Week 8 early flower (flower week 2)
Light cycle=12/12
Light Power=218w 90%
Extractor controller settings
High temp= Day 24c, Night 20c
Low temp= c
Temp step=0c
High Rh= Day 53%, Night 56%
Low Rh= %
Rh step=0%
Speed max=9
Speed min=2
Smart controller settings (during lights on).
Lights on=9.00am
Top fan on=+23.5c
Top fan off=-23.0c
Dehumidifier on=+58%
Dehumidifier off=-55% or +26c
Smart controller settings (during lights off).
Lights off=9.00pm
VPD aim=0.6-1.6
DLI aim=30-45
EC aim=0.2-2.0
PH aim=6.0-6.5
Method= Autofeed 6 drippers.
Feed=Flower Nutes.
Easy Ph down= 0.125ml/L
Ec=1.95 PH=6.4/6.5
Run times=4min (276ml each)
Gap times=16min
Total runtime=68mins (5.0L each)
Total flowrate= 138ml/min (69ml/min each)
Auto start time=10.00am
Auto stop time=3.24pm
📅7/7/24 Sunday (day 50, day 8 flower)
📋 massive defoliation on lower growth that's going to cause issues.
Method= automatic
Feed=Nutes flower
Ec=1.95 PH=6.4/6.5
Volume left=3.5L
Volume used=8.5L (138ml/min)
Volume each=4.25L (69ml/min)
Total runoff=tiny amount
Ec= PH=/
Feed=manually @3.40pm
Run time=4 mins
Feed=manually @4.00pm
Run time=4 mins
Volume left=L
Volume used=L (138ml/min)
Volume each=L (69ml/min)
Total runoff=0.7L
Ec=3.95 PH=/6.2
📅8/7/24 Monday (day 51, day 9 flower)
📅9/7/24 Tuesday (day 52, day 10 flower)
📋 H=65cm D=35cm Dli=43.6 Ppfd=1010 12/12
Really been pushing it with the light trying to minimise stretch, will raise light tomorrow and adjust power.
📅10/7/24 Wednesday (day 53, day 11 flower)
📋 H=68cm D=32cm Dli=48.2 Ppfd=1115 12/12
Raise light, running out of space.
Lowered power to 200w
H=68cm D=38cm Dli=36.3 Ppfd=841 12/12
Method= automatic
Feed=Nutes flower
Ec=1.95 PH=6.4/6.4
Volume left=2.5L
Volume used=9.5L (138ml/min)
Volume each=4.74L (69ml/min)
Total runoff=0.3L
Ec=3.3 PH=/6.2
Feed=manually @4.20pm
Run time=4 mins
Feed=manually @5.10pm
Run time=4 mins
Volume left=1.5L
Volume used=10.5L (138ml/min)
Volume each=5.25L (69ml/min)
Extra runoff=0.5L
📅11/7/24 Thursday (day 54, day 12 flower)
📋 Big defoliation on lower leaves and colas that will restrict air flow.
📅12/7/24 Friday (day 55, day 13 flower)
📅13/7/24 Saturday (day 56, day 14 flower)
📋H=83cm D=26cm Dli=52.8 Ppfd=1222 12/12
Method= automatic
Ec=0.2 PH=6.4/6.3 (PH D=0.013ml/L)
Volume left=3L
Volume used=9L (138ml/min)
Volume each=4.5L (69ml/min)
Total runoff=0.2L
Ec=3.0 PH=/6.8
Weekly roundup.
📋 She's had a reasonably good week, iv not managed to slow the stretch so she has shot up this week by 29cm, she's nearly as tall as the other plant in the grow now. My main problem is the light is very close and I'm running out of space above it.
Take it easy.
Back soon.
@Chuckwaggon420, I'm not sure what it's supposed to taste of as it was a limited strain and haven't got much info on it, but I'm definitely getting a chocolate/caramel when I'm smoking it. I can't believe this strain was only a limited amount as its that awesome it deserves a permanent spot in the breeders catalogue.