍
@iLoveGoodWeed, I have everything sorted I can leave my grows alone, I have shit setup so if temps drop below x then turn on Radiator, if humidity drops below x turn on humidifier etc, even got my watering on automatic cycles. It's getting easier to get conditions close to perfect. Apart from when it gets to hot, then I'm fucked.