Nothing new here. I've been overfeeding her badly, now flushing for a week. Trichomes amount is stunning and the smell is awesome. There are rose and some berries IMO. Seems to be a good candidate for extracting
Nice looking plants ! I can't wait to see what they are going to look like with big flowers all over them !! Best of luck on the rest of you're grow !
-Happy Growing!
@bobtheblob, Thanks man ! I like to make them as detailed as I can so who evers looking at them can learn or maybe help me learn !
Thanks for responding and following!
-Happy Growing!
@The_Projexx, thanks a lot! I'm waiting for those girls to grow up too, and actually is supposed to help me with finishing it and not cutting crops too early) I'm a sinner, you know XD Cool diaries btw!