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How to SixShooter

6 years ago
Fission 300W High-Intensity Discharge/250W
Fission 300W High-Intensity Discharge/400W
Fission 300W High-Intensity Discharge/600W
Room Type
weeks Technique
Grow medium
19 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
6 years ago
4.5 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
65 %
21 °C
21 °C
40 cm
Nutrients 2
Bulbi's Own Kelp Extract 1 mll
RQS starter powder 1 mll
Week 0 : Sixshooter Hawkbo says Six Shooter is one of the top Fast Buds Strains, so i'm like "yeah man might as well run me some of these, i do like my weed top of the shelf!" so here it is with the six shooter , bought these direct during one of Fast bud's promotions, 3+2 x2 for the price of one, so yeah that' s a good deal ! germinating 5 let's see how many i end up keeping, depends on the rest of the seeds too ! overnight in a glass of water with a few drops of my kelp extract , protect it from the light , the next day looks like some already cracked, putting it in the RQS propagator, dont use your fingers to manipulated activated seeds , cover with some dirt, cover the propagator with a blanket to protect it from light and keep the temperature up. Let's see ! within a day three had cracked the surface, one was all squiggly from being put upside down but within a day it has straightened out, the two last ones took 3 more days to crack the surface, i'm saving them and keeping them closeby in case i need to replace any of the planted seeds. Six shooter have been great genetrics so far, i transplanted three of them on day 4. see you next week for more updates !
Week 2. Vegetation
6 years ago
4.5 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
73 %
21 °C
19 °C
20 °C
19 L
1 L
55 cm
Nutrients 5
Bactrex - Bio Tabs
Bactrex 10 mll
Orgatrex - Bio Tabs
Orgatrex 5 mll
Startrex - Bio Tabs
Startrex 83 mll
Week 1 : Six Shooter Biotabs running 3 six shooters one of them is in the biotabs line up, so far very easy although you do have to prepare a bunch of stuff, for the next four weeks it's nothing else so there's that which i nice. Basically, mixed everything acording to the label, i think i didnt add enough orgatrex but hopefully that's fine, just been struggling to keep the seedlings at the right humidity so i've been spraying them. Since i had the boom boom spray i decided to use it, and since i had so much of it left i decided to keep using it as a humidifier. so basically the seedlings oscillate from 20°C and 66RH to 23 and 63RH. giving a vpd of 0,5 to 1.1 depending on the wetness of the medium. the biotabs strains are all moist not wet (like the other pots) after one day , going to let it dry out then 2 more L per biotabs pot basically. i wonder how this little thing can grow into a plant sometimes 😂 that's it 🚀 Was a bit worried about this on as it really didnt like the wet medium and overwatering, doing much better now, main thing is don't panic and don't water before the medium is actually dry. 🚀
Week 3. Vegetation
6 years ago
4.5 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
73 %
19 °C
19 °C
20 °C
19 L
0 L
55 cm
Nutrients 5
Mr . B's bloom 5 mll
Mr. B's grow 3.7 mll
Bactrex - Bio Tabs
Bactrex 10 mll
Week 1 : 6shooter Mr. B's so i'm really liking the Mr. B's so far, was slightly too much bloom and slightly not enough veg so bloom is solid at 5gs per L and veg is slightly less than 5 per L i just divided up the weight by three that's it - just trying to follow @mad_scientist grow . mixed it in half with the peat moss and half with the soil, then layered them according to some good advice from dutch mpassion seedbank - so that's for the tip. basically that's it transplanted at the same time as the others, been struggling to get the VDP under contrl, mostly by spraying it, watered once with bactrex and the organtrex on "day 0", watered again onstart of day 2 2L each time. I'm just going to be following her cycle with water let's see ! 🚀
Week 4. Vegetation
6 years ago
4.5 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
63 %
19 °C
18 °C
20 °C
19 L
1 L
55 cm
Nutrients 4
Bactrex - Bio Tabs
Bactrex 10 mll
Orgatrex - Bio Tabs
Orgatrex 5 mll
BoomBoom Spray - Bio Tabs
BoomBoom Spray 2.5 mll
Week 1 : Six Shooter Vertafort I've got a six shooter in a vertafort pot too, prepared basically with heavily amended horticultural soil that means it's steamed, but i know where it came from i guess some sort of waste treatment plant or something , still though, better than usual, it had some perlite in it which i dont like because i want to meausure my own but the more the merrier, added 50gs of vertafort and it seemed small. outloud that's 2.5gs of pellets per L which i guess is alright after all, like i said, heavily amended soil to begin with. had the orgatrex and batrex from biotabs available so i used that instead of the vertafort booster tablets. boom boom spray for a day now vpd stands mostly around 0.5 / 0.6 with swings upto the 1.1s. soil is wet a day after watering, gonna let the seedling look for moisture a long time i guess. This little guy was a bit flopped over after transplant really liking his new light he must've tipped over reaching for it or something, didnt know what to do but had these semi circle hooks so i'm just using them to support the seedling, on day two, kinda molested him a bit, got the thing in the dirt while trying to get the hooks underneath him, but it's a plant so it recovered in instants lol, now it's just chilling there like that it's rooted nicely, i'll probably move the hooks in a day or so and re-stake them as was intended. Took the little ladie's training wheels off, didnt like being overwatered but is recovering nicely and i'm looking to the future for this one 🚀
1 comment
Week 5. Vegetation
6 years ago
4.5 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
130 PPM
42 %
21 °C
18 °C
21 °C
19 L
0 L
55 cm
Nutrients 4
bulbi's own organic cal mag 1.5 mll
bulbi's own amino 1 mll
bulbi's own kelp extract 1 mll
Week 2 : Six shooter with biotabs So i spoke to @biotabsf69 and he told me i did the wrong thing with the tabs, i should have spread them out not put them on top of eachother, sounds so obvious when you say it out loud. I'm gonna try poking around with a rod to see if i can pin point the tabs and move them without causing too much damage, it's early days after all. I watered on day 1 the medium was almost dry, I added one tablespoon per L of water which comes in at 120 PPM , also mixed in aloe gel from one third of a leaf, which is around 12ml per liter. Then i realised i should ph my juice, and realised it came in at around 8ph which is simply too high, so i mixed some lemon juice in to ph it down. However i now realise that these organic methods to control pH are probably not so great in the long run, so next time i'll use my own aminos or humic acid granules to get the right pH. So i caught on pretty quick that my kelp sprays were not "precise" enough so they got on the soil and it could start causing problems, especially pH problems. So i started using my amino extract at 1ml per L in a spray which is 0.25ml in my small spray bottle. I spray only on the soil before lights on and around lights off. Gonna do this for 10 days until the soil is pHed correctly and can buffer itself again. I'll add videos and a few more pics when i get a chance. From the 3rd day on day one i got the vpd between 0.6 and 0.8 until day three day four of week two then between 0.6 and 1.2 as the humidity gets dialed in.
