2nd week and I'm 1 runtz pheno down. I was away for a day. And assumed the smaller ones roots had dipped down to drink from the wet soil. Sadly I was wrong.
The last bigger pheno is moving on.
14th; Day 10 added another smaller feed to wet the wool. Just 40ml. My phenos are growing a little slower atm as my temperature is very near border line of having no grows.
16th: Day 12 and she's starting to move a little. Keeping a low ppf and running a high 18hr light day so maybe I'll drop the hours given.
17th/1/25 Day 13 pheno is starting to pick up its pace. Grew by atleast 50%. Nothing extra will be given, it's not needed.
18th/1/25 Day 14
Showing a little bit of a ph imbalance. Hopefully she'll pull through in the next few days & grow out of it. Will add to a 9L pot in a next week. (Plagron Grow/light/pebbles Mix 45/45/10). I'm assuming the PH is been thrown off by the small pot and such a big piece of rockwool (which would have been split in 2 and separated but I lost 1 pheno) and I'm seeing PH imbalances but can't do anything as the roots have spread through the entire wool. When I move to 9L pot she'll do much better.
Haven't added anything extra other than last week
40-60ml of Enzymes + master root ph'ed to 6.7. The 2L pots soil is 100% grow mix from plagron so doesn't require nutrients as of yet.
Thanks to Zamnesia for the seeds & nutrients.
20% off Zamnesia ZAMMIGROW2024
20% Xpert Nutrients/KANNABIA with the code:GGST