
Sunny Spanish Sampler/ 3.86 x 10^26 watt

6 years ago
Sweet Seeds - Sweet Auto Mix
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
Grow medium
19 L
Pot Size
1.89 L
Grow Conditions
Week 6
22 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
Commented by
starphish starphish
6 years ago
Will update in detail when computer charges. SPANNABIS 2019 was insane so much love. IMm excited to pop some freebies for the official outdoor auto season round 1.5. Picked up some northern lights auto by rqs and pineapple express by fastbudz. This hybrid winter grow has been a lot of work but its starting to feel worth it as the mothers multiply and autos fatten up. Gnats are disrupted and not causing issues but not completely gone. Today is transplant day for photo periods and investing in white paint or containers. Will write more but had to check in. Biggest news is through a translation error my cream mandarines are actually from an auto mix pack. With 6 total in various stages it eill be interesting trying to nail down genetics. At least there will be a healthy variety. 😉
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Grow Questions
starphishstarted grow question 6 years ago
Suggestions for moving these Autos outdoors in Med climate. day temps 16-20 night 8-12? Too soon? I have access to green house.
Techniques. Defoliation
Stickanswered grow question 6 years ago
Hi @starphish! Don't move these out yet, it's too cold, this will lead to slow growth and stunted plants for the whole run. Autos are very sensitive to EVERYTHING. Plus, they're too young for transplantation, you will probably kill them. Keep them inside for a few weeks, within good containers such as AirPots/SmartPots (11L/3gal). They will appreciate the comfort of your tent for a good vegetative stage, before having to live into the outdoor wildness 😆 Hope this will help, keep us up-to-date and happy growing 👊
starphishstarted grow question 6 years ago
Any pro tips on hydrogen peroxide for fungus gnats? (googled plenty) Currently doing 3% hp at 1:3 ratio twice a week Also, while you are here, if i don't care about smell at all, what is the cheapest ventilation setup I could rig for 4x4x6.5 tent? Much Love and Light Thanks ALL
Techniques. SoG
Experimentgreenanswered grow question 6 years ago
Hey there fungus gnats are such a pain...even though the adults don't actually do any damage, they still spawn the larvae that reek havoc. If you hung some sticky traps above the plants that'll catch the adults and some at soil level may catch those starting to fly. Neem oil kicks butt at the soil level especially if you spray a couple times about 3 days apart. A light top dressing of diatomaceous earth will get them and add silica to your plants. Those are the organic ones i know. The hydrogen peroxide spray is good too especially because it's usually already in the cupboard. Do equal parts of Distilled water(not tap or rain water) and peroxide and spray it similarly to the neem, soak the top soil, base of the plant and bottom leaves and repeat several days later. I think it's best to spray it close to lights out, I believe sometimes the light and the spray can cause leaf bleaching. Good luck with the battle. ✌️
starphishstarted grow question 6 years ago
In preperation for a long warm med summer, I'd like to finally grow a BIG tree oustide where she belongs :) what strains would you recommend for as discreet smell as possible? Big trees smell but I've heard rumors of unique scents that aren't as easily recognizable.
Techniques. Defoliation
Mrs_Larimaranswered grow question 6 years ago
I would go with the Durban POison from Dutch passion, she is such a nice and heavy growing Girl. Growtrees and the Foxfarmer(or was it farmerbrett=?) grown her outdoor too. be aware to built her a good corsage, because shes a beast. I would love it to grow her by my own outdoors , but northrn europe is nothing for her. But you got the best Conditions for her. she smells spicy foggy, a little like pastis......

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starphishcommentedweek 56 years ago
Almost ready for week 6 update, installed a small baby gecko inside plot to hunt gnats, he told all the animal friends there's some fungus and gnats and so now cool varities spiders(not mites) are making their home near the plants and even come inside at night to eat. I'm sure this will be one of the weird advantages to an indoor/outdoor set up with photos and autos. It's almost reaching time where I can bump all autos outside and do a full clean and flip photos. I have a million things to do on my list but for today it's all about laying in the sun surrounded by the sweet smells that are forming in the garden.
starphishcommentedweek 46 years ago
Thanks again! I just picked up basil/heriloom tomatoes and i'll pick up the others tomorrow :) Jah bless sister
starphishcommentedweek 16 years ago
UPDATE the small sweet cream mandarine girl is waking from her coma :) Jah bless
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 36 years ago
the clawing is an indication of root problems, most likely the transplant didnt go super fantastic for the seedlings and they're finding their bearings in their new pot, meanwhile in their weakened state the roots have been attacked including by the beneficial microbes meant to protect them. The main issue ? under watering and over watering leading these to not have the best wet cycle. you need to bring up the amount you're watering by 500ml, but keep the number of times you're watering as it is. hope this helps 👊
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@starphish, you got it growmie 👊 bless up 🙏
starphishcommented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, sweet fully recovered in one days time will extra concious on overwatering from now on... thanks brother!!
