
Melonade Runtz @DutchPassion

4 months ago
Migro 3 FL/150W
Migro Array 3 FL/270W
Room Type
weeks 3, 6, 8-10
weeks 6, 8-10
Biobizz light
Grow medium
Mega worm Plagron
Grow medium
11 L
Pot Size
1.5 L
Melonade Runtz
Dutch Passion
Growing it
The Outcome
Week 11
Number of plants harvested
Grow Room
Grow Room size
plant / mΒ²
watt / mΒ²
Reviews. Nutrient
@Biotabs I recommend to anyone wanting the best and correct microbes/microbiology in their soil with Organic amendments to compliment these micro farmers πŸ˜€ in our pots ,give these fertilisers and microbiology a go πŸ‘
Again another organic range of fertilisers and a company that really has Natural Qualities and microbiology of the best quality and abundant quantities zipped up and fresh to put right into our pots ,and sit back just water if ya like πŸ‘ πŸ‘Œ thanks to @Ecotrive πŸ’―πŸ”₯
I started to use these naturals in small doses to keep these hungry plants happy and they certainly do that from start to finish ,and leave the girls wrapped in bling bling at the end , @Plagron is sending me the rest of the natural range as I want to see my results using just small amounts of the full range πŸ˜€ so I have perfect taste ,texture and a clean product with a very clean smoke after dry and cure every time πŸ‘ŒπŸ”₯ I will keep posting and updating on how these are working out πŸ‘€πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈπŸ’―
Reviews. Tent
Great tent ,and strong could do with some small corner shelves ,and hooks to hang equipment and or herbs to dry ,so to be a grow tent that accommodates all grow equipment for a tent of its size, built in ducting down on or two corners with holes at top and bottom and middle to connect out and intake ,with velcro covers when not using certain holes ????
Commented by
Paul_on Paul_on
4 months ago
It's been a good week as the week before I found some bud rot ,but cut it away and the girls finished good ,I would have liked to go another week but with bud rot I didn't want to take a chance, have to say I got no bud rot on the Melonade Runtz and it was in the same tent as my 2 x Blue Zushi that did get some bud rot ,that was my fault I think with heat getting to 29oC some days and not enough small clip on fans in my tent , I will be getting new clip on fans,sssss to keep a light breeze in every corner of my grow spaces. That's all for now ,thank you Growmies
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Biotabscommentedweek 74 months ago
happy growing, nice to hear , thats shes an easy Girl
Paul_oncommented4 months ago
@Biotabs, I left you mail buddy
Paul_oncommented4 months ago
@Biotabs, and tall with nice tight Buds
nexuscryptocommentedweek 94 months ago
πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ I hope my future buds looks half good than yours being potted in just 7 litre of soil.πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ. Definitely a keeper strain. nice job!! like the supercroping machine
Paul_oncommented4 months ago
@nexuscrypto, thanks bud πŸ‘
gottagrowsometimecommentedweek 114 months ago
Very nice results mate. Do you think she's to much sativa for a Scrog? How long was flowering?
Paul_oncommented4 months ago
@gottagrowsometime, thanks alot for the likes and comments growmie ,and to answer your question yes I think if you topped her even once you will take the height out and you will get more side branching top her about week 3 of veg + 2 wks seedling growth then grow for another week to two weeks and flip to flower remember she will stretch another 1 to 2 ft being sativa, so I'd say you would get a nice scrog or sog the buds are quality and terps are mouthwatering πŸ’―πŸ”₯flowering for me took 9wks bang on using Plagron's new natural range speeds up harvest by a week or more and it works ,I've finished 2 blue Zushi a week early too with plagron ,happy growing. Ps. ask anytime
Biotabscommentedweek 113 months ago
happy harvest, really nice pictures, thanks for the rating
nexuscryptocommentedweek 114 months ago
Dabkingcommentedweek 114 months ago
Very frosty, nice