Week 6. Vegetation
6 years ago
4.5 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
130 PPM
38 %
21 °C
18 °C
21 °C
19 L
55 cm
Nutrients 3
bulbi's own organic cal mag 1.5 mll
bulbi's own amino 1 mll
bulbi's own kelp extract 1 mll
Week 2 Mr.B's Six shooter so this one is doing fine, still no water needed since last week, literally no maintenance required, just spraying the soil with 0.25 ml / 250ml organic amino acid concentrate. You know how canna boost smells like soy sauce, well this one smells like that kinda except when i open it my whole basement smells like a chineese wok restaurant lol . Six shooter looks like i got three phenos , this one is an indica pheno looks like , let's see how she grows ! added cal mag to the foliar spray, once only this week, on day 5. amino spray on the soil is daily, until the 10 day mark. still only going to be plain water and secondary nutrients like CO2 and micronutrients . that's the plan anyway. VPD tappering off towards 1.1 as humidity is creeping down from a high of 42 to the high thirties now. going to plant my in soil ppm reader before i water for the first time since transplant lol... maybe not even this week ! low maintenance? will update 🚀
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Week 7. Vegetation
6 years ago
4.5 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
130 PPM
36 %
21 °C
18 °C
20 °C
19 L
55 cm
Nutrients 3
bulbi's own organic cal mag 1.5 mll
bulbi's own amino 1 mll
bulbi's own kelp extract 1 mll
week 2 six shooter in vertafort So this i either the smallest pheno of the three already, or simply one that didnt take to the transplant very well or maybe myfault if it got molested somehow. Anyway it's the wettest on the hygrometer scale still the earth got a bit compacted i guess, shame because most of the work will be going on down there after all. with the fan fixed now pointing directly up, might get the vpd up a bit, this six shooter is the only six shooter out of the three with a leaf temp at -3 , my bottom half purple cous kush, fbt 5 and fbt 1 are all at - 3 too. ah well, i've seen worse problems. she'll get topped up with light mix, watered with cal mag and aloe gel , for now she got one kelp spray this week pHed to 6.0 with GHE dry pH down at 0.1 grams for 250ml with cal mag in it at half a spoonful. spraying the soil with amino acid concentrate a 0.25ml for 250ml to try to rectify the pH of the soil after i "missed" a lot with the spray and it got to my soil. can't wait to start co2 that's it !
Week 8. Vegetation
6 years ago
4.5 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
367 PPM
65 %
21 °C
20 °C
22 °C
19 L
0 L
55 cm
Nutrients 4
bulbi's own organic cal mag 1.5 mll
bulbi's own amino 1 mll
bulbi's own kelp extract 1 mll
week 3 : Six Shoot in Mr. B's so top of the week i ended up topping her off with light mix and watering with two tea spoons aloe and and two tea spoons cal mag ph'ed with general hydroponic dry ph down powder, didn't over water this time just 1.5L maybe 1.0 L quite a ways apart from the plant. The humidity was raised a lot with take a few hours to tell where i'm at so i'll update with that and with some plant's pictures maybe some close ups soon. amino is for the soil spray, kelp extract and cal mag is for the night spray . added hooks and half moons to start the LST asap.
Week 9. Vegetation
6 years ago
4.5 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
367 PPM
60 %
21 °C
20 °C
22 °C
19 L
0 L
55 cm
Nutrients 3
bulbi's own amino 1 mll
bulbi's own kelp extract 1 mll
pH- Powder - Terra Aquatica
pH- Powder 0.25 mll
Week 3 Six Shooter in Biotabs : Started off the week by watering at lights on after an amino spray directly on the soil, hopefully having fixed the fan the soil won't dry up as much on that side of the room. I'm on a leaf to room temperature difference of -1/-1.5 with solid metabolism for such a seedling. Gonna be one more plain water watering then another cal mag, kelp and cal mag spray in two three days gonna fit two in this week. Will start LST asap, moving the leaves different directions, every move is an investment in the future at this stage 🙏 So i decided to LST, bending it a much as i could through the metal hook but it was less bendy than the other plants so it's kinda held in with the ties and the hook as you can see on here, hopefully this is a good investment in the future, let's see ! 🚀
Week 10. Vegetation
6 years ago
7.5 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
367 PPM
60 %
21 °C
20 °C
21 °C
19 L
0 L
55 cm
Nutrients 3
bulbi's own amino 1 mll
bulbi's own kelp extract 1 mll
bulbi's own organic cal mag 2 mll
Week 3 : Six shooter Vertafort Topped her off top of the week best i could with what i had which as some light mix, thought it would be good to have a top layer of it anyway so it can suck up the moisture and shorter the wet dry cycle. plugged the old hygrometer in and it says danger zone as it can see, the leaves were pointing directly upwards when i'll water on day 4. they got a spray of kelp (1/4ml in my spray) and cal mag (two tea spoons), not even ph'ed or ppm'ed. plain water watering, trying to get the temperature a bit higher before i water. still getting a daily amino spray at this point, will check the calendar and let you know when. watering after next will start some microbes, even though i think it might eventually kill the mykos i'm afraid. hopefully i'll have my co2 ready by then ? typo on the in soil digital, but if i get ten likes i'll join naked buds 👻. Will update pics 🚀
Week 11. Vegetation
6 years ago
10 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
300 PPM
55 %
21 °C
20 °C
21 °C
19 L
0 L
40 cm
200 PPM
Nutrients 1
bulbi's own CO2 enriched water 0.3 mll
Week 4 : 6 Shooter Biotabs The six shooter biotabs showing signs of minor heat stress from being kept at 27.5 for a few days, my intake fell onto my exhaust so i had temperature troubles i couldnt fix until the start of week 5. very minor, hope they pull through ! The six shooter is bushing out quite nicely, i was nervous because when i started the LST , it looked a bit "thin" from the stretching, but all that is well and done behind me, i can see a bunch of secondaries really bushing and leafing out, havent been able to , but will be tuning in the LST daily until mid flower. A bit of smell starting to come off them especially when i rub the leaves, still grassy though ! i've got hgh hopes ! been watering them with plain water only (because i forgot to water them with micro lol) and with co2 enriched water at 200PPM , they've not wilted and died completely, which is encouraging. I've not yet seen people use the co2 enrichment method yet, and people told me it would kill my plants, but i went ahead and did it anyway lol . So far so good ! Next week is first week of flower, so i'll be pulling out the magnifier to get those nice pics ! any questions just write me, i'll be around ! 🚀
