
"La Boier" C#10

11 hours ago
Grow Conditions
Week 12
12 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
Bee pollen
0.33 ml/l
0.65 ml/l
Pottasium Sulphate
0.65 ml/l
7+ nutrients after
Commented by
Ultraviolet Ultraviolet
2 months ago
If you are lonely when you are alone, then you are in bad company. Bee pollen is considered a “vitamin bomb” due to the presence of almost all vitamins with an average of 0.02–0.7% of its total content, with a higher amount of water-soluble than fat-soluble vitamins. Bee pollen contains vitamins A, D, E, B1, B2, B6, and C. It also provides minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese, iron, and selenium, I mixed a bunch of that with some honey and RAW cane molasses to make a nice big bucket of tea. A family friend who is a beekeeper was kind enough to share some honey. The nutritional content of raw honey is impressive and includes high levels of protein, amino acids, B vitamins, calcium, manganese, potassium, magnesium, zinc, and iron, as well as various polyphenolic antioxidants. I am loading up nature's finest sugars, and sweet things, Honey & Mollases. UV-B-induced DNA damage (CPDs and 6–4 PPs) can be repaired efficiently by photolyases. Pyrimidine dimers can be repaired by nucleotide excision repair (NER), or bypassed by replicative polymerases (Britt 2004). The expression of the CPD photolyase (PHR) gene is induced by UV-B light dependent on UVR8 signaling pathway, and is also induced by blue and UV-A light (Li et al. 2015) Old but gold. The camera picks up far more light than there is during the night cycle, camera is showing bright pink violet collages but my eyes barely see a thing, about 0.25ppfd in that tent overnight. Have been tweaking the spectrum of moonlight/intensity and watching the responses overnight. Tweak, tweak, tweak all week. PAR is 400-700nm, Overnight UVA in the tent is all 365nm and 385nm, so the meter only picks up a fraction of the light curve that makes it photosynthetically active past 400nm. Of the light in the tent, 0.25ppfd is from UVA Looks like It makes them 🕺 🕺 💃 all night. Better flower soon or ill be screwed for space, they are stretching, but is it "the stretch"? She has fire in her belly. Growing crops with insufficient light (i.e., below “optimal,” as defined here) limits the yield potential, which in turn wastes the other production inputs including labour, water, nutrients and electricity. As lighting fixture is one of the most expensive investment of the production, what is the relationship between light intensity and yield? Potter and Duncombe (2012) grew cannabis plants with varying canopy-level PPFDs during the flowering stage and found that increasing PPFD from 400 to 900 μmol·m−2·s−1 increased yield an average of 1.3 times higher, across seven cultivars, with no light intensity treatment effects on floral cannabinoid concentrations. Vanhove et al. (2011) found that cannabis yields were 1.3 to 3.1 times higher (depending on cultivar) when plants were grown under approximately 1000 μmol·m−2·s−1 compared to approximately 450 μmol·m−2·s−1 during the flowering stage.It was predicted that cannabis yield would exhibit a saturating response to increasing Light intensity, thereby signifying an optimum light intensity range for indoor cannabis production. However, a new research from Morrison (2021), after 81 days‘ experiment, found that When plants grew under LI ranging from 1200 to 1800 μmol·m–2·s–1 provided by light emitting diodes (LEDs), inflorescence yield increased linearly as LI increased up to 1800 μmol·m–2·s–1. "Cannabis will not stop flowering if the lights are turned on for a few minutes once or twice during the 2-month-long flowering cycle. If a light is turned on for 5 to 30 minutes—long enough to disrupt the dark period—on 3 to 5 con­secutive nights, plants will start to revert to vegetative growth." "Less than one half of one foot-candle of light (0.1ppfd) from sunlight will prevent cannabis from flow­ering. That is a little more light than is reflected by a full moon on a clear night. Well-bred indica-dominant plants will revert within three days. Sativa-dominant plants take four to five days to revert to vegetative growth. Once they start to revegetate, it can take from four to six ad­ditional weeks to induce flowering again!" Guess ill find out my answer soon.
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BrigadeDesTerpscommentedweek 05 months ago
Welcome back to you ultra, may your culture be good! The text was very interesting, I knew about boron, but I didn't know that it was so important in plant growth. How do we know if there is enough of it and how can we integrate it into the culture? Indeed, mycorrhizal fungi are indeed very important in the soil, by strengthening the roots, helping with diseases, improving the exchange of nutrients, and indicating to the roots where the best path and placement for the roots are. It is even fundamental for good growth. Oxygenated compost teas can be a good source of nutrients, bacteria, nematode, protozoa, mycorrhiza to put in the soil, by putting water in a container, plant matter, compostable, molasses and many others elements. Once the mixture is made, it must be oxygenated with a pump and a micro bubbler for a certain time depending on what you are looking for, this can last up to 48 hours for the mixture to be ready and all that is required is to filter and water it. . If the tea is made well there is a bacterial deposit at the bottom, on the surface of the water on the walls of the container above the water. I wish you a pleasant culture, colleague of culture. May your intergalactic experiences arouse excitement and admiration.
Hattiwatticommentedweek 05 months ago
Welcome back from coma And good luck with grow 🍀
Ultravioletcommented5 months ago
@Hattiwatti, Hey man nice to see you, thanks!
resi_maxcommentedweek 05 months ago
Good luck and happy growing! 😁
Ultravioletcommented5 months ago
@resi_max, Thank you.
Natronacommentedweek 05 months ago
👋Hey friend, Happy growing. I really liked Jealousy when I bought it and think you will too😋.
Ultravioletcommented5 months ago
@Natrona, Heya! This one had tinges of purple all over it during veg, I have high hopes, read it is very dense on the trichomes too.
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Hattiwatticommentedweek 14 months ago
Interesting 🤔
BrigadeDesTerpscommentedweek 103 months ago
nice progress on your cultivation, the plants seem to be bleeding so much, always good work, greetings to you ultra🙏🏻
BrigadeDesTerpscommented2 months ago
@Ultraviolet, cela ne devrais pas être un soucis, vous allez régler ce soucis comme un pro, c’est certain! Tous va pour le mieux, j’espère de même pour vous, happy growing Peace grower 👨🏻‍🌾
Ultravioletcommented2 months ago
@BrigadeDesTerps, hey Terp brigade! 👋 high temps causing some problems but I'm procrastinating with the cooling solution. Hope your well and growing!
BrigadeDesTerpscommentedweek 24 months ago
I see some pretty ladies there, I think bro cat wants to say hello to them
Ultravioletcommented4 months ago
@BrigadeDesTerps, HI dude, hope you are well, big kitty is chill, he knows better after eating a couple clones, managed to catch him in the act so he knows not to. Also have a kitten, she is a problem though.
BrigadeDesTerpscommentedweek 112 months ago
Très interessant de voir que la lune a sa contribution dans la croissance en apportant un spectre différent, avoir un veuilleuse de nuit pour reproduire la lune peux être envisageable Et c’est pour ça que les plant en extérieur se plaise si bien, la qualité lumineuse jouer énormément sur la croissance Salutations amis grower👨🏻‍🌾
Ninjabudscommentedweek 1710 days ago
So your saying this can help plants