
"Ut Queant Laxis" C#10

2 days ago
Grow Conditions
Week 4
18 hrs
Light Schedule
9+ conditions after
Aluminum Sulphate
1.3 ml/l
RAW Cane Molasses - NPK Industries
RAW Cane Molasses
5.21 ml/l
Commented by
Ultraviolet Ultraviolet
9 days ago
Surprised by how well the water is wicked to the medium from the water bottle, it took a long time, but RH% works as intended. I was unsure how much if any nutrient would be transferred via wick but the high salt content altered pH at certain parts. Right before the symptoms arose I decided to supercrop the stem top to bottom on one plant, shortly thereafter the burning happened from the same plant from running 8.0 pH, and nutrient uptake ground to a halt on the plant that was dealing with stress. She doesn't seem happy. Remedied with aluminum sulfate, things seem to be coming back to normal. I need to be more careful with salts. I need MOAR knowledge. How many weeks shall we veg? Going to take a while to fill that canopy with just two plants, should probably start topping now but I'll wait until pH problem Is remedied first, a couple more days hopefully 🙏. I defoliated maybe 6 bigger leaves that had burned yellow on one plant, as it comes back to optimal range, this will be a good opportunity to observe the subtle differences that early defoliation can make. Added a pound of tourmaline powder and biochar, both increase soil urease and invertase activities. Urease is an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of urea into CO2 and NH3 and is a key component in the nitrogen cycle in soils. Invertase (d-fructofuranosidfructohydrolase, EC is the enzyme that capable both break down α-1,4-glycosidic linkage between d-glucose and d-fructose of sucrose and transferring αβ-D-O-fructofuranoside residue to an acceptor substrate (Toledo et al., 2019). Since tourmaline is widely distributed in natural environment and has many excellent physical and chemical properties including radiating far infrared energy, permanently releasing negative ions, producing an electrostatic field, releasing rare microelements, and stimulating the growth and metabolism of microorganisms and plants, tourmaline had been conducted to alleviate environmental pollution. Urease is an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of urea into CO2 and NH3 and is a key component in the nitrogen cycle in soils.
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BrigadeDesTerpsweek 0
Welcome back to you ultra, may your culture be good! The text was very interesting, I knew about boron, but I didn't know that it was so important in plant growth. How do we know if there is enough of it and how can we integrate it into the culture? Indeed, mycorrhizal fungi are indeed very important in the soil, by strengthening the roots, helping with diseases, improving the exchange of nutrients, and indicating to the roots where the best path and placement for the roots are. It is even fundamental for good growth. Oxygenated compost teas can be a good source of nutrients, bacteria, nematode, protozoa, mycorrhiza to put in the soil, by putting water in a container, plant matter, compostable, molasses and many others elements. Once the mixture is made, it must be oxygenated with a pump and a micro bubbler for a certain time depending on what you are looking for, this can last up to 48 hours for the mixture to be ready and all that is required is to filter and water it. . If the tea is made well there is a bacterial deposit at the bottom, on the surface of the water on the walls of the container above the water. I wish you a pleasant culture, colleague of culture. May your intergalactic experiences arouse excitement and admiration.
@BrigadeDesTerps, Boric Acid or Borax the laundry detergent is just a salt mineral otherwise called Sodium tetraborate Sodium borate Disodium tetraborate , 11.3% Boron with 4 differrent molecules, Sodium, Oxygen, Hydrogen, and ofc Boron, Na₂H₂₀B₄O₁₇. It is a colorless crystalline solid that dissolves in water to make a basic solution.. Because its a salt mineral direct from nature it can't be patented, if you can't patent, you cant profit gorge, hence why it's an evil bad laundry detergent that should never be ingested, yet it's less toxic than table salt with a higher lethal dose required. Runs high with a ph of 9.3. Borax is used in agriculture as a source of boron, an essential micronutrient for plant growth and development. It can be applied to the soil or used as a foliar spray to address boron deficiency in crops. Amino acids improve plant nutrition by affecting soil microbial activity through the production of a beneficial microbial community and nutrient mineralization in the soil solution, thus enhancing micronutrient mobility [84]. Seaweed extract contains several ions, growth regulators, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and polyuronides, including alginates and fucoidans. These polyuronides can form highly cross-linked polymers and condition the soil, thereby improving the water retention and ion uptake capacity within the soil [89]. Kahydrin, a commercial seaweed component, acidifies the rhizosphere by altering the plasma membrane proton pump and secretes H+ ions that change the soil redox condition and make the metal ions available to plants, leading to improved crop production [90]. Turan and Kose [91] applied three seaweed extracts, including Maxicrop, Algipower, and Proton, on grapevine (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Karaerik) to check the ion uptake efficacy under optimal and deficient ion availability. Maximum micronutrient uptake under optimal conditions were observed with no significant difference among the three kinds of extracts. The alteration in the uptake of one ion influences the availability of another ion [85], supporting the idea of B uptake through biostimulator application, but this requires further investigation. ^^ bio-stimulators Chapter 3.0 3. "Approaches Utilized to Enhance Boron Uptake". In addition to supplementing with borax, individuals can improve their boron levels by incorporating boron-rich foods into their diet. Some of these foods include: Fruits: Boron is abundant in many fruits, such as apples, pears, grapes, cherries, plums, and dried fruits like raisins and prunes. Vegetables: Certain vegetables, like broccoli, kale, spinach, and beetroot, are good sources of boron. Nuts and seeds: Almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds are rich in boron and can be easily incorporated into the diet. Legumes: Beans, lentils, and chickpeas are excellent sources of boron and can be included in various meals. Grains: Whole grains, such as brown rice, quinoa, and oats, can provide a good amount of boron. Avocado: This nutrient-dense fruit is also a good source of boron and can be added to salads, sandwiches, or smoothies. Use them to make teas :) electrified teas.
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Hattiwattiweek 0
Welcome back from coma And good luck with grow 🍀
@Hattiwatti, Hey man nice to see you, thanks!
resi_maxweek 0
Good luck and happy growing! 😁
@resi_max, Thank you.
Natronaweek 0
👋Hey friend, Happy growing. I really liked Jealousy when I bought it and think you will too😋.
@Natrona, Heya! This one had tinges of purple all over it during veg, I have high hopes, read it is very dense on the trichomes too.
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Hattiwattiweek 1
Interesting 🤔
BrigadeDesTerpsweek 2
I see some pretty ladies there, I think bro cat wants to say hello to them
@BrigadeDesTerps, HI dude, hope you are well, big kitty is chill, he knows better after eating a couple clones, managed to catch him in the act so he knows not to. Also have a kitten, she is a problem though.