Week 12. Vegetation
6 years ago
10 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
300 PPM
55 %
21 °C
20 °C
21 °C
19 L
0 L
40 cm
200 PPM
Nutrients 1
bulbi's own CO2 enriched water 0.3 mll
week 4 : Six Shooter in Vertafort So week four came and went, this runt got watered once with co2 at 100ppm and once with plain water , got one co2 spray top of the week , and lo and behold it's bushing out nicely ! couldnt really control the temperatures this week and i can tell there's minor heat stress going around the tent, and this plant is no different, but i fixed that already so hopehully it's all good going into flower this plant looks healthy to me, no issues, just need to be patient and follow it's stretch over the next few week . I'm optimistic ! let's see what happens ! Week 4 : Mr.B's Six Shooter Well this week i wasnt around much but i did spray once with CO2 and watered once with CO2, plants didnt immedialy wilt and die, which is encouraging. plants are basically healthy, a bit small for my taste, i'm guessing they have another week of veg in them which is fine as long as they put out once she's in flower/pre-flower ... they're bushy though ! that's new to me at least, so a lot of side shoots, the main cola is doing pretty well , just trying to get from under the hooks, but i'll be training them this week too and let's see if we can get something out of these. starting to smell already, i'm not sure but i think i see some pistils coming on, i've got high hopes for these gens ! any suggestions or ideas welcome ! 🚀
Week 13. Flowering
6 years ago
26 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
300 PPM
50 %
21 °C
20 °C
19 °C
19 L
1 L
40.01 cm
200 PPM
Nutrients 6
bulbi's own CO2 enriched water 0.3 mll
bulbi's own Trichoderma Harzianum and Bacillus Subtilis 2.5 mll
bulbi's own Beauveria Bassiana and Metarrhizium 2.5 mll
Week 5 : Six Shooter in Biotabs An eventful week, growing daily, destroying its training daily, pulled out it's metal hook and most of its ties , but overall doing well, getting bushy and pushing it's secondaries above the canopy reaching for the light. Turned up the light to 600W, it's making the room a bit warmer but i'm able to control it pretty well. This 6 shooter is basically in the first week of flowering, but will need an extra week or even two of bloom i think before it comes to maturity, i'm guessing week 12. watered with my micro and beneficials solutions, frothy and brownish but i mean clean water is overrated lol gave them some watering with co2 too, but when i sprayed I think i was spraying too close and using tap water in which i had not measured the micro i was adding so the spray left residue everywhere on the leaves, not really sure how to fix it actually, it's not biggie i know but still. I got these bakery trays used for cooking cakes and cookies and i'm using them to lift the pots slightly getting better airflow. I dont know if it's the airflow under the pots or simply that these are just drinking more for the stage of growth they're at but they're getting three waterings this week which means they are drinking fully 50% more on last week ! 9 pints instead of 6 ! special shout out to my new friend @greencropPT for teaching me some new tricks and showing me some cool stuff ! Week 5 : Six Shooter in Vertafort decent week for the vertafort six shooter, used to be the runt, has basically caught up by now. Glad i did some LST the canopy is even which is great to gage how high the light goes - i'm adjusting the HID every couple of days basically following the growth of the plants. This one has bushed out nicely, i removed a fan leaf that was shading the main cola. It's just now pushing out mini pistils , looking forward to seeing how these do during the main flower stretch. Watered her with my micro and beneficials once, co2 enriched water once, and will likely get a third watering this week. Just going in the tent every so often trying to train the side colas and keep the canopy even. Looking forward to seeing some amazing buds come out of this one ! Week 5 : Mr.B's Six Shooter First week of flowering for the tent and everything is going really well actually, Mr.B's not really showing any signs of excess or deficiencies, but i got nervous going into flower so i added some beneficials. The six shooter is bushing out really nice, pushing it's secondary colas above the cannopy. i took two leaves off this one, they were healthy leaves , but thick, dark brown and causing all sorts of shadow... It was a really interesting experience doing the beneficials for the first time, it got clumpy, brownish, frothy ... gross ! and it was "so ghetto" getting spores and such straight out of a zip lock, check my other diaries i'll put some pics up of that just for laughs. I decided to eyeball my micro and kelp spray which means that there is residu all over lol, trying to get rid of it without rubbing it off, but i might just have to do that. lol that was an experience too, i mix it in for the spray and the solution turns red ! never seen that before even on this site ! check out the vid too, you can see me spraying the plants lol... no biggy but it was an eventful week for bulbi and I learned loads and loads ! not sure if I'm doing the beneficials correctly : does anyone know if those bacteria and fungi play well together? anyway VPD is really on point doing very well on that front, and you can tell from the explossive growth : these six shooters completely pulled out their metal hooks ! drop me a line , i'd love to hear from you ! 🚀🚀
Week 14. Flowering
6 years ago
39 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
300 PPM
50 %
21 °C
20 °C
19 °C
19 L
1 L
40.01 cm
200 PPM
Nutrients 5
bulbi's own Trichoderma Harzianum and Bacillus Subtilis 2.5 mll
bulbi's own Beauveria Bassiana and Metarrhizium 2.5 mll
bulbi's own mag sulfur 0.4 mll
Week 6 : Six Shooter in Vertafort Ok so this week has been a slow flowering week, not much beautiful action happening at all, this plant is still stretching and bushing out hard core, pushing it's secondary colas up above the canopy. I'm gonna try to put some final touches on the training maybe tomorrow or something, trying to get it's secondary colas pointing straight up. I'm pretty surprised because when i added the half does of vertafort in the soil i thought to myself "this is not going to do anything" lol well, week six here and the vertafort plant is the one showing the start of nutrient burn tips, but there's nothing i can do about that because it's a dry fert already in the soil. I'll keep an eye on it but it's very light as of now, and i expect it's not going to be a huge problem at all.
