
Cameltoe Grow Show 2024

16 hours ago
Room Type
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow medium
Germination Method
Rockwool Cube
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 92%
Method popularity - 4%
GG4 Sherbet FF
Avg. success
Fast Buds - 93%
GG4 Sherbet FF - 98%
Commented by
Cameltoe Cameltoe
16 hours ago
I wanted to try something different with this grow. Seed was put in water for a couple hours then transferred into a pre prepped 1.5" Rockwool plug. I will let the roots grow out the bottom of the plug then add nutrients to the container just below the plug. Once the roots are long enough to hit the bottom of the 3" container I will drain the nutrients. After draining the nutrients I will drill holes into the bottom of the container. Then I will add the cheesecloth to the bottom of the container. After the cheese cloth is in I will put the lid back on over the container. I have a second container for fresh nutrients that the container with holes can sit in. This container is just to keep the cheesecloth moist/wet. It also makes it easy to change the nutrients and feed plain water if need be. Never tried this before hope it all goes well! 😍
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XII_XII_MrGreenweek 0
Very nice also the plants😂✌️✅👩🏻‍🌾
@XII_XII_MrGreen, Lol there is no plant yet.
LegacyMarketFarmweek 0
So first off, I thought I was the only one who danced around singing this song to my plants while watering. You are looking good with the pre-soak ! I am a total fan of it since I started doing it, Seems to totally help germination especially with olderish seeds, I will use a bit of hydrogen peroxide & they open right up. Secondly, I think this is gonna be super interesting to see how the root structure forms in this grow. This has some real potential for sure. Keys will be : - Making sure the cheese cloth does not dry out too quickly & cause root damage when the little lady grows up & starts pulling more moisture into her for photosynthesis. - Keep the roots nice and dark & away from light and make sure the container is dark as well if light leaks in it can cause algae to grow which in small amounts is not super bad but you still don't want it. - When you are dealing with no medium or very little medium ( In your case the cheese cloth ) We will want to make sure our nutrient & PH is on point as there wont be any soil / substrate to alter it or hold it as the plant takes it in. Think of it like hydroponics, Everything will be more or less instantly available if that makes sense. So PH & Nutrient level management will be key. I am following along ! You earned it for sure with this awesome idea. I love to see creativity in growing being a producer myself it is awesome to see these kinds of grows. Keep it up ! Your gonna do great with this one I just know it.
@LegacyMarketFarm, Hope it all goes well. Will be interesting how it turns out. I will only veg it for 4-5 weeks then flip it.