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Dr. Grinspoon

Approved by Barney's Farm
5 years ago
DIY Light Emitting Diodes/400W
DIY Light Emitting Diodes/350W
weeks 10, 13
weeks 9
weeks 9
weeks 9-18
38 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
18 hrs
21 °C
300 PPM
60 %
15 °C
16 °C
1 L
60 cm
Nutrients 2
Roots Excelurator - House & Garden
Roots Excelurator 0.3 mll
Cal-Max - Grotek
Cal-Max 1.3 mll
The seed was soaked for 15 hours in 100 mL deionized water and 4 drops H2O2 100 vol. Then it was transferred to moist paper towels in a closed plastic container for 1 day until main root appeared long enough (1/3 cm) to be transferred to a small pot (1 L) . The seed was extremely carefully placed in 1 L pot with coco/perlite (coco >70%) and sprouted 3.5 days after. Coco was reutilized from previous crops and was previously flushed with 2 L of dechlorinated tap water (150 ppm). The water also contained CalMax (1 mL/L ) and 0.3 mL/L Roots Excelurator and pH was adjusted to 5.90 before flushing the substrate. The seed was put in a little hole about 1 cm below the surface and gently covered with coco. Day 3: the seedling is doing fine, the two tiny real leaves are a little bigger to my eye. She's still so tiny overall! She stands erect and the stem is ca. 2,5 cm long. Day 4: Growth continues at a uniform rate. Since I've read that she is a very fastidious plant, I'll try to be very orderly regarding her feedings. I'll be happy if she doesn't suffer from any deficiency for the time we'll be together. If my plants are happy, I'm happy ;) I'll start with Start fertilizer from Flower Power Fertilizers (Basic Line), a brand that I've been dealing with for a few years by now and luckily the EC informed for these fertilizer include regular tapwater😀 I'll try to stay in the 256-320 ppm for the first two weeks. CalMax is 95 ppm of the total amount ppm's (according to my own measurement) and if I substract these to the lower end of the interval it leaves 0,13 g/L Start fertilizer solution to prepare. Regarding pH I always stay a bit below 6.00, generally from 5.60-5.90 (I use HCl solution 2M to adjust pH) To sum up: Day 4 First fertigation 1.3 mL CalMAx (Grotek NPK 2-0-0) and 0,13 g/L Flower Power “Start” Fertilizer ( NPK 11-6-30) pH sol 5.95 Run-off volume 20 % TDS CalMax 1.33 mL/L -> 95 ppm TDS solution inflow -> 225 ppm TDS run-off -> 209 ppm TDS dechlor. tapwater -> 130 ppm Tsol=15.5 ºC Day 5 fertigation 1.3 mL/L CalMax, 0.13 g/L Start fert. (inflow 378 ppm, run-off 300 ppm), pH 5.95) Day 6 I took her out of the grow room for a picture, I noticed that under the grow lights she looks yellowish on the leaves. I don't see elongation of the stem but a slight increase in the size of the leaves' blades. She doesn't seem to try to reach out for lights. Fertigation inflow 351 ppm run off 334 ppm same solution concentration as yesterday, pH 5.90. Day 7, first week ended. Fertigation inflow 354 ppm, run-off 341 ppm, I keep the solutions' concentration the same as the previous days.