Week 15. Flowering
6 years ago
52 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
44 %
21 °C
20 °C
19 °C
19 L
1 L
40.01 cm
Nutrients 4
bulbi's own mag sulfur 0.4 mll
bulbi's own flower micro 0.4 mll
bulbi's own kelp extract concentrate 1 mll
Week 7 : Six Shooter in Biotabs This week was great to watch happen top of the week the secondary colas started really raising the canopy, most of them are growing nice and straight and the flowers are turning out finally. Meanwhile these are putting out a spicy smell , stem rub is sour lemons , leaves are doing well, just a bit of heat/light shock from growing a bit more than i anticipated when i left. Top of the week i was spraying with calmagsulfur and once with kelp aswell. Other than that watered 4 pints on thursday, and 3 pints with 1.5/2L dry humic acid, meant to go 1.5/GL which would have been twice as much at 3G/2L... recomended dose is 5G/2L ... so yeah, oh well, the humic acid make the water go pitch black , i like how it makes the soil react, probably should have used this additive earlier but only time will tell. Still pondering if I mix up a batch of biotabs PK for these gens just yet or not. Let's see ! start of the week it was a bit behind but it caught up by the end of the week, the soil was dry, but not that dry when i got back, will keep and eye on this one as it looks like this strain handled the LST best 🚀
Week 16. Flowering
6 years ago
56 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
44 %
21 °C
20 °C
19 °C
19 L
0 L
40.01 cm
Nutrients 4
bulbi's own mag sulfur 0.4 mll
bulbi's own flower micro 0.4 mll
bulbi's own kelp extract concentrate 1 mll
Week 7 : Mr.B's Six Shooter Great week for this one, growing well, secondaries almost as big as the main , almost as ripe too, starting to smell a bit spicy this, cant really put my finger on it, kinda like some sort of spices or roots. watered with plain water once 4 pints, and with humic acid once 3 pints, sprayed top of the week once the kelp the rest with calmagsulfur. when i got back the flowers had started to develop nicely , just monitoring it before i decide to use pk or not. canopy nice and even so far, going to up it's cal mag sulfut so it never goes hungry for micro. Let's see ! 🚀
1 comment
Week 17. Flowering
6 years ago
58 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
44 %
21 °C
20 °C
19 °C
19 L
0 L
40.01 cm
Nutrients 4
bulbi's own mag sulfur 0.4 mll
bulbi's own flower micro 0.4 mll
bulbi's own kelp extract concentrate 1 mll
Week 7 : Six Shooter in Vertafort Great week for this lady, she decided to grow out her secondaries thank god, i've got a prety even canopy now with her main kinda protruding out from underneath it. Six shooter has this smell it really does, it looks a bit behind but i'm just going to trust it to do it's thing watered 7 pinths this week, one with amino, spray top of the week once with the kelp. Happy the nutrient burn didnt spread or get worse. the econdaries are poking out the canopy now a bit, it's starting to make more pistils, really praying for yield - let's go ! 🚀
Week 18. Flowering
6 years ago
62 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
65 PPM
34 %
21 °C
18 °C
20 °C
19 L
1 L
40.01 cm
Nutrients 2
bulbi's own mag sulfur 5 mll
bulbi's own flower micro 5 mll
Week 8 : Six Shooter in Biotabs This week i'm guessing her flower stretch has finally ended she's kinda pushing out these pre-flower looking flowers, very typical flower structure with elongated sugar leaves, i really hope all those buds end up well, these LST'ed autos could make or break my grow so high hopes you could say or at least high expectations, let's see. Although one of it's secondaries is a tiny bit smushed on the tent the rest of them are sticking straight up there's two of them that look like mains and a fair few others not really far behind, very even, but i'm not sold on 90° LST on autos just yet. So far the plant seems really healthy , haven't given her NPK since the start, spraying calmagsulfur and watered her 3 times with 3 pints plain water. probably will feed her next week with biotabs PK . Hope you like the pictures ! 🚀
Week 19. Flowering
6 years ago
65 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
65 PPM
34 %
21 °C
18 °C
20 °C
19 L
1 L
40.01 cm
Nutrients 2
bulbi's own mag sulfur 5 mll
bulbi's own flower micro 5 mll
Week 8 : Mr. B's Six Shooter So this one is growing at a decent pace, the colas have all broken through the canopy, the branching is nuts below the canopy, have a fair few colas i'm getting excited about . Smell is changing a bit towards something like tree sap, pepper and diesel. I'm really digging how the flowers are starting to take shape : elongated, thick, with those long sugar leaves. Beyond that stem rubs still come off as sour lemons with a bit of pepper. No nutes this week, just three times 3 pints of plain water and some micro spray at the twice the recommended dosage. Let's see these blow up ! 🚀
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Week 20. Flowering
6 years ago
70 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
400 PPM
34 %
21 °C
18 °C
20 °C
19 L
0 L
40.01 cm
Nutrients 2
bulbi's own mag sulfur 2 mll
bulbi's own flower micro 2 mll
Week 9 : Six Shooter Vertafort This one is also a beast but unfortunately being a wall-side plant there's a bit of damage on the lower branches and a side cola a bit of yellowing perhaps it needs more nutes, will send some her way when i get back next week. Hope I can post some pics up on GD will have to ask them if that's alright, i hope it will be ! This six shooter is actually doing alright despite all i've said, it's basically caught up to the others, making those elongated colas with the elongated sugar leaves, starting to smell skunky , or like diesel, hard to put a finger on it at this point in time, maybe lemons still on the nose... I mean the plant is a beast though, very glad I trained it, very glad it took to training so well ! can't wait to see the progress its made once I get back ! 🚀
Week 21. Flowering
6 years ago
68 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
65 PPM
34 %
21 °C
18 °C
20 °C
19 L
0 L
40.01 cm
Nutrients 2
bulbi's own mag sulfur 5 mll
bulbi's own flower micro 5 mll
Week 9 : Six Shooter in Biotabs Great week for the six shooter, she's an absolute monster, loads of secondary branching, great spacing, really healthy looking, all she got was some micro at 2gs/L and a plain water watering. If she fills out nicely this one will bring home the harvest i think. It's smelling more and more like pine in there. She makes nice long colas and the flowers have this sturdy shape which I like so far. How am I doing? you tell me ! 🚀 Week 8 : Six Shooter in Vertafort So this one is a bit paler than the rest, can't yet decide if it's lack of nitrogen or maybe the lights that "bleached" it a bit. Could really be anything at this point, i'll boost the soil in a week or 10 days with the biotabs PK tea which I'm guessing is 4-6-6 . Actually I'll ask them let's see what they say ! This one is otherwise totally happy, nice long even secondaries which means a decent canopy, the plant's shape it's self is bushy though and the main cola juts out the top of it. I'm liking the look of the LST not really that "pro" but if the yields follow then I'm liking the idea of fat secondaries. Only macro pics this week, it's quite hard to get these right, so you'll forgive me if I dont snap up underskirts and plant views. So far the plant hasn't shown any deficiencies apart from that coloration thing , so it could be a pheno. This week it got 3x3pints of plain water and 4 days of calmagsulfur micro spray at 5g per L which is 1g per 200ml (size of my spray bottle) upped from 0.4g previous weeks.
