Sensi #140 is similar to the #32. She’s tall and growing well, even if she’s just a little less developed than #32.
Day 15 (April 24, 2019): I decreased light distance from 130 to 100cm. Some leaves are curled up because RH is low (around 40%) while temps are quite high (around 30C).
Day 18 (April 27, 2019): First feed @ 0.5ml/L.
@BigDaddyK, Hey bro, sorry for the late reply! No, this time I'm not checking the runoff, but I can tell you she was hungry 3 weeks ago! Now she's feeling good. How about yours? Are you enjoying growing her?
@ThatoneAKguy, Thank you! Be sure to follow Nebula’s manifold tutorial very accurately, and you’ll get fantastic manifolds. It’s just about checking and bending branches again every 2-3 days for the first weeks!
@Johnnyb__blazin and @Psilocubensis: those blue tabs are screws to keep the AirPot closed. They come with AirPots when you buy them. In fact, they come like this:
1L ones have just 1 screw. 3L to 20L ones have 2 screws. I don't know what happens with bigger sizes, except that after I think 40L you don't get the base anymore since it would be too heavy to carry the weight of the plant. The base it's a little elevated from the ground in order to avoid water to stagnate).
Hola Totem! De 10 semillas de #140 me han tocado 3 especialmente odiosas a N, 2 que no les gusta mucho N y el resto se ve que son más hindu que a lo contrario tienen hambre.. por cierto muy bueno seguimiento 👍