
My First Grow

15 days ago
Garden Highpro LedMaxEco 150 LED/150W
Garden Highpro LedMaxEco 150 LED/150W
Clip Fan 15cm 5W
Clip Fan 15cm 5W
Profan TT Extractor Fan 125mm
Proactiv Carbon Filter 125mm x 190mm
Room Type
weeks 2-4
weeks 3-6
BioBizz Light-Mix
Grow medium
11 L
Pot Size
0.5 L
Grow Conditions
Week 4
18 hrs
Light Schedule
10+ conditions after
3+ nutrients after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
krogor krogor
2 months ago
# Day 23 The soil was dry, watered the plant with 800ml and added fertilizer according to the BioBizz nutrient schedule. I also added a little bit of Epsom Salt to increase Mg. The tips of the top leafs turned yellow (a little bit) so i increased the height of the lamp by a few cm. # Day 24 The soil was moist, so no watering. I removed a few leafes again (before the photo). # Day 25 The soil was moist, so no watering. In the last 24 hours: * Temperature 19°C to 25 °C (avg. day 24 °C) * Humidity 60 to 72 % RH (avg 63%) # Day 26 The soil was dry, watered the plant with 900ml and added fertilizer according to the BioBizz nutrient schedule plus a little bit of Epsom Salt. I removed a few leafes again (before the photo). In the last 24 hours: * Temperature 20°C to 25 °C (avg. day 24.5 °C) * Humidity 57 to 71 % RH (avg 62%) # Day 27 The soil was moist, i only sprayed a little bit of water on the soil surface. In the last 24 hours: * Temperature 20°C to 26 °C (avg. day 24.5 °C) * Humidity 55 to 71 % RH (avg 61%) # Day 28 The soil was dry, watered the plant with 1000ml and added fertilizer according to the BioBizz nutrient schedule for first week of bloom plus a little bit of Epsom Salt. The LED is now closer to the plant resulting in a ppfd of about 750. In the last 24 hours: * Temperature 20°C to 26 °C (avg. day 25 °C) * Humidity 56 to 71 % RH (avg 60%) # Day 29 The soil was moist, no watering. I removed a few leafes again (after the photo). In the last 24 hours: * Temperature 20°C to 26 °C (avg. day 24 °C) * Humidity 57 to 72 % RH (avg 61%)
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Grow Questions
krogorstarted grow question 3 months ago
1. Does it make sense to cover the seedling with a cover (bottom of a plastic bottle) to increase humidity or should i remove it (e.g. for better air circulation)? 2. Should i switch on a fan that moves the air a little bit (pointing it above the plant)?
Setup. Seedling
001100010010011110answered grow question 3 months ago
Unless you are in a very arid region, you shouldn't need a dome for a seedling. 20-30% rh might be wise to put a dome on and cut soem holes in it until it is an appropriate RH% for your temperature - vpd chart is a visual aid for this. You want a slightly slower rate of transpiration (i.e. lower vpd than for mature vege or flower) early on, but too slow and you impede growth. I've read different suggestions but .8-.9 is probably fine. I'm usually above that, and the impact must be tiny. Circulation fan only needs to cause a little jostling of the plant. Definitely don't point it directly at it. A little twitch of a leaf here or there is fine.
krogorstarted grow question 2 months ago
1. When should i stop feeding nutrients and only use water? 2. The tips of the leafes on the top are brown, the tips that are slightly lower are yellow.Too much light? I'm currently on day 47 since i planted the seed, according to the breeder it takes 56-63 days until harvest.
Leaves. Tips - Burnt
Feeding. Schedule
MindFlowers68answered grow question 2 months ago
Some people go up untill harvest. but most people stop around 2 weeks before they think they will harvest. can be a little hard to pinpoint. THe buds on her look like there are still building up a bt so i would go another week of feed. I don't ee anythings efficient or excess, so i would keep on with what you are doing. they are looking nice. They will also likely take slightly longer than what the pack says to finish.
krogorstarted grow question a month ago
When should i harvest? I see some amber trichomes on the top bud. On the lower buds i do not really see amber trichomes, they are mostly cloudy. I'm currently on day 71 since i planted the seed, according to the breeder it takes 56-63 days until harvest.
Other. Harvest - Curing
1 like
BerrySweetHighanswered grow question a month ago
High krogor, 2 more weeks before she is ready for harvest buddy! Most trichomes are still clear, and a few are milky white. When about 80% of the trichomes are milky white, 10% clear and 10% amber is the perfect time for harvest. Around this time 80-90% from the hairs (pistils) will be brown. Looking really nice buddy! Happy Harvest! 💚

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Snaqqcommentedweek 42 months ago
First Grow --- Thermal Cam. Did not expect that😂 good luck💪
krogorcommented2 months ago
@Snaqq, :) Thank you. The thermal cam was there before the grow, but i thought it would be interesting to take a picture with it... It seems that the rule of thumb for air vs leaf temperature is correct for my setup (about 2 °C difference)
Krautbauerncommentedweek 33 months ago
Good Luck! :)
Patricia_Zamnesiacommentedweek 03 months ago
Happy growing 💙🌱!
krogorcommented3 months ago
@Patricia_Zamnesia, Thank you very much
Herikuscommentedweek 13 months ago
Nice little lady you have! I'm sure she will grow beautifully! Maybe lower the light a bit and decrease the intensity? It's more cost-intensive to have the lights running on a high level all the time. But if it works out for you I'm very happy! I'm new to growing too, so what do I know?! Excited for more pictures and happy growing 🌱
krogorcommented3 months ago
@Herikus, Thank you. Also thanks for your suggestion, but unfortunately the light is not dimmable, so it is always 150W. The only upside is that the tent is warmer when the light is on.