1 comment
Week 22. Flowering
6 years ago
65 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
400 PPM
34 %
21 °C
18 °C
20 °C
19 L
0 L
40.01 cm
Nutrients 2
bulbi's own mag sulfur 2 mll
bulbi's own flower micro 2 mll
Week 9 : Mr.B's Six Shooter This one"s actually started buffing out already, or maybe she got stressed from the heat, I cant tell yet, still doing her thing, I need to measure her this week but like her sisters, she's an absolute monster. Watered once with 2g's/L each micro nutrient, then bottom fed plain water. added perlite on top. Lit a candle hope the bottom feeding works while I'm away ! I like how this one is developing , colas straight up and enough space between the nodes. Starting to smell like diesel a bit. she needs a lot of room, crowds out the purple cous kush a bit, invades the cookies some, her outermost colas are a bit all over the place. loads of branching. That's it for this week ! 🚀
Week 23. Flowering
6 years ago
75 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
65 PPM
34 %
21 °C
18 °C
20 °C
19 L
1 L
40.01 cm
Nutrients 1
plain water 99 mll
Week 10 : Interesting week for the Six shooter. they weathered the bottom feeding okay. they got plain water twice this week once via bottom feeding and once top feeding. These are really starting to take shape now, the LST showing how useful it was. these six shooter are really monsters, their secondaries are reaching through the canopy. Biotabs Six Shooter is doing better than the rest, a bit of too much N maybe. Let's see 🚀
1 comment
Week 24. Flowering
6 years ago
75 cm
17 hrs
29 °C
850 PPM
34 %
21 °C
18 °C
24 °C
19 L
0 L
50 cm
Nutrients 4
bulbi's own Cal-Mag 2.5 mll
bulbi's own Mag-Sulfur 2.5 mll
Orgatrex - Bio Tabs
Orgatrex 2.5 mll
Week 11 : Not a great week for the six shooters ! heatwave ongoing raising the temps in the temp to breaking point. Damage from the heat and the light is spreading on the leaves, signs of calcium deficiency being added to the signs of magnesium deficiency that appeared last week. Could be the heat, the light or the stress from bottom feeding. Or it could be because i was adding half and mostly quarter doses of micro from the start. Bad thing about getting your own micro is that it doesn't come with convenient instructions on the label. the Six Shooters are really starting to look pro by now. 🚀
Week 25. Flowering
6 years ago
75 cm
17 hrs
30 °C
850 PPM
34 %
21 °C
18 °C
24 °C
19 L
0 L
50 cm
Nutrients 2
bulbi's own Cal-Mag 2.5 mll
bulbi's own Mag-Sulfur 2.5 mll
Week 12 : The Six shooters are really starting to buff up by now, they're still packing on weight and growing flowers ! As you can see these rippen slowly, i guess it doesn't help that the temperatures are cataclysmic. Due to this i've not really been able to control the spread of calcium deficiency and the magnesium deficiency. Still, though, they're just about pulling through. Let's hope I stick the landing ! Checked the trichs and they're around 15% clear . By now the six shooters are really showing how well they've taken to LST. The Biotabs and the Mr.B's each have three main colas and a dozen side shoots each. Ladies and Gents, we may very well have a yielder ! 🚀
Week 26. Flowering
6 years ago
75 cm
17 hrs
28 °C
850 PPM
34 %
21 °C
18 °C
22 °C
19 L
1 L
50 cm
Nutrients 1
bulbi's own humic acid 2.5 mll
Week 13 : Six Shooter So i've been looking into these plants' trichomes daily, sometimes twice daily, they're all really really cloudy, like full white, completely curled in. Some have a slight beige tint to them, so i'm guessing that's the first few ambers ! That means it's time for the chop ! these wrapped up their second week of flush with three x additive flush. To flush you water until run off then add 20% which is just about 4 pints for me. Now i'm at the end of the grow i can say that the full tent is a good idea, but it does get crowded and that will surely affect my yield as there are a fair few colas that are totally f-ed in the sense they are thin, skinny, a tiny bit of flower with just a few pistills... so those are useless and they're going into my bubble hash project, so let's see, maybe i can extract value out of the trim , the popcorn buds, and the rest of the plant ! Wish me luck and drop me a message, i'm chopping these down real soon ! 🚀
Week 26. Harvest
6 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
The SixShooter from fastbuds reminds me of smoking something called "Kali" because it's got this sacred/mystical vibe to it. The smoke itself is smooth smells like incense when it burns, very woody taste. I got lucky and got three different phenos on the taste. The Mr. B's is woody with an earthy aftertaste. The Vertafort is woody with coffee and sometimes fruity aftertaste. And the biotabs one is woody leaning towards the incense side of things which is delightful. Snow white weightless ash means it's a smooth smooth smoke, heady and very relaxing, not exactly suitable for the day time. Took 3 weeks to cure properly. Maybe for one of those stay at home days idk. Helps you zone into creative tasks without distraction, causes me insomnia sometimes, mad munchies aswell. These took 95 days from the moment I drop then into their glass of water. Seeds sprouted strong germinated 5 kept 3 gave 2 seedlings away in their GROWCAPS pots so let's see, maybe i'll get feedback on those i'll throw a diary up. These indica plants grew vigorously, being kept at acceptable VPDs most of their lives, had those trademark thick leaves. They took very well to LST, Branching out like crazy, branches for days ! Reminded me of the gorilla glue styles then the flowers started coming. I like these flowers better compared to the gorilla glue, less branching at the flower level, means thicker flowers, less larf, and less headache on the trim. These started buffing up fiersely continued stretching for almost 5 week starting at week 2 of flower. they pushed out these elongated sugar leaves, i'm guessing that's gonna be this strain's trademark, along with that distinctive taste and smell. Didn't smell all that loud, but I have a 1300M3/H exhaust so... i'm not surprised. I will say though that my neihbour said she could smell weed even when I wasnt home and she could smell weed in the corridor, from the times I was trimming and basically every time I open my jar. Gonna need a new carbon filter for the next grow. I retired my lightbulb too. What I like about the six shooter is that when you roll a pure fatty it burns down real nice and because its got that specific taste you really feel like you're smoking these fat grower cigars. Hard to put my finger on the taste because the smoke is so smooth, and when i saw GD had a tag for Woody, i knew right away this was that taste i felt. I will say this though, cure this correctly, dont rush, dry it real slow, then cure it, the "pine" , citrussy tastes, usually those will evaporate, leaving this distinguished terpene heavy hitter much better tasting. The trim was a great experience, At first the sugar leafs cover the buds, because i hang my plants whole, so i was like omg it doesnt even look that good, but as you're clipping the sugar leafs you reveal the trichome laden and resinous buds, you can really tell on the flash on flash off pictures. So what can i tell you, this weed is white weed, so frosty. Bag appeal is great too, this strain pushes out pistills like no other, maybe even more than the gorilla glue. that means this is a chill weed right? anyway bag appeal is 10/10 smells like perfume and vanilla in the jar, incense in the grinder, and has that trademark woody smoke. HEAVY! From what I can tell this strain is always a yielder, so I'll be growing it again ! Take a look a the diary, let me know what you think🚀 I fed these plants NPK only once a few weeks before the end. Without all my mistakes in the same size 5 gal pot you can probably fit 6 plants LST'ed in a 4x4 comfortably, and with more even lighting and defoliation pull 750 grams easily. Low maintenance , heavy yielding plant what's not to like? I got some better pictures in, hopefully you can see how the THC is dusted all over these nuggs 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀
