EC and PPM are the same thing , they just measure out differently its the math formula that makes it so . If your EC 0.xxxx is double the amount of your PPM then you have the proper reading . Its tricky to understand there are a ton of formulas out there that will explain it . Here is what an EC chart might look like just to give you a quick comparison to what you might be looking at . You might also wanna keep in mind that there are various PPM equation for various PPM readers as well , so you might wanna look into what formula your PPM meter follow's . Here is a link to a chart " " This is a very accurate pen and the chart is well made as well . The last thing I might suggest is that you trim back all the damaged leaves I can see in the pictures to prevent any unwanted pests from making themselves a nice new home . Other then that you're well on your way to getting some nice medicine ! - Happy Growing!