Tuesday, Day 57 - GGA and ??? are really starting to take off with their flowering, GGA is getting thicker and thicker. ZDF is growing great with the LST, she’s already bent out and is growing upwards again. Going to have a ton of bud sites on her. GSC 1 continues to shoot upwards, so I top her pretty much every day now. GSC 2 is also doing great with the LST. She’s getting pretty wide. All in all, ladies look tremendous. Feeding pH balanced tap water now, so I’ll keep an eye out for deficiencies, I just fed them a couple days ago. I gave each plant almost a full gallon each today, they were really really dry, so I’ll have to look out for that too with the rising temperatures.
Monday, Day 62 - more rain the past couple of days, so I haven’t been checking on them too often. I did feed them on Saturday, just a little bit because I knew we’d be getting some rain soon. They’re all loving life and GGA and ??? are really taking off with their blooming. GGA is really starting to thicken up and ??? keeps popping up new bud sites. GSC 1 and GSC 2 are my biggest plants by at least 6”, and ZDF is showing her preflowers. Pretty good day in the garden, I find I go out there just to sit and relax now. The past week has been super stressful and anxiety filled. Can’t wait to have all this medicine to control my anxiety better. I did do some light defoliation today on my bloomers, just enough to get their flowers uncovered from leaves so the sunlight can get to them all easier.
@CoastGrower, thanks man! I’m excited to see how she tastes! She’s in the drying tent for a couple more days, then off to curing for weeks. Ha. Now to keep track of the other four!
@Puffer_Bill, rookie mistake, haha, but I feel better after being honest.
Thanks! Got some insecticide to spread around my pots that should take care of everything! 👍🏻
@kingdracokush, hell yeah man. It was a struggle at first, but I think all of mine are starting to pull through. Good luck! I’ll be following your grow!
My GSC was eaten by a snale😢. Going to plant an GG automatic instead.
They are looking nice! Going to become nice buds.
Good luck and feel free to check out my diaries.