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@starphish, ah seen, so then it's root problems and you might want to check that : use enzymes or chelation agents maybe, let me know
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Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 96 years ago
Dutch Passion got a nice Outdoor selection... check it out
starphishcommented6 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, Thanks. I feel like an idiot asking around but I've had cuttings in the past from plants that smelled soley of Anise or Licorice. It was passed around as Lambsbread but whatever the name I will find this magical strain again! The best answer came from the nice dutch girl at the shop who when asked replied, "but isn't that the point that it stinks?" She also informed me of plant counts for medical consumption and regulations for yipee 5 are tolerated outside. Soo glad I have their permission to plant seeds that make organic medicine ;)
Sweet_Seedscommentedweek 66 years ago
Keep it up, you're doing a great job. 😊 The flowering begins, and the countdown for the harvest. 😋 Good luck. 👌 Sweet smokes, - Apolo
starphishcommented6 years ago
@Sweet_Seeds, Thanks fam. You guys killed it at Spannabis :) Big props much love!
growdoctordccommentedweek 46 years ago
This diary is loaded with good stuff! @Starphish “I'm glad to see classic flavors being preserved in a way that makes it so that anyone can make some medicine on any budget!” & “ I have been taking advantage of the free sun and 24 degree days.” 👏 @Stick “... Autos are very sensitive to EVERYTHING...”. @Mrs_Larimar “...basil, geranium , marigold, or tomatos, those plants a smelly and a lot of pests dont like it...” @Experimentgreen “fungus gnats are such a pain...even though the adults don't actually do any damage, they still spawn the larvae that wreak havoc”
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@growdoctordc, +1 to this ! 👊
Sweet_Seedscommentedweek 36 years ago
We are very glad to see our strain near to other great plants ;) Thanks for sharing! We hope you enjoy it, Sweet smokes! Jaypp
starphishcommented6 years ago
@Sweet_Seeds, Thanks Jaypp, My close friend swears by your genetics. I'm excited to play with these Autos and browse the new 2019 releases :) See ya'll at Spannabis <3
Sweet_Seedscommentedweek 56 years ago
Great detailed information 😊 Our Cream Mandarine Auto®️ is already taking shape. 👏 Very soon you can enjoy its incredible aroma. 😎 Sweet smokes. - Apolo
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 46 years ago
Hi you can give your outdoor ladies "companyPlants", like basil, geranium , marigold, or tomatos, those plants a smelly and a lot of pests dont like it I have a rciepe for a spraysolution in my diary" the big green ones" or you use Cannacure
DinafemSeedscommentedweek 46 years ago
Some amazing and valuable information in this diary 👌 Thank you to every member that has contributed 👍 Well our Auto Blue Cheese is showing some very explosive growth 👊 Have you come up with a solid plan to fight the mites? Possibly look into nutural predators? Just a thought my friend 👍 Until next time buddy ✌️ All the best Mark..
starphishcommented6 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, i got star struck for a second now back to reality we are growing "weeds" here. i've only fed once so i'll wait and see if it in fact needs anything else.
starphishcommented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, thanks go team
Mrs_Larimarcommented6 years ago
@starphish, forget feeding schedules^^ i only tyke them to say ok i start with half of it or less, remember... they just want to sell more
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CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 46 years ago
hey starphish i decided to answer the question but then i forgot about the aeration part : what i do in the same tent that you have is i have a full 50W box fan pointed straight up at the ceiling of the grow room, it brings the hot air up from the light, cools it then distributes it basically evenly across the room.... i got terrible results with those garbage clip ons and other small fans like that. hope this helps you too man ! 👊
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@starphish, weed rain is something i'd like to see one day, you'd run outside and find me with a halfway smoked 10 paper bifter in my face all catatonic at the pedestrian crossing in front of your apartment lol
starphishcommented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, bahaha. I took a stroll down the block with the window open, 4th story and it literally looked like the Red Light District in my apt. Although that was somewhat tame compared to the time I was blasting BHO like an idiot 7 years ago and the filter blew with just enough time for me to confetti cannon 112 grams of quality herb out the apartment window. I swept it up of course. Don't want anyone burning their beard or lungs lighting a spliff of that.