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
18 hrs
21 °C
No Smell
320 PPM
60 %
20 °C
16 °C
1 L
0 L
60 cm
Nutrients 2
Roots Excelurator - House & Garden
Roots Excelurator 0.3 mll
Cal-Max - Grotek
Cal-Max 1.3 mll
Day 8 (19/09/2019) Fertigation #1 using the same solution concentration as the previous week (inflow 410 ppm, run-off 470ppm, pH 5.85). Fertigation #2 (10 hours later), same solution Fertigation #3 (last for today) 0.13 g/L "Start" fert. plus 1 mL/L CalMax ; inflow 274 ppm and run-off 364 ppm pH 5.95 Day 9 (19/9) 2 fertigations one al 8 .30 am and the other at 5 pm TDS inflow 297 ppm, run off 431 ppm pH 5.82 Day 10 (20/09) Two fertigations (same solution) Morning inflow 294 ppm, run off 404 ppm, pH 5.5, 2nd fertigation afternoon run off 350 ppm pH 5.5) Day 11 (21/09/2019) #1 inflow 320 ppm run-off 300 ppm pH 6.0; evening #2 inflow 324 ppm runoff 354 ppm Day 12 she looks healthy but still has a bit to go until graduating from seedling, The second pair of leaves seems to be growing a little amount every day. #1 pH 6.0 inflow 317 ppm, run off 371 ppm; #2 inflow 320 ppm, run off 371 ppm, pH 6.0, #3 inflow 335 ppm run off 356 ppm Day 13 #1 inflow 324 ppm run-off 371 ppm, #2 inflow 325 pp, run-off 354 ppm. Day 14 happily finishing the 2nd week of the life of my Grinspoon seedling; fertigation #1 inflow 324 ppm, run-off 347, #2 inflow 313 run-off 381. The seedling looks healthy so far, let's see what happens on the 3rd week.
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
18 hrs
21 °C
No Smell
320 PPM
60 %
20 °C
16 °C
1 L
0 L
60 cm
Nutrients 2
Roots Excelurator - House & Garden
Roots Excelurator 0.3 mll
Cal-Max - Grotek
Cal-Max 1.3 mll
Day 15 (25/09/2019) Fertigation # 1 330 ppm inflow & 351 ppm run-off, #2 336 ppm & 366 ppm run off. Day 16 Fertigation #1 338 ppm inflow, 354 ppm run-off Since the girl is not a baby anymore but a liitle girl, I'll change from Start (NPK 11 40 12) to Grow fertilizer (19 5 20) keeping CalMax and Root excelurator at the same concentration, total EC at about 570 uS/cm (ca. 300 ppm) because I don't want to drastically change her diet, just give her a little more N). Fertigation #2 (using a dilute Grow solution) inflow: 279 ppm (559uS/cm) run-off 359 ppm (763 uS/cm), I I look forward to seeing more growth with more N but always taking care of the EC. I've noticed this one I have doesn't grow as vigorously as I see it happens on some other Grinspoon plants' diaries, Actually, I'm doubting whether I should top her or just all LST before putting her under the net... I hope she explodes with growth soon.😏 Day 17 (27/09/2019) Fertigation #1 559 uS/cm (inflow) and a run-off 789 uS/cm. #2 578 uS/cm, run-off 668 uS/cm. Day 18 Fertigation#1 560 uS/cm inflow solution, run-off 674 EC units; #2 in 568 uS/cm, run-off 634 EC units. With respect to what I consider kind of slow growth, I think that since I'm anxious by nature, I keep telling myself to slow down a little with that (perhaps that's why in the beginning I chose a slow flowering strain like this) In fact while she's healthy I should be satisfied. High frequency fertigation is a new thing for me, to be honest. I was growing in coco similarly to soil and now I see clearly that with this substrate things may be a little different (i'm not complaining about the results I've gotten so far, though). Besides I have not cleared yet the other room to put her to thrive in ScroG fashion). Day 19 Fertigation #1 inflow/run-off 556/412 uS/cm; #2 554/612 uS/cm Day 20 #1 554/598 uS/cm; #2 558/654 uS/cm
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
18 hrs
21 °C
No Smell
550 PPM
60 %
20 °C
16 °C
3 L
0 L
60 cm
Nutrients 2
Roots Excelurator - House & Garden
Roots Excelurator 0.3 mll
Cal-Max - Grotek
Cal-Max 1.3 mll