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Spent 183 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
663.33 g
Bud wet weight per plant
52.43 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Creative, Energetic, Relaxed
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry eyes, Dry mouth, Insomnia
Negative effects
Pine, Pungent, Woody

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
These had a pretty good life. I actually only fed NPK the one time . Germinated them in a Zambeza propagator, i really recommend getting one of those propagators, they're reusable and really take the heat off those first days when you're sweating. Pooped them into their plugs they sprouted out strong, germinated 5 kept 3. transplanted them no problem. Veged these for 4 weeks, then they shot up. during veg they stretched out a bit early on i should have been giving some specialised micro i had on had but for some reason on the other i didnt. They needed extra support for their first three weeks, so i decided to LST them around week 2. Two camping hooks one anchor for the main stem and one to keep the plant down. Once i dialed in my lamp to plant distance they benefitted by slowing down on the stretch a bit. they all took to LST extremely well, bushing out and creating an nice even canopy. They pushedout these thick indica leaves, one of my plants was a lighter colored leaf pheno, the vertafort one. The Six Shooter genetic really stretches, if just off the top of my head it seems that the plants quadrupled in size over an 8 week period, completely eclipsing their neighbours and creating a thick dense canopy throwing shade down below. Each turned into a bush with three or more mains sticking out the top by week 6. IThe results start to look real pro around week 8. Before that though I hadn't been defoliating. This and simple lack of light means that I had loads of undevellopped colas. If I'm honest I should have tried to harvest in stages but by colas. Anyway these kind of grew like a gorilla glue but with much different and much better flower structure. The plants started pushing out flowers and pistils and preflowers etc early, but then took a while to gear up towards towards getting fat. The flower branch out in a spiral pattern up and down the main and secondary colas evenly, creating this misssile shaped colas, but they branch out once sometimes twice, which means less branch to nug ratio than a gorrilla glue by a full multiple. They started smelling like lemons around the time they were fattening up. Then they started getting buff, really little by little, what did rippen rippened evenly. Some colas was basically waste especially the colas stuck on the sides of the tent and some of the colas where for some reason or another there was no light there due to the dense canopy. Truly a BEAST OF A PLANT, HIGH POTENTIAL, great BRANCHING, if you look carefully each plant has more than a dozen colas, Timed it so the harvest was on a day the plants were chock full for plain water after ten day's worth of additive aided flushing. hung to dry slowly in the tent, got it around 55RH inside the buds over 12 days then trimmed and jarred in miron glass with boveda 62. The trim was a great experience, took a while but not that long because the flowers were so nice in the way they are. you do have to trim every sugar leaf one by one though if you're doing it by hand, broke these sizzors that @Mrs_Larimar sent me because of the resin lol. so I pull these plants out my tent and I just kinda look at them and they're basically dark green because of all the sugar leafs, i'm thinking to myself "shit i messed up this isnt even that frosty". well, what i found out is every time i clipped one of those trademark long sugar leafs off it revealed absolutely resious white frost. That's what can keep someone motivated. ! Once jared, if there's boveda in your jar, you dont really need to burp it daily, or even weekly i just let it sit there, obviously i've been smoking it and following the cure, let me tell you this one needs longer to cure than you're used to maybe, at least two more weeks of cure after a slow dry. Four weeks after the chop , it's a strong weed ! Didn't smell all that loud, but I have a 1300M3/H exhaust so... i'm not surprised. I will say though that my neihbour said she could smell weed even when I wasnt home and she could smell weed in the corridor, from the times I was trimming and basically every time I open my jar. Gonna need a new carbon filter for the next grow. I retired my lightbulb too. Hard to put my finger on the taste because the smoke is so smooth, and when i saw GD had a tag for Woody, i knew right away this was that taste i felt. I will say this though, cure this correctly, dont rush, dry it real slow, then cure it, citrussy tastes, usually those will evaporate, leaving this distinguished terpene heavy hitter much better tasting. So what can i tell you, this weed is white weed, so frosty. Bag appeal is great too, this strain pushes out pistills like no other, maybe even more than the gorilla glue. that means this is a chill weed right? One of the phenos I grew had more pistils than the other two. Mr. B's did, but i dont know if you can really tell from the close ups, i'll try to put some more pictures up. I got two maybe three phenotypes in terms of taste. Mr. B’s is much pine-ier than the others, and when the joint goes out and you light it again, it’s even more piney … I’m actually really happy about that reminds me of white rhino from the east coast back in the day but way piney-ier than that even. When you smoke the other phenos the smell is incense and the taste is really really smooth & woody. Sometimes I find different after tastes on the exhale like coffee, pepper, and maybe sweet/fruity sometimes too depends on the pheno I'm toking on. It is LOUD THOUGH, always have a spare filter on hand IT’S NOT WORTH IT get it ! Well at the end of my first grow, i'd like to quickly review all of Bulbi's own : Bulbi"s Own Early VegMicro: Fine green powder with calcium and all the rare metals in it. I didnt use it ! Damn, next time I'll amend my soil with it like i did this time on the FBT1 Bulbi's Own Cal Mag : Organic fine white powder with calcium and magnesium, i used it in the feed and sometimes as a spray. I didnt know how much to put in because these things dont come with instructions so i ended up putting 1/4 doses most of time. The correct amount should have been 2.5G/L. Bulbi's Own Flower Micro : Organic fine beige powder that I used mixed in with the sulfur. I think this one's a keeper, really helped my plants make it through the stress of bottom feeding and all that heat. Bulbi's Own Mag Sulfur : Organic fine red powder that I used mixed in with the Flower Micro I used this one in my spray too , to great effect, in my opinion Bulbi's Own Beneficials Trio : This was the base beneficials mix I had, you need to put 7.5 to 15g/l , watch out for clumps, use at the