***UPDATE 12/18/24***
Plants responded well to yesterdays feed!
Adjusted some of the grow ties to keep everything in order!
***UPDATE 12/19/24***
Nothing really needed to be done today, adjusted humidifier to 60% RH & took the shop vac to the tent zipper to get more drywall dust!
They are gonna need water later on tonight or tomorrow morning, each plant will get 1L of dechlorinated at a PH of 6.0
Should be able to top again in the next couple of days as well!
***UPDATE 12/20/24***
Plants responded well to last nights watering! Each plant got 1L of dechlorinated tap water at a PH of 6.0
Went through & topped/defoliated all 4 plants to create 8 tops each! Some of the branches are not wanting to bend atm & I prefer to just leave them vs pinching to soften tissue this early on!
A fairly even canopy so far minus the odd branch here & there!
Knicked a branch with the scissors on the CrescendO #2 x End Game #3 during defoliation but hasn't slowed it down at all, will be careful with that one when the time comes for more LST!
Missed a top on the CrescendO #2 x Marshmallow OG gonna run downstairs & get that now!
Happy holidays everyone!
***UPDATE 12/21/24***
Gave each plant 2L of dechlorinated tap water mixed with nutrients listed above at a PH of 6.2 shortly after photo's were taken today!
Lowered the light a bit to where the tallest plant is now receiving 475 uMOL
Am hoping the plants respond well to more water as well as a bump in light intensity at their current stage of growth! Still want to try & gradually increase towards 600 uMOL over the next week or so!
***UPDATE 12/22/24***
Plants responded well to yesterdays feed & the subtle bump in light intensity!
Once those new tops are a bit longer will be time for more LST!
Gonna keep them at 2L per plant each watering/feed for the remainder of the grow!
***UPDATE 12/23/24***
Little bit of LST today & everything seems to be on track!
***UPDATE 12/24/24***
Not much needed to be done today, 2 branches on the CrescendO #2 x Marshmallow OG just keep popping up after LST, am gonna leave them be & wait for those new branches before I continue as I don't like pinching branches to soften tissue during LST when it's this early!
Removed a couple leaves towards the center of the CrescendO#2 x End Game #3 so newer growth gets a bit more light!
Plants are gonna need water later on tonight, will be 2L of dechlorinated tap water each at a PH of 6.1
Temps & RH are on point today!