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@starphish, gotta be a good neihbour i'm with you on that, i'm in a city, and there's a cop car litterally parked a few yards from my exhaust lol, meanwhile i'm my usual cheery self and no one is the wiser. you made me laugh about the red light bat signal , i'm surprised you didnt attract any red light johns ringing your door bell all like "is it here?" 😂 😂 😂 😂
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CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 66 years ago
dude funny news about the auto mystery mix pack, gonna be a fun grow to pay attention to ! hope you have some auto pots or something !
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@starphish, i'm seriously dawg , i like that! i saw some companies even make some sort of "place mats" with groves and troughs in them to water evenly across the top, people underestimate how important that is
starphishcommented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, you're too kind..pun intended
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@starphish, top feeding ! nice 👌
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Mikey1979commentedweek 86 years ago
It's my 1st time growing my meds and I think I done ok not best but it's all learning involved
Mikey1979commented6 years ago
@starphish, same lol I've just been sponsored of a seed companie to grow Thier genetics I'm quite happy about them coming to us and been happy with my progress.
starphishcommented6 years ago
@Mikey1979, I'll stop learning when I die ;) It's my 7th grow but the first time I'm actually paying attention every step of the way and learning LOADS of stuff I had never thought about or taken for granted. We all start somewhere. Hopefully we all end up in a bathtub full of herbs.
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 46 years ago
real nice results so far , fully recovered, doing super well ! great work !
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@starphish, funny ! i've just added beneficials today , myself. i didnt used to hate bugs until i started growing lmao - check my diaries next week i'll add some pics so you can see... PPM of the feed with only micro and beneficials = 840 lol
starphishcommented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, Thanks Bulbi, I think you were sensing something before I could even detect. Currently using 3 % Hydrogen Peroxide at 1:4 ratio with water twice a week to fight FUNGUS GNATS. I've dealt with these bastards before without understanding their short yet productive little lives. I'm confident I can rid them in less than 10 days with my current regiment. The Autos did great in air pots but my White Cookies by ripper are suffering some yellow tip new growth and I checked and they filled a 7 L pot with healty white roots in less than 20 days. Sadly they maxed out and hence moisture levels got too high.
starphishcommentedweek 16 years ago
Thanks Mark, I feel a bit old school, but I just can't keep up with the "GorillaSkittlezGelatoFaceCake" super high THC monsters. I'm glad to see classic flavors being preserved in a way that makes it so that anyone can make some medicine on any budget! I flowered 6 of these under 300 watt LEDs and harvested .5g/watt last time so I know she puts out nicely :) Hopefully I can enter a few contests and try to get some more of your flavors for summer :) Love and Light Starphish
starphishcommented6 years ago
@DinafemSeeds, I love it Mark...bring on the "skunk cookies" ;)
DinafemSeedscommented6 years ago
@starphish, There's nothing wrong with old school mate, I'm the same myself. Yes, there are some amazing strains coming out such as the "cookie" family strains. But, I've been using cannabis for 30 years and old school "Durban poison" is just as good to me as any GSC 👍 A lot of the older strains are making a come back, maybe crossed to another to create a new strain for a new generation 👌 All the best ✌️ Mark..
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 126 years ago
Congratulation, youve done very well
starphishcommented6 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, thanks friend I've appreciated your feed back the last 3 months :) keep being awesome
CovikLaFlairecommentedweek 106 years ago
you will have some real good buds to smoke my man.. All looking real good..
starphishcommented6 years ago
@CovikLaFlaire, Thanks friend! Keep up the good fight ;)
Sweet_Seedscommentedweek 96 years ago
What strains will have come out of the mix? Some with big buds! 😍 A delicious surprise when you taste them. 😋 Keep it up, you're doing great. 💪 Sweet smokes, -Apolo
starphishcommented6 years ago
@Sweet_Seeds, It's so nice to have such a variety. I wish I knew the strains to adjust future grows ;) Will update with the biggest bud picture today ;) Much love to the team. Great job at Spannabis :)
Astroboycommentedweek 86 years ago
Congrats on apprentice and holy fack ya bleucheese man that the really good shit
starphishcommented6 years ago
@AstroBoy, Thanks for the love mate, I haven't read on how to level up within the website haha but I think this is a super cool futuresque format for sharing info and budporn ;p I hope to expand as learn how to format diaries better haha. Love and Light!