Ultravioletcommentedweek 7a day ago
Try not load up soil with too much sugars prior to flower as it changes the metabolic pathways leading to a delay in the development of floral clusters. Also keep a close eye on the humidity over night, running a high 70%+rh daytime will shoot up at nights when temps drop, especially as plant gets bigger. This is not a criticism so please don't take it as such, your plants is small for 7 weeks, not a problem at all for photo periods but it's a indication not much is getting done each cycle, once you switch to flower if not much is being done then buds will not get much done. Raise ambient temps at canopy to 79-80f, leaf surface temps always run a couple degree f lower than ambient, do thay and hold rh to 50-55%, small tweaks will really help with getting more done. Best of luck , look forward to seeing flower time. 🌼
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