
First Hydro Grow Ever

2 months ago
Room Type
weeks 5-18
weeks 11-18
weeks 9, 11-18
weeks 5-18
weeks 6-18
Expanded Clay
Grow medium
Germination Method
Paper Towel
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 40%
Northern Light
Avg. success
Royal Queen Seeds - 92%
Northern Light - 90%
Commented by
NugCaleb NugCaleb
7 months ago
3/9/24 - After losing it on the carpet for about ten minutes, I placed the seed in the moist paper towel and placed it between two glass plates at 9 p.m. Malph named it Pluto. 3/10/24 - 24 hours later and I see a sliver of taproot poking through. Put a little more water on the paper towels, back in the plates and on top of the fridge. 3/11/24 - I finished getting the tent set up, filled the bucket with tap water and got the ph just a shade under 6. Decided against nutrients for this week but will definitely be adding them at 1/4 strength at next week’s reservoir change. Then I vertically sliced open a rapid rooter and carefully placed the seed inside and placed it in the clay. Going to give it a bit of light tonight and begin the 18 hour light cycle tomorrow. 3/16/24 - We are progressing nicely! I had to add a little water the other day, still no nutrients. After reading a bit more into my new light I decided to dim it to 25% and put it 12 inches from the seedling. 3/17/24 - Malph and I just did a reservoir change, filling the 5 gallon buckets with 4 gallons of water to just get to the bottom of the mesh pot. The water is mixed with the General Hydroponics FloraSeries nutrients at 25% strength along with CaliMagic and Hydroguard at full strength. The PH is just slightly under 6. Added a small humidifier to the setup as well as a 20”x20” wooden board to keep everything stable at the bottom of the tent. So far heat in the tent has been great but the humidity is low for this stage of development. Onward!
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Hattiwattiweek 0
Good luck 🍀 If you dont have ec meter i suggest you to get one. Pays back pretty soon.
@Hattiwatti, Thanks! I’m glad you said this, because I searched my old grow supplies and found that I actually do have one. I’m going to have to do some research though because I have never used one of these. But now I know my tap water is 174 ppm and EC is 348 haha
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Wind_Weedweek 9
ok ince😝
Todzillaweek 13
Beautiful. Get a ec/ppm pen, under on Amazon 👍👍👍👍
J_F_Kweek 4
hey, looks like you gave her too much fertilizer. It would be better to start with an EC of 0.6-0.8. I made the same mistake with 4/5 of my plants and lost a lot of growth.
Jamesweek 0
Glad you found it 😂 Good luck and happy growing mate 🌱