night fall, or when still dark. Bulbi's Own Anti Afid : I threw it in there i think just in time to protect my plants when I intentionally overwatered when I went on my trip. There were some white flies that emerged, because... well that's what they do isnt it. but there were just a few of them and they ended up flying around wierdly, and within four days, no more white flies, didnt even use yellow sticky tape ! You mix this one with the trio for even more effect. I used these in a spray I think , also. Bulbi's own Anti-Worm : This one is more directed against larvae, and can be combined with the base trio. I was weary of using it, but I'm glad i did to give my soil matrix that full spectrum of biological protection. Bulbi's own Humic Acid : This one i loved, looking back I'm regretful not having used it more. the dry humic acid is a great experience, the quality of it was impressive, clumps would seperated into more clumps ad infitum the feed slowly turning completely ink black. definituely using this once a week from now on Bulbi's own Amino Acids : this one is just amino acids, maybe next time I'll use it at the same time as the humic acid, but I'm not 100% on that. What i did do was spray the top layer of the soil with amino acids when I accidently ran into some issues from spraying kelp all over the place. So in that sense it's an absolute life saver and a must to have on hand. Bulbi's Own Kelp Extract Concentrate. Loved this one too haha, so thick, and green, check out the video of when i pour it lol. Worked great, raises the pH some so be careful, i used this one as a sprat aswell to get those plant growth hormones pumping during the seeding and veg stage. Bulbi's Own CO2 : well part of what I set out to do was to test the CO2 theory. Like roots do absorb CO2 but at a lower efficiency than leaves say 15% vs. 85% the theory being enriching your water or feed with CO2 would ultimately benefit the plant. So i enriched water with these ceramic based co2 tablets, because CO2 is a soluble gas, it stays in water. Then i fed the plants in this manner in the feed and also as a spray. The idea behind that was that co2 enriched water would come in direct contact with the plant allowing for absorption of some quantity of CO2 through the leafs. Someone explained to me that these are actually old school techniques. Well I know i started late and didnt follow a regular schedule like i wished for but the plants didn t die, or show any immediate negative upon innoculation, so what can I say? I'm doing this again, perhaps. Only problem is that these things are really a pain to pH correctly General Hydroponics Dry pH Down : GREAT PRODUCT, hard to find but amazing – not registed on GD for some reason I still have to make my bubble hash so any advice welcome ! 🚀


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CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 256 years ago
@cellmax_nutrients : welcome to GD ! check my diaries i use your soil there ;-) great soil by the way, i need to make an order soon !
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@Cellmax_Nutrients, best thing i used so far, i always look for horticulture soil but i like yours the best! 🚀
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@Cellmax_Nutrients, actually soil mix and light mix both, layered in a good way. great results ! only fed one time since the start of the grow.
Cellmax_Nutrientscommented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, Awesome man! good to hear do you use the Universal soil mix?
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 206 years ago
@simsalabim : see here there's a better pic where you can see some residue from doubling up on the micro ... lower plant, some of the lower branches have some stuck on, but they absorb it eventually after a few days
Simsalabimcommented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, checked the 'daybreak' image. I had similar white blotching on my Dutch Autos and Cheese / Atomical Haze clones when I messed the aloe gel solution on their leaves while giving them water - month or so ago, when we last talked about aloe gel mixtures ... however these white stains where there for a long time but think dissapeared by now.
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 96 years ago
@grimbolthedruid check week 9 here too please 🙏
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@GrimbolTheDruid, yeah it's because as it's my first time i've kinda gone around and tagged you everywhere lol.... seems so easy once you do it right, LST. i think i got q bit lucky on when to start it, a few more days and the window would have passed lol. thanks for checking in my friend !
GrimbolTheDruidcommented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, Hmm not quite sure what you mean man. I don’t see anything looking too bad.
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@GrimbolTheDruid, one of my six shooters got a leaf caught in some water (in the dark) and it's all wilty and shit looking looking lol, how do i catch it
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CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 36 years ago
@growdiaries : help ! i can't figure out how to edit my weeks to have for example multiple week two's so i can seperate the different plants within the same strain for a single strain diary of multiple plants that's better organised and easier to read. Did you remove that function ? would break my heart that's why ! 🙏
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@GrowDiaries, shame i finally "got it" literrally a week or two after the update... this is the way to really take growdiaries to the next level for the "experimental" crowd : following plants individually under the same "genetics banner" ... i'm not too disappointed, but i did end up losing quite a few week's worth of pictures and text, oh well 🚀 great (all other) updates btw loving all the new users ! 🚀
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@GrowDiaries, beg 🙏
GrowDiariescommented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, you can no longer create the same week multiple times.
Silverback_Guerillacommentedweek 136 years ago
So jealous..out of my 9 x Six Shooter beans, only 1 popped up..and immediately died within a couple days 😣 Yours are looking great man!
rhodes68commented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, Problem is finding a breeder that ships to the US. Real PITA
rhodes68commented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, Just miss out on the stable genetics the breeders try so hard to perfect. Its just a shame man
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@rhodes68, yo you're right again, i always try to get the newer ones so they're fresh, in my mind they're less likely to be bungle that way
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ROM101commentedweek 266 years ago
Love the detail in the diary but it seems the results from the nutrients show pretty sub par results yeild and quality wise. Comprehensive analysis but if I was using this diary as a decision maker on nutrients I think I'd give em all a miss🤔🤔
ROM101commented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, I will definitely check em out hopefully you find as mix your happy with that grows you massive buds👌👌
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@ROM101, ha yes! you do you bro , second grow ever so I was feeling things out - decided you go with @biotabs_f69 for my third ever grow, check out the new/ongoing diaries ... You tell me !
