the sisters made it another week, it has been hot and we are suppose to have more heat, so in the mean time I have been trying to keep those roots cooler. trying to ke the temps down in the tent, doing my best mr green. anyways the haze that was chopped has more a haze smell, while the one that was topped is more sweet musky smell and she has a lighter green to her while the one that was chopped has a darker green, also noticed the trichomes are starting to form on both. so far I am pretty happy with these two mr green. well done now keep that heat down
A few degrees can make a big difference mate so if you can drop the temps slightly that would be fantastic 👍
Time for the flower show to begin with a well trainied plant 👌
Thanks for this week's update my friend 👊
All the best ✌️
Thank you so much for choosing our genetics for this adventure on the grow diary platform 👍
You look to be of to a flying start 👌
Let's see what you can do with our Haze XXL Auto 😏
All the best ✌️
@DinafemSeeds, I finally did the harvest, 80 days from seed, as I also was able to get some purple fades going on as well. all in all a great strain. thanks for all the info. mark. cheers
@DinafemSeeds, so far so good and seen the first little pre sign, go these opened up as well so hoping I got it right one is chopped and the other was topped make sense? the one that was topped is more of a bush. the chopped one is where I took the lower branches out and left the upper ones. I think looks like it will yield more. time will tell.