
Morositax - Art Genetix - B&B

2 days ago
Germination Method
Glass Of Water
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 23%
Avg. success
Art Genetix - 100%
Morositax - 100%
Commented by
Bread_n_buds Bread_n_buds
5 months ago
There are a series of proverbs on the importance of a good start, "He who begins well is halfway done" for example, and if the first movers moved out of the seed of the small root could speak they would say, thanks bro so far so good . Our Morositax is single for now because it will be worked with a 16 bud topping with a vegetative growth of about 6 weeks. She will soon be joined by a germinated little sister a few weeks after she is left to grow with the main cola. Big compliments without wanting to bring bad luck and therefore making the necessary conjurations to Art Genetix, we are not joking here. I germinated 4 seeds in water and all four opened simultaneously and are germinating just as quickly and together. If the "Good morning starts in the morning" (as another proverb from my area says which, if translated, should not be done) here we are moving towards a healthy and robust vegetative plant and hopefully fast that the light costs. As soil we used Plagron Light Mix which we find exceptional and was accompanied by Plagron Power Roots to promote rooting. I'm very happy I finally closed the grow thanks to a new efficient dehumidifier and above all to the new extractors from Secret jardin with the DF16 system truly made especially for me and for many growers who go crazy seeing aspirators dangling in the growbox. Ready to go see you soon News. Thanks to everyone who stopped by these parties, BreadandBuds babe! Check this fire breeder with kind guys doing very good job. Soil and Root Food by Plagron Home box and Light by MarsHydro
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nonick123week 0
Enhorabuena por esta nueva vida! Tengo unas cuantas semillas de Morositax que pondré en Outdoor Voy a seguir tu diario en detalle! 😎
@nonick123, Wow outdoor cant wait to see how goes
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Lemonhazeloverweek 0
Happy germination and good luck buddy ☘️