PlantParentHoodcommentedweek 156 years ago
@Mr_Positivo,ya weird isn’t it solo? What sucks is this is my first fabric bag run and I gave a little over a gallon a piece every other day flushing is a little difficult right now because the runoff is still quite high it seems around 800. I’m balancing between not flushing enough water and worried about giving it too much. I am on day 50 about now. Started flushing about a week ago but have a feeling I didn’t flush to get enough run off originally when I flushed with Florakleen. Now I have flawless finish that is sitting around I could use that supposed to do something different if I remember correctly that would completely cut off the ability for the roots to take up nutrients no matter what the PPM‘s were. But it’s kind a late in the game for me to use flawless and then worry about that in the bud while flushing after. Ahh i love rabbit holes lol
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