And its finally here....Harvest time 😁... Sorry the pics are not as good this week. My flash was not working and it wasn't a very bright day, so they dont look as Blingin' as they are in real life... but last weeks pictures were pretty good so you can see the frosting much better in them 😎👌
BTA (Blueberry Twist A) harvested 3.5 oz of dry bud...
BTB (Blueberry Twist B) Harvested 4.7oz of dry bud.
There was quite a bit of popcorn on both ladies... which has gone into my freezer to make hash 😎👌... I'd say over an oz in popcorn on top of what's on the scales.
Grand total of 2 plants in my stealth style set up 8.2oz 😁👍 I am super happy with this as it's my first attempt at growing photoperiod strains. Iv only grown autos and I'm pretty new also. So I am absolutely made up!! Buds are not as dense as other strains Iv grown but they are good enough. And they smell super sweet and delicious ...
Full smoke report to come tomorrow. She took 5 days to dry. Iv just rolled a tester. Will update you guys tomorrow 😁👍
Thank you for all the support guys
Much Love,
Miss B 💕