VitaMancommentedweek 118 months ago
3 weeks in cure.
I took a sample from each plant. I vaped each plant on its own day because the phenos are so different.
😊 all Pheno's were almost the same in effects.
First vape of the day, I was yawning by the end of the load, but not feeling very high. Then I grabbed for a handrail and missed. Higher than I thought. It built from there into a powerful floating spacy buzzy high. Effective pain relief. Euphoric from about 60 minutes. A second load later hit harder, like a shot of morphine.
The samples I took were loose to medium density. lots of dark purples with bright red pistils.
Fruity peppery sweet smell with a slight funk. Not very pungent. Produced lots of vapor with a mild sweet warm berry taste. Smooth to the end even at high temperatures.
Proper report in a couple of weeks.
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