
Growing in the Amazon #1

Approved by Sensi Seeds
5 years ago
Northern Lights
Sensi Seeds
Growing it
I loved to grow it, it was a dream coming in true. A strong and vigorous plant from the beginning to the end. No bugs, nothing could have stoped her. She was a monster, a kind and nice monster. I miss her. I will definitely grow this strain again, old school flavour, no hermies, nothing. =)
The Outcome
Week 14
What's on the scales?
Bud dry weight
What's on the scales?
Bud wet weight
Number of plants harvested
Grow Room
Grow Room size
g / watt
g / m²
g / plant
plant / m²
watt / m²
Tastes like
Feels like
100% Sativa 0% Indica

Positive effects


Negative effects

Dry mouth
Reviews. Nutrient
I like Biobizz, and It was the first time I got BioHeaven, and this is it. One of the best things I've used so far. By the middle-end I got some TopMax, and I think it helped the buds to get big. I will go with it again, that is my nutrient line. =)
Reviews. Lamp
Commented by
amazongrow amazongrow
5 years ago
Thanks all the bro(s) that followed and commented on our journey, it was pretty good to talk and meet you. I learned a lot and I got addicted to this site and diaries. Growing a plant, a being, is a very good experience, Im just in love with it. I can't believe I got almost 100g of dry bud. And the quality is superb, better then anything I've tried. Thank you all and stay tuned for our next journey.
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Grow Questions
amazongrowstarted grow question 6 years ago
According to the Biobizz chart I should start at 15cm with 2 to 4 leaves. I have 10cm with two leaves. Should I start nutrients? From the chart.. 2ml/l BioHeaven... but if I would, how much would you advice? and when?
Techniques. Defoliation
1 like
BarrieGroweranswered grow question 6 years ago
Hi, I read all the same stuff, you don't need to feed for a couple of weeks. They do sell sead starter nutrients and I think it is ok to add them. On the last few strains I started I fed a weak dose. I used basically 1/8 what you should normally feed. The dose is weak and gives them just a bit of food. I do a Feed, water the next two times then feed again. Gradually increasing the dose through vegetation. Be sure to ph your water. I did not think you have to and ran into issues. I have been told by others they never ph'd in the past and had bot ran into trouble. They have better luck than me. Best to be safe and do it. Constantly watch the plant for any signs like leaf tip burn. Plants look great. Happy growing!
amazongrowstarted grow question 5 years ago
So, check the trichomes from this bottom bud... the ones up there are more advanced.. how many days till harvest, what do you think? a sample from two weeks ago already got me stoned... it was a lower bud too =) if you can, post a link to a picture from a ripe bud or trichome...
Techniques. Defoliation
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JUNGLE_B4RNSanswered grow question 5 years ago
My dear friend Grower ... you’re worried about your tric’s but you’re forgetting, like those others gentlemen’s in their advice, an important factor. That plant is green lush, full of N-P-K, and from my experience it will need 2 weeks to trigger the senescence and certainly another week or two to fade entirely to get a nice, clean and smooth smoke . Know you start to understand it’s more important to flush correctly your plant than having the perfect ratio of tric’s clear-cloudy-milky-amber-whatever... Plus the fact that you’re not use to the genetic will make a mastering of harvest window ( finishing the fade in the same time than your tric’s ) even more difficult . I seriously hope after all this you will understand it makes no sense to harvest the perfect tric’s ratio when you’re taking the risk to get a very harsh smoke ... or not ? 😊

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amazongrowcommentedweek 145 years ago
Hey @SensiSeeds, check it out. This was my first NL from you guys, thanks a lot. Would you be kind to approve our grow? =)
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 145 years ago
Congrats on a WIN bro !!!! Fuck yeah congrats congrats ! Now you can explain to your neighbours what it means on your new sweaters lol 😂😂👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆
amazongrowcommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, hey bro, thanks! it is awesome! i almost didnt believe it! =) congrats too, you rocked! =)
amazongrowcommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, wow! I still can't believe! It's a shame I cant receive the seeds, but I talked to GD and Bombseeds and they willl send only the clothes and merchandise!!! BTW, Big Super Congrats to you my friend Master Grower of the Galaxy! 1st place! Just WOW! I hope I can learn more and more with you guys and stay on top of the track when it comes to growing the best weed in the world! Thanks a lot for the support, bro! Looking forward to receive my goods!
dbgrowercommentedweek 15 years ago
Hey! I'm from amazon too! I'm struggling with my second grow. Last one was on coco coir and went totally fine. Sent you a message check your inbox. I'm truly needing some advices to improve my substrate (spaghnum+perlite). Struggling with top strain, like 1 month size of 1-2 weeks. Using biobizz too. I have 6 nice seeds to pop but I'm afraid as the first 6 arent going nice. I was checking your plant and WOW amazing! So maybe if I do exactly as youre doing I'll have sucess! Can you help your conterranian brother? haha thanks bro!! I have a super nice setup, hope you can help me see my erros and make it right for the next 6 seeds (lot of money wasted already cause our country makes everything harder... thanks much love for your plants!!
amazongrowcommented5 years ago
@dbgrower, hey bro, check your chat! =) you are welcome!
GreenHouseLabcommentedweek 16 years ago
Starting off with a reputable seed bank is #1 and you will immediately notice the difference in the first 4 weeks, NL is a classic and has always been one of my favorite so you will not be disappointed but don't expect a Silver Have effect let's say. You are using the exact same medium as myself so if you have any questions I'd be glad to help you avoid the mistakes I made in my first grow. The high humidity is good for Veg but as you move into flowering, especially if you want buds full of trichomes you'll need to lower that to 40-50 max. NL is resistant to mold from my experience so that shouldn't become an issue assuming you have proper ventilation. Cheers and happy growing ;)
amazongrowcommented6 years ago
@GreenHouseLab, thanks for the tips, bro! welcome! i hope to see the difference in the next weeks, yes she is a classy lady, that's why I choose her and also for being mold resistant as Im in a super high humidity area, but I've got a super extraction and internal ventilation for a small tent like mine, so untill now i've managed to keep it clean.. thanks again for being available, bro. I will be following along your diaries too =)
G4NJAG4NGcommentedweek 16 years ago
Good luck on the grow, I feel your pain when growing somewhere that is illegal, I use a spare room in the house and luckily I don't have people coming round all the time but when I do they usually stay downstairs so it's all good haha When I was first having a go at growing, back before actually taking it seriously I started out with Hindu Kush from sensi seeds under a 20w led light that was terrible 😂 for some reason I thought it would be enough hahaha obviously I was a true beginner back them but after a experience and trial and error I now know what works and what doesn't 🤣 Sadly I couldn't get to harvest day with Hindu Kush for personal reasons but the overall quality of the genetics even under a terrible light was really good, there seeds are good quality but are definitely a little bit more on the expensive side! I havent shopped with them for a while but I may need to take another look at them 😎 Anyways good luck on the grow, have fun and keep it low key! Look forward to the updates. Also I've heard that NL can produce some incredible yields, exciting times ahead for you! 😊
amazongrowcommented6 years ago
@G4NJAG4NG, thanks for the kind words and advices, bro. and i think you should get yourself some hindu kush and give it a real try this time! I myself had this '20w' kind of grow too, I had two plants that turned out male after a long and never ending veg time! LOL looking forward to those incredible yields! I will check on your grows later on! =)
Astroboycommentedweek 16 years ago
Good luck on this one man
amazongrowcommented6 years ago
@AstroBoy, thank you bro... :)
Islandcommentedweek 106 years ago
q flores lindas, elas vao ficar absurdas... Parabens mano
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 115 years ago
All cloudy, no clears, few ambers, that means it's almost ready for me at least :-) great work my amazonian friend ! 🚀
amazongrowcommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, thanks, laBOSSA, are you from BR too? tchau!
CRiSPrGrowcommented5 years ago
@amazongrow, i see some clear trichomes , so it needs more time, the "problem" is that trichomes can rippen very quickly , sometimes overnight, so you just have to keep checking, that's it !
amazongrowcommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, hey bro, thanks for the kind words... :) do you think it's almost ready? The trichomes should grow up a little more, like one or two weeks... for the harvest window... any thoughts? Tchau, do Brazil =)
Budofpraycommentedweek 86 years ago
Hey my friend….what's happened to your stem ? led light too high ?? or a crazy stretch ?... btw your plant is still healthy wich is the most important 👍
amazongrowcommented5 years ago
@Budofpray, hey bro, yes! and Im in love with it! The plants are thriving! there are some pics on the previous weeks, check out! =)
Budofpraycommented5 years ago
@amazongrow, yo buddy ! did you receive your QB ? 👍
amazongrowcommented6 years ago
@Budofpray, yes, she stretched like hell!! light was around 40-50cm, the COB chips are killing me, they blow heat directly over the plants so I had to put things high and got 3 fans right now... but I'm waiting for a Quantum Board to arrive next week, looking forward to try it! have you?