To start the 4th week Day 22 (02/10/2019) I had her moved to a more comfortable room in a larger pot yesterday evening. The rootball was not touched and disturbed the least. The fertigation solution changed to: a) 1 mL/L CalMax, b) 0.20 g/L Flower Power Grow Fertilizer. c) 5 mL/L Vitamax and 0.3mL/L Roots Excelurator, pH 6. Day 23 (03/10)#1 inflow 1010uS/cm, run-off 729 uS/cm, #2 995/770 I'm a bit disappointed because from the 5 seeds I bought it seems that I have chosen the slow grower 😟 I think I should have germd all the 5 seeds and by now I'd have chosen the one growing more vigorously...but I don't ever do this, seeds are expensive for such a protocol . Day 24 (04/10) She's been moved to "het paleis" under 450 W (real power) DIY led lights collection. I'm positive she'll find the new room very comfortable! Fertigations #1 1010/700; #2 1038/987 (inflow/run-off, in uS/cm) Day 25 I think this young lady is a loner who needed some room for her own, because after I moved her to "het paleis", she has started to grow remarkably these last two days. I hope she'll keep up 🙏 I had thought about topping her down to the third node as soon as she got 5 nodes but since she's quite a slow grower (so far) I'll do some LST to get four branches cross-like and the main cola, later if she proves to grow fast perhaps I top her if the main cola bothers somehow, but if I top her it won't be this young. Fertigation inflow 1040, run off 868 (uS/cm)
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
18 hrs
21 °C
No Smell
550 PPM
60 %
20 °C
16 °C
3 L
0 L
60 cm
Nutrients 2
Roots Excelurator - House & Garden
Roots Excelurator 0.3 mll
Cal-Max - Grotek
Cal-Max 1.3 mll
Day 29 since I first saw her cotyies...2nd day of Week 5 and the little Dr. shows growth at what seems to be a quicker rate. I'll envisoning some colas from LST and perhaps I top one or two of those just to get more colas, whatever it takes to fill the damned net. Well of course these are just plans. Continue fertigation twice a day., inflow 1200 and run-off 1000 units of EC. Day 30 (10/10/2019) just fertigate her for the first time in the day, inflow and run-off are normal concentrations for the stage of growth. Day 31 One month and a day already... the plant has shown herself very stubborn, growing very slowy but healthy, I'll tame her eventually. Day 32 (12-10-2019) the little Dr seems to have kept up the growth pace, I see her growing remarkably more vigorously...👌 Fertigations, twice a day, getting 1200 uSm/cm in the run-off. Day 33 (13-10-2019) When I get an extra buck I'll change the extraction fan, Temperature is getting high inside the tent for this time of the year. 450 W (real power) from DIY led lights raise the temperature quite a few degrees in a 0.80x0.80x1.60 m tent. Day 34 last day of the 5th week. She's doing fine.
Week 6. Vegetation
5 years ago
18 hrs
21 °C
No Smell
650 PPM
60 %
20 °C
16 °C
3 L
0 L
60 cm
Nutrients 3
Roots Excelurator - House & Garden
Roots Excelurator 0.3 mll
Cal-Max - Grotek
Cal-Max 1.3 mll
Vitamax Plus - Grotek
Vitamax Plus 1.321 mll
1st 6th week actually day 35. I want to increase ECa little bit but not very steeply, This week I'll go for a fertigation solution 1.3 mL/L CalMAx; 0.35 g Grow Fertilizer; VitaMax 1 mL/L and root excelurator 0.3 mL/L. Day 36 16/10/2019 greetings to my beautiful sister on her birthday! Today besides the usual fertigations, EC in under control average inflow is 1270 uS/cm while the run off is 1370 uS/cm... Regarding lst, I keep on training a bit frequently to get the shape I imagine... the saying says you get out what you put into it ....well, I tied down a couple of new shoots and bent the stem a little more orienting growth towards a spiral shape. Day 37 two fertigations to this hour, the Ec in run off is 1370 uS/cm. One more fertigation goes before lights are off. Day 38 I see she responds very favorably to lst. Every day I check/adjust tension on the coated wires, Fertigations, three times a day, run-off is ca. 1400 uS/cm while inflow EC is 1300 uS/cm. Day 39 (19/09/2019) I worked on the main tip early and now I rest, I also work on other four auflowering plants ;) Fertigation: EC in run-off was 1472 uS/cm in th morning and diminished to 1300 uS/cm by the evening. Day 40: I fertigated her and run-off was less than 1000 (uS/cm), I think the EC meter may be ruining :/, On the 2nd fertigation EC rose to 1430 EC units, which is more of an expected value.
