027Hempseicommentedweek 136 years ago
@Psilocubensis, @Psilocubensis, Yes, quite a lot of nutrients are spent. A couple of Advanced Hydroponics cans have died during this crop;)
I can not think of a way to save nutrients by keeping the size of the tank intact. That's why I told you to keep in mind that you will need a fairly long period of growth to take advantage of the tank as it deserves, otherwise you will be "wasting" nutrients that you will not take advantage of.
The only way I see to make profitable the cost of nutrients is to obtain larger plants that produce in accordance with the nutrients used to fill the tank. You will be spending a lot, but also producing a lot, which does not matter to me as long as it maintains good efficiency. I have not achieved this in this crop because of the time cuts I told you. I think the plants have been too small for these containers and that I have actually spent more nutrients than necessary. But having this information I am sure that the next crop will be much more efficient.
As for the temperature of the water, I fortunately grow in a garage that has a very cold floor and also maintains fairly stable temperatures. My containers are in contact with the ground, I do not have a cultivation tray, so only with the cold that is detached from the ground is enough to keep the tank at 17-20ºC even though the temperatures in the tent are much higher. In winter I have to put some water heater to help me climb some degrees (they are not very expensive), but at this time I do not do anything, By magic, the temperature of the tank is about 10ºC lower than the outside temperature.
I saw your comment about the peltier in the diary of my Kali AK and it seems to me quite a good idea for those who need to cool the tank some degrees. For my part I only have problems in winter and what I need is to upload them, which is easy.
Sorry for the tirades I'm not very good explaining. You already have the photos available. I may have been very optimistic with the 60/70% that i've said before. Let's leave it at 50/60% (keep in mind that a ball is made when removing them from the water, but in the tank they float, expanding and occupying all the available surface)
PD: The water level is so low in the photos because I have not watered for a long time. At the beginning of the root washing I changed the tank so that it only had water and Final Solution and since then I have not watered anything, I have left it to drink from the tank to its pace.