Update Day 23 Veg: This beast has been getting her groove on this week. She has responded well to the lst bending and tying down. She is the star of the show so far among her peers and i expect that to remain the case.
She has a lot of bud sites visible already and with another week at least to get more of them going , i am sure she will produce well. Their have been a few dramas with a failed MH bulb earlier which meant i have had to use the HPS flowering enhanced bulb sooner. I also broke the other new bulb tying to get it in place. an expensive bulb change it seems now. I do have one to replace the MH when i flip but it is not a new one. I am ordering some new L.e.d this week ( catching up with the modern world.lol) so will hopefully be saving on th running costs and getting the heat down more.
The Pog hasn't skipped a beat with any of the issues this week threw up. This girl will be a beauty
@Ganjagrandaddy,I always upload new pictures as the week progresses. I know it doesn’t show your diary has been updated but still it keep things a bit clearer if you can see progression rather than big jumps. And yeah Man the changes come on thick and fast😍😍😍😍
@Damonkey, thank you. i am surprised how well she took off too.
wish we could update more than weekly on here as they can change so quickly . roll on tomorrow so i can update again.lol
@GreenHouseLab,my pleasure. it is something I have found helpful with trying new strains. Pics dont do our hard work justice sometimes but a vid can give a proper comparison for size etc.. And you only have to post that instead of an hour trying to upload pics.lol . thanks for the positives. good luck with your grow.
@BillMonroe,thank you. killer to lose anything after so long growing them. so need a dehumidifier now. got away with it for so long. thanks for stopping in Bill.