Week 7. Vegetation
5 years ago
18 hrs
25 °C
650 PPM
50 %
24 °C
24 °C
20 °C
3 L
1 L
60 cm
Nutrients 3
Roots Excelurator - House & Garden
Roots Excelurator 0.3 mll
Cal-Max - Grotek
Cal-Max 1.3 mll
Vitamax Plus - Grotek
Vitamax Plus 1.321 mll
Transplant is very close, in a few days she'll be resting in a 10 gal fabric pot ! Unfortunately, a glitch in the page erased all the comments I have been recording here during the past days :( This is Day 44 (24/10/2019) and she looks well recovered from the very many toppings yesterday. Day 45 (25/10/2019) I inserted the plant's small plastic pot into the coco/perlite mix of the big pot to create a niche that fits perfectly for the rootball when I remove the plastic pot tomorrow; spraying the niche with fertilizer solution and root excelurator may help. I hope she'll never realise she has been transplanted. The run off EC from the big pot is 1000 uS/cm and pH about 5.8. I had to perform some operations using tape because the stem near the tip snapped and below the crack, I saw lacerations caused by the twist tie, those need to be fixed right now. Day 46 She's transplanted and the scrog net set up. I'd say that now the journey begins. Day 47 I fertigated by 5.30 am because I had to spend all day working and on Day 48 back to normal, morning fertigation and a little supercropping. The plant has recovered fully from transplant (if she has been ever stressed during the procedure). From now on I'll be fertigating once a day with a liter and a half fertig solution to get a 20-30% run-off. Also, I fertigate other vegging and blooming plants with the effluents I collect.
Week 8. Vegetation
5 years ago
18 hrs
25 °C
550 PPM
60 %
24 °C
24 °C
20 °C
38 L
2 L
60 cm
Nutrients 3
Roots Excelurator - House & Garden
Roots Excelurator 0.3 mll
Cal-Max - Grotek
Cal-Max 1.3 mll
Vitamax Plus - Grotek
Vitamax Plus 1.321 mll
Day 48 (29/10/2019) First day of the 8th week. I'm happy because the plant is in her final pot, under the ScroG net, lightly defolliated (only big fan leaves) and growing what seems to be vigorously. I keep on battling against the apical dominance by supercropping, I swear the main tip is a hard fighter. but when I decided not to top unless it were very necessary, I knew this may happen so I'm fighting back! I reduced a little bit the inflow solution for this week, EC of the run-off was near 0.8 mS/cm. Day 50 Fortunately she recovers pretty fast from HST as well as LST, both of which seem not to annoy her at all. Day 51 Inflow EC is 1.1 and run-off 1.2 mS/cm. I keep on training, I think that vegging would take longer but perhaps I'll be turning to 12/12 sooner than expected. Day 52 (02/11/2019) Once I thought the plant was growing slowly (and she was indeed) but now I'm (favorably) startled to see how fast she grows and recovers from injury. She's very tough and resilient. Day 53 continuosly bending shoots under the net, she grows real fast . I don't think I will be able to delay switching to 12/12 much longer... besides, the net is covered in more than 60%.
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
12 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
650 PPM
60 %
24 °C
24 °C
20 °C
38 L
3 L
60 cm
Nutrients 3
Roots Excelurator - House & Garden
Roots Excelurator 0.3 mll
Cal-Max - Grotek
Cal-Max 1.3 mll
Vitamax Plus - Grotek
Vitamax Plus 1.321 mll
The Dr. has been vegging for full 8 weeks and on the 9th I switch to 12/12 . In the next few weeks she'll be stretching even more I guess. If she happens to stretch that wild as I have read, I'll have to struggle trying to stop her taking over my reduced grow room and I don't like to apply serious pruning after she has grown. Besides, my hypothesis is that as I chose a big pot, she might be growing aerially for a long time until the roots tell to stop. Regarding fertigation, I apply once a day a solution 1.3-1.4 mS/cm EC (inflow) using Grow fertilizer alternