This is pretty much a copy paste week of week 6. Continued flowering and some slight stacking of current flowers. She has pretty much stopped veg growth completely.
She is drinking a lot, however that is mostly due to random Hot weather and random humidity more than the lights. I will also like to take the time to thank the heat output of LED, or at least the lack of. This simple trait is making this grow super easy for a summer.
The quantum board is killer. The plants never prayed with the old light regardless of how close it was. This QB can be say 80CM and the leaves will still raise up! 💪👹
The pictures aren't bad ... It's the light, they suggest we turn them off to get better pictures, it actually works. Good luck with the rest of your grow my friend ....
Yea I see the overlay as Im uploading them advising this. I also do actual photography so I just post process those photos (they dont make it here).
Thanks for the tip!