@tjhayes26, I planted mine when I transplanted into 15 gallons like 3-4 weeks or so before flower. That way the Raspberry Ripple would be the "dominant" plant for sure. Then I trimmed mine about 2 weeks before I harvested, some people trim it a little earlier and smother it with hay or rice hulls there's a lot of different ways to do it. I don't no till. So I mixed new soil with some soil I reammended myself at about a 50/50 ratio. So I was more using cover crop to help with any pH issues or nutrient excesses in the used soil. I think it did help it just encouraged a moister/ less hydrophobic soil surface and also helped the pot dry back more evenly which helped the soil not get any dry pockets. I think the buds I did try this method of cover cropping with did turn out stinkier and stronger than last time when I didn't use it!