Sticky is becoming a real beast!👊
She did not get any sun this week and it has been real chilly (max.17C) and have been in her safe house most of the time..
But man, she is strong and resilliant! (already knew that, but she keeps surpising me😳
She is smelling so good, she is really smelling like very sweet bubble gum! Can really tell who her parents are: Bubble Gum x OG Kush x Critical Automatic!
She is even cancelling out the stank of the Big cheese twins!👊 (yeah she is further along too, so.. 😎)
she is not growing much in height anymore .. shes just getting fat! 😍👌
i removed 2 leaves, they were fighting with each other.. have to keep the peace ;)
iTs still chilly but the sun is going to shine a lot more today/this week👏 (they promised 😳)
and that is really what she needs right now😎
And dont forget:
happy growing for all ✊
TQ good 2 see you, thanx for ur visit 😍 @Salokin, Sticky really deserves a come back after i had to terminate her last year (WPM)
She is so easy to grow and so very tastefull!👍