Budofpraycommentedweek 76 years ago
buds invasion in approach 👍 a fungi innoculation could be a good thing too 👊
amazongrowcommented6 years ago
@Budofpray, It is amazing... no de·fi·cien·cy at all =)
Budofpraycommented6 years ago
@amazongrow, i Always have azomite 👍🙏
amazongrowcommented6 years ago
@Budofpray, she's already high on mycos from day 01, I will never grow without it... and Azomite, have you tried Azomite? =)
Islandcommentedweek 76 years ago
Opa, começou a flora?? Pelo q eu to vendo ela ja esta estirando legal hein kkkk. Ela é muito densa, vc vai fazer uma lollipop no final da pre flora??? Ta linda irmao.
amazongrowcommented6 years ago
@Island, opa suppa, vou conferir agora mesmo... valeu =)
Islandcommented6 years ago
@amazongrow, isso, inicio da semana 3 ela praticamente para de crescer e começa a florar mesmo. Nesse momento é legal vc fazer uma poda de limpeza, tirando as folhas mais baixas q nao recebem luz e os ramos q nao chegaram no topo (se tiver). Vou te mandar um video de um segmento que o cara faz uma poda dessa pra vc ter noção, vale muito a pena, senao vc vai ter uma infinidade de pipocas e top buds magros. Ele corta no inicio da flora, eu gosto de cortar na pre flora, pq da pra saber quais ramos vao receber luz no final do estiramento.
amazongrowcommented6 years ago
@Island, fala suppa, pois é, desamarrei cedo, na próxima já sei como é o stretch dela, mas ta linda, ta enorme.. já já atualizo novamente =) final da pre-flora vc diz depois da semana 3? quando para de fcrescer?
Budofpraycommentedweek 36 years ago
Yo dude ! Tudo bem ? 😏…i was attracted by your title !! i'm gonna follow your work with pleasure !! And if u want to see what is my definition of an amazonian grow….feel free to follow mine ! it will be based on "terra petra" powwaa… namasté 🙏
amazongrowcommented6 years ago
@Budofpray, yes bro, and you, where are you from and growing? :)
Budofpraycommented6 years ago
@amazongrow,😓 speak English dude ? 😇 Muito legal if you can speak English 😋 🙏
amazongrowcommented6 years ago
@Budofpray, fala brow, beleza? seja bem vindo, vou já verificar seus trabalhos! quanto mais, melhor! qual seu DDD? =)
NomNomcommentedweek 16 years ago
Good luck man, it's gotta be tough growing in those temps and humidity.
amazongrowcommented6 years ago
@growdoctordc, yes brow, que do! I wish I had a farm but a small 2x2x5 tent is what I got. Maybe someday I can set my girls free :)
growdoctordccommented6 years ago
@amazongrow, Growing indoors when you have the Amazon basin and equatorial sun?! Que dó. What a pity. I guess because of the legal risk. Native sativas grown there must yield many pounds per plant! Your little plant is thriving, and that’s because it loves Brasilian air even when grown inside. Boa sorte - good luck
amazongrowcommented6 years ago
@NomNom, yeah it is but we have to deal with what we have, ain't we? =) thanks for following along, bro, welcome.
CANNASIMcommentedweek 145 years ago
CANNASIMcommented5 years ago
@amazongrow, hehehe tira uns clones na próxima! 🙃🙃🙃
amazongrowcommented5 years ago
@CANNASIM, valeu muito bro.. e a saudade da planta, como que fica? rsrs
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 125 years ago
so did you harvest or no? i want a taste ! btw @b4rns is right... as always! lol learn from him like i learned from him if you want to progress ✊
CRiSPrGrowcommented5 years ago
@amazongrow, it's all about learning "how to think" and solving these problems with the correct approach for optimal results... good luck crossing the finish line !
amazongrowcommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, hi brow, not yet... it will be done on sunday! =) I just took a little 'arm' from her.. it was going down! LOL The trichs are getting ambar... the one I took was kinda 10-20% mostly.. weighted 53.5 grams I did thought his advice was pretty good, it's about the same Ed Rosenthal advices on his harvest book. Thanks for tip!
