Overall the plants look ok and the buds grow nicely👌
I slightly open the window every evenings to help reducing the humidity but last night I forgot to close it and woke-up very late in the morning because I was sick. The temperature dropped to 14°C during a few hours and the plants received some light during around 3 hours from the window's crack (see picture). I hope this will not mess with the flowering... If you had the same kind of experience I would be glad to hear how it turned out for you!
Plants heights at the end of the week :
Gorilla Cookies : 108cm (final height)
Purple Lemonade : 76cm (final height)
Wedding Cheesecake : 96cm (final height)
Hola! Esos cogollos están preciosos esta semana!
Por una fuga de luz de unas horas y bajar a 14 ºC, NO es un problema. A mi me ha ocurrido, y han seguido con normalidad
Las plantas NO se van a volver hermafroditas ni nada, tal vez una pequeña relentización que se debe solventar en 1 ó 2 días
Eso si: ¡Evita que vuelva a ocurrir!
A las plantas NO les gusta las temperaturas por debajo de 18 ºC y NO les gustan las fugas de luz durante la floración!