***UPDATE 12/11/24***
Gave each plant an evenely distributed 500ml of dechlorinated tap water mixed with nutrients listed above at a PH of 6.0
Topped all 4 plants & shall start LST over the next day or two, Crescendo #2 x End Game #3 might still need a little bit more time before I'm able to anchor it down!
Noticed 2/4 plants have hollow stems & read this is due to a lack of air movement, gonna clean the clip fans, move them down a bit & point the one at the back of the tent downwards!
Used the garden sprayer this morning to water & was able to blast all the drywall dust off the plants so they look a bit cleaner!
***UPDATE 12/12/24***
Plants responded well to yesterdays feed! Will bump up to 750ml or 1L next watering & see how they do!
Began LST & 3/4 plants are now anchored down, CrescendO #2 x End Game #3 still needs a bit more time
Gonna start lowering the light & slowly increase light intensity day by day once there is a little bit more foliage & they have sprung back up! 600 uMOL during mid to late veg is what I'm gonna shoot for!
***UPDATE 12/13/24***
Some minor adjustments made with the grow ties in order to maintain an even canopy am gonna try & keep up with it this run!
They are gonna need water later on this afternoon noticed the two towards the back are drying out much quicker than the two at the front!
***UPDATE 12/14/24***
Gave each plant an evenly distributed 1L of dechlorinated tap water at a PH of 6.0
Flipped the fan towards the back of the tent downwards to increase air flow!
***UPDATE 12/15/24***
Plants responded well to yesterdays watering!
Currently working with a fairly even canopy will make some minor adjustments tomorrow morning!
Lowered RH to 65% humidifier is currently on the rise to 65 after refill!
***UPDATE 12/16/24***
Defoliated & adjusted grow ties!
Dropped the light down to where the tallest plant is now recieving 415 uMOL, gonna gradually push towards 600 uMOL depending on how they respond to the bump in light intensity!
***UPDATE 12/17/24***
Gave each plant 1L of dechlorinated tap water mixed with nutrients listed below at a PH of 6.2
Armadillo Armour: 0.10ml/L
Micro: 0.50ml/L
Grow: 0.50ml/L
Bloom: 0.50ml/L
CalMag: 0.50ml/L
Monkey Juice: 0.50ml/L
Sticky Bandit: 0.50ml/L
Adjusted grow ties & shop vac for the tents zipper to get more of that drywall dust!
Dropped humidity down to 65% RH