Day 43 of Flower. Temp and humidity is slightly inconsistent with slight peaks and troughs deviating from the set temp.
I increased the feeding schedule to 2x 1minute at 1l per plant per minute. Doing this caused the humidity to rise above 60% so I have dropped back to 1 x 1minute.
These white flower spots are burned flowers from LED light. I have had this issue also and was wondering what it was until I found an article in a grow magazine. Just to let you know, bro 😉
@TheIceCreamParlour, i haven't grown autos before... im nit sure what to expect. I veged for 3 weeks with co2 at around 1000ppm, could be due to the led panels running 640w full spectrum. I didnt expect them to get as big as they are, growth is borderline out of control...
@LockDownGrow, I agree, I have had the same concerns.. I received the seeds from Attitude seed bank as part of a promo however the seeds were not in original packaging.
@CRiSPrGrow, yea, im going to keep pushing, however I think defoliation was to intense. This is also the first time I reused Coco, I wonder if that has contributed to some of the deficiencies I have noticed. I have flushed the medium twice throughout the flowering stage to try and combat any imbalances.
@IndicaRising, I used to use hydroton in flood and drain system for a long time! And then DWC, I found veg growth speed was excellent. I use coco now as I believe I achieve greater quality buds.