
Plants, Three Different Ones

5 years ago
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Grow Conditions
Week 14
12 hrs
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10+ conditions after
5+ nutrients after
Commented by
G_mang_0 G_mang_0
5 years ago
Week 5 of flower complete. Am seeing discoloration on fan leaves of Northern Lights lady, think it might be a potassium problem, but not sure. White Widow and Red Diesel are looking great, smelling great.
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Grow Questions
G_mang_0started grow question 5 years ago
Please look at last picture - there is an area of crispy brown on the lowest leaves of the Red Diesel. I'm thinking it's a little bit of light burn, but am not sure. Any thoughts from any of the experts?
Leaves. Edges burnt
Philindicusanswered grow question 5 years ago
Sorry just found this question. Looks more like a magnesium and potassium deficiency. The solution is to put your plants in larger pots sooner. The pots are limiting the size of the root system. I would skip the solo cups and start them in 1 quart pots yet water them as if they were in solo cups. As often is the case we all as growers te d to overwater on occassion this is actually one of the major causes of deficiencies. Always start a nice wet then dry type watering cycle starting around week 3. You ca also try supplimenting your nutrient routine with a cal/mag product @0.5ml per liter water a bit earlier in your grow to help prep her for bloom when they really start draining cal/mag for bud growth. Lastly older fan leaves are usually the first to fall and are usually removed during the first few weeks of bloom. Hope this helps your future grows.
G_mang_0started grow question 5 years ago
Any ideas on what's going on with NL-2? Fan leaves are discoloring, interesting pattern. From Websites, I'm thinking a potassium problem, but am not sure. And am not sure how to correct this close to harvest (3 weeks give or take). Thoughts?
Leaves. Color - Mottling
motaman311answered grow question 5 years ago
I think it is a magnesium issue, possibly some calcium as well. You are using a lot of P and K especially with The Open Sesame. The other nutrients contain high amounts of phosphorus and potassium as well. Potassium and calcium are two nutrients that can cause magnesium lock-out when added in excess. Excessive Potassium blocks the absorption of calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron. It is a game of ratio's that you must play and when you add 1 thing it effects another. Happy growing! 👊

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MrPapaSmurfweek 14
They are very pretty! I was looking at your nutrients and noticed something. You can go jamacian with the big bloom, but in flower grow big kinda hinders the process. All you need is in that tiger bloom now. It's possible you could be burning them just a little with that grow big
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growdoctordcweek 7
Sounds like you’ve been well advised on this. Your mainline style prompts me to link @Silky_smooth and see if she wants to contribute her thoughts. That is, if she still reads GD. She’s been quiet lately
@growdoctordc,now you see the differance by topping them early like i said i’m at day 16 with my honey rock grow where he is at week 5-6 you now see the recovery in seedlings??no offence amazing training tho and a mighty job training her but really why wait till week 5 to top when you could have done it in week 2 and gained 3 weeks of training😉and also i see bloomnutes standing in the nutriënt section why??is she allready done flowerstretch is she in bloom??maybe that were the crisp leaves come in to play😜😜
Silky_smoothweek 7
First of all amazing training and one hell of a job really and they look clean like it should🙏🙏please dont take this the wrong way but why did you wait so long to top and start her training when you could have done it in week 2 of your veg period and gained 3 weeks i know hydro can not be compaired to soil but still you could have gained 2 weeks at least😱and the crisp leaves mmmm maybe because you are giving to much nutes and they are overfed because i see in your description that you are giving big bloom(why??) bloom nutes are given when flowerstretch is over normaly😉😉maybe maybe maybe i dont know shit🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪🤣🤣😜🤣🤣🤣
@Silky_smooth, thanks for the mind words and sorry for the late reply. I'm in the very early stages of learning how to grow, and I learned about mainlining from the info on-line from a grower named Nebula. This is my trial run for this procedure. My next run is going to be two autos from Barney's Farm - Purple Punch and Blue Mammoth. From what I've read. looks like I need to use more LST for this run. Any advice would always be appreciated, I'm eager to learn and grow (pun totally intended)
Philindicusweek 11
I hope I was able to answer your grow question.Feel free to message me anytime. Looking forward to following your grows.
@G_mang_0, I hear you with going with the auto flower. Yes, plant autos directly into your 2 gallon pots they don't like to be moved. The pot size will limit how large they get also. Depends on the strain. Using a pot in the 3-5 gallon range for the XL-XXL varieties will produce larger plants using soil. Weird thing is these guys growing in Coco coir can squeeze out some big plants in smaller pots. Go figure. 👍
@Philindicus, nah that was great advise! My next run are all autos, so I think the fewer transplants the better. Largest pot I use is a 2 gallon, do you think it would be OK to just put the sprouted seeds directly into the final pot and forego transplanting? Or sprout - quart - 2 gallon?
Fruitgrowerweek 15
Looking fit mate, love your pictures /photos
@Fruitgrower, Thanks, appreciate it!
MrPapaSmurfweek 14
They are very pretty! I was looking at your nutrients and noticed something. You can go jamacian with the big bloom, but in flower grow big kinda hinders the process. All you need is in that tiger bloom now. It's possible you could be burning them just a little with that grow big
@MrPapaSmurf, Thank you for the compliment and the info! I'm a newbie, and have been following Fox Farms schedule. Moving forward, I need to learn more about this and go more freestyle on my runs. I also think my lowering the pH is part of the problem. Live, grow and (hopefully) learn :)
Philindicusweek 12
They are looking great, nice to see those buds growing strong.👍
@Philindicus, I've been out of town for a couple days and am dying to see them but they sleep until 7pm, argh!
ChefDan420week 17
Enjoy 🌬️🌲🆒
Master_weedaweek 17
Congratulations 😉 May the force be with you 💪
Silky_smoothweek 12
Looking good😉😉
Silky_smoothweek 10
Looking amazing😉🙏cant wait to see full flower👏😉🙏😱
Fruitgrowerweek 7
Good job on your training mate well done, well follow for sure and see how you get on
Wicked_Stixweek 6
I posted the answer to the issue you are having. If you have any more questions or concerns feel free to ask. I am going to be running one of these white widows from seedsman soon. Excited to see how yours turns out.
The_Projexxweek 6
Shes looking well trained I'm excited to see her all decked out in flowers. Looking forward to more updates . - Happy Growing