@Momgrowsthechronic, You should have shown a picture of the leaf so we can see what it is. So far in my grows it seems to really start showing deficiencies in the lowest fan leaves during week 6 so I started adding cal/mag in week 4. I think your right give her what she wants more cal/mag as long as your sure her roots aren't too wet. I have read some comments in other diaries about if the area of the leaves around the veins looks puffy or raised is a sign the roots are too wet.If that is the case the roots can't take up the calcium efficiently. I see signs of this in your photos. I would let her dry out and see if the leaves lose that hook on them. Also I was just on Cannas website their nutrient deficiency guide describes red verticle streaking in the main stems and red leaf stems as a nitrogen deficiency once again if the roots are wet this could be the cause. It's so hard to call I would hate to give bad advice. Maybe you should use your grow question and get a few more opinions.
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