Fast_Budscommentedweek 16 years ago
Hey Bulbi!! Good luck with your Six Shooter, you know we will be following along! Let us now if you need anything 💚
LockDownGrowcommentedweek 136 years ago
Looking really nice now , I have found your diary's alittle hard too follow , crazy 16weeks of week 5 ? Is that too give out new notifications for people too read your diary ? Last time I looked it was last week and in the pics only had 4 leaves lol
LockDownGrowcommented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, well if you need any advice you know where I am lol ;)
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@LockDownGrow, lmao if I get results half as good as yours I'm golden
LockDownGrowcommented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, oh shit , I just watered all mine the same amount at the same time if they needed it or not lol
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Ssomeguycommentedweek 256 years ago
Looking nice! I noticed you use your own calmag (I use some with zinc, boron and other stuff), and magnesium+sulphur (epsom salts?) too. I've learned also that I should boost phosphor and carbon (something like ash/biochar since it has decent calcium and potassium too) around flowering time too (probably good as foliar spray just before and in early flowering, antifungal, etc). Otherwise it's still effective as soil feed, though something like potassium (bi)carbonate, from ash/biochar or even pure form, though I'd prefer the cheaper ash/char mix because of some carbon and calcium, as a combined foliar feed/fungicide seems like a good idea even in later flowering, if you do happen to have fungus worries. You can just rinse/spray it off occasionally and it's less damaging than any of the alternatives I've seen.
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@@Ssomeguy, stay with us man 🙏
Ssomeguycommented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, I'm okay (not really), DMT, alcohol, weed, kratom, datura and potentiators. Every day (well, haven't smoked much datura recently, good reminder). Imo datura leaves and flowers with weed is really nice. Like it just makes me calm. But yeah, DMT is really not my favourite.
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@@Ssomeguy, damn bro, sorry to hear that. I remember thinking to myself "goddam it's gonna be challenging going to work and reading on this stuff"... so i can only imagine what a huge handicap it is for you bro...
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Lilsticky420commentedweek 265 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow dude you grew some amazing plants ..I'm a first time grower but would love to be able to grow like you can one day ..dude amazing job
Lilsticky420commented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, I will do thanks , gromie.lol
CRiSPrGrowcommented5 years ago
@Lilsticky420, thanks lil sticky ! I'm a totally new grower just like you so if you need anything or have any questions don't be shy and don't be a stranger - we're all out here to learn and learn from each other and you're very welcome to learn alongside me growmie 👊🏻🚀
Nebula420commentedweek 266 years ago
Happy harvest@ nice done, and congratulations on your status Grand Master😘
Nebula420commented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow,))) Good luck) xD=)
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@Nebula420, ha thank you very much Nebula , I have to change all my business cards now , so it's a lot of work 💪
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 266 years ago
WELL DESERVED #1... nice reciepes for nutesand beneficals.. thy for shring
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, hey thank you so much, as you know you are a teacher and mentor to me so i really appreciate the compliment. BTW i hope you're following my female seed diaries, after all you were the one to send me those seeds 😉
TheBudWhisperercommentedweek 266 years ago
Yeah dude, she’s lookn ripe! Jazz hands time🙌
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@TheBudWhisperer, thank you my friend, much appreciated 🙌🙏
JohnDeecommentedweek 96 years ago
Amazing grow, May I ask what that app is? The soil sensor app?
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@JohnDee, the ground sensor is the white thing you see pop up every so often, the interface you're talking about i ripped from a popular android app. Not very effective ! 🚀
PharmaZcommentedweek 136 years ago
Hey bulbi mate, Are you feeding Calmag with iron? Looks like the start of iron def (check what locks iron out if you are feeding iron) from my view of the picture of all the plants. The fan leaves are all dark but center leaves are light, I can’t tell if the big fan leaves are wet or shiny... !! if they’re shiny like plastics looking too much N going in!! And here is some stuff about iron “When you have a deficiency of iron other nutrients can stop the uptake of iron. If in high amounts such as calcium, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, copper. According to Wikipedia.” https://www.sensigarden.com/iron-deficiency-cannabis/ Edit: if you are feeding Calmag then you could be locking out iron, I’d be having a think about it TBH all I can see is there is staple amounts of N and they’re looking overall healthy, you just don’t want any issues now before flower. Hit me up if you have any thoughts peace brother✌️🏻
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@PharmaZ, yo interesting i'll have to check if I'm feeding iron actually. Not sure, but i do think so. I'm not feeding any nutes at all so far, stems green, lower leaves a bit darker than the top ones, i think the leaves "look shiny" because i f-ed up the foliar spray and there's white residue all over the place DOH ! 😓 will tag you when i get more pics in...
bushybushcommentedweek 136 years ago
16 weeks? Wow time is running so fast... they looking amazing... i remember these girls was little baby memories lol... Keep up to good work Bulbi respect! ✊🏻
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@bushybush, check the diary text ;-)
GreenCasualcommentedweek 96 years ago
Mate what you're doing is so creative ! You're an artist ! I'll try your aloe trick on my next grow 😉
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@GreenCasual, thank you bless 🙏
Sandmancommentedweek 56 years ago
Why is organic ph adjustment a bad idea in the long run? I’m a noob, but I’ve been using lemon juice with every watering haha
PharmaZcommentedweek 136 years ago
I edited that last comment so you should re-read it please👊🏻
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@PharmaZ, you going all in this summer, gonna risk the heat waves or nah?
PharmaZcommented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, my cabbage isn’t even ripe yet hold your horses lol. Go check my diary now you can see it👍🏼
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@PharmaZ, 🌮🤠 omw
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Fast_Budscommentedweek 266 years ago
Wowwww! Looking really good 🙌🏼🙌🏼
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@Fast_Buds, you got it heather ! sending love from paris ! 🚀
Fast_Budscommented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, Great Feedback as usual!! Thanks for doing such good work with our genetics (and for the community!), it's really appreciated!! I'm glad you're enjoying the SIx Shooter =)
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@Fast_Buds, after 4 weeks , the cure really opened up one of the phenos : i'm tasting pine REALLY clearly now on one of them - amazing... will update this diary to reflect that, can i just say FBT1 is a fantastic smoke too... but about the Six Shooter : This one should be a flagship for you right? i hope this diary starts a trend ! 🚀
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the end.
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