Islandcommentedweek 96 years ago
Nossa, ela esta muito linda, pelo visto vai resinar muito ate o final. A unica coisa q eu vi e q eu faria (nao sei se vc ja fez, pois essa observação se aplica mais na terceira semana de flora, lá vc postou foto dela de perfil) é uma poda lollipop, pros buds concentrarem o esforço no topo, eu ja perdi muita produção com as pipocas q rolam la embaixo.
Islandcommented6 years ago
@amazongrow, essa é a ideia mesmo. Vai dar bom, esta lindo d+ seu cultivo (quero um clone da sua planta 😇)
amazongrowcommented6 years ago
@Island, eu tirei semana passada há uns 10 dias por aí... desde então notei um Crescimento maior acima da rede.. tirei tudo da rede pra baixo menos as Folhas que estão pegando luz
Budofpraycommentedweek 56 years ago
hi my friend ! everything goes well it seems.... i saw all you diary and try to check all ur paramaters...and i realize your humidity 😳😨 OMG !! 😜 !! is it possible to find tricoderma easily on brasil ? i roughly recommend you to see if you can find it ? it is one of the best shield that you can find against pathogens agent who like humidity 👍👊…. by chance (you are a Lucky guy ^^) i'am going to update my diary for the second wich for a large part will be dedicated to fungies and bacteria's secrets agents 😜 with a lot of tips i think 💪 namasté 🙏
Budofpraycommented6 years ago
@amazongrow, yo buddy ! yeah in a sense it s true ! if u add trichoderma récent study tends to demonstrate he can compete with myco a bit, that's one of the Reason that It is clearly advisable to well prepared the soil by a correct mix (good dispersion in soil) and add char (for carbon). but the same studies are done on controled conditions and are done in order to optimize certains cultur according to certain plants/parameters. in the natural biotope, all this kinds of fungies naturally exist and compete until they are fixed... until they find a good place to work... and if we want to simplify the main abilitie of this 2 fungies family : myco are good to feed the plant (for P.K, and lot of micro nutrient) and its role of Defense is only to compete by the place against pathogens… the main action of trichoderma is to protect against other fungies and s like a fighting shield. he had the ability to kill other pathogen fungies and even nématodes by breaking membran or chitin...he also produces molécules that goes on the branchs and leaves wich protect against bad fungies infections by the air….his second role is to feed the plan by N in exchange of carbon. if i had the money and good equipment, It would have been fun to do a complete study dedicated to weed around this fungies 👍 and yeah i'am agree 😋 have a good strain changes life 👊 🙏
amazongrowcommented6 years ago
@Budofpray, I've added some endo mycorrhizae, it seems to make a difference. I know about tricoderma but I dont think I got since Im using sterilized soil, but I heard it can be quite problematic sometimes, as it tends to overpower all other bacteria and fungi, is that true? Yeah, its 21:24 and humidity is about 90% in the grow right now, lots of ventilation required. Never saw mold in there though, but I clean monthly with lots of alcohol and essential oils. Im already lucky by having the pleasure of growing and top quality strain like this NL from Sensi seeds, totally different from all the others I've seen and tried. I will be checking your updates! Tchau, do Brazil =)
Islandcommentedweek 26 years ago
Nossa, sua planta ta enorme, q desenvolvimento animal... depois vou querer umas dicas hein kkkk
Islandcommented6 years ago
@amazongrow, Eu uso o carolina tb... Aqui eu to usando somente o Deeper Underground da Top Crop.
amazongrowcommented6 years ago
@Island, até agora foi só azomite e bioheaven.. solo carolina soil (vermiculita e turfa) e nada mais... rsrs também to achando ela animal
Chucky324commentedweek 144 years ago
Hello Brother. Way yo go on your win. I didn't know until I read it below. You've been very generous with your likes, Thank You. I got to look around your house (in the background) in your pictures. We've got more fridge magnets than you :) Good job on the Northern Lights. Look great grow brother. Chuck.
amazongrowcommented4 years ago
@Chucky324, love the magnets! you are welcome, bro! happy growing! Tchau, do Brazil! =]
RsGrowercommentedweek 144 years ago
Brasileiro irmão?
amazongrowcommented4 years ago
@RsGrower, sim senhor, yup! e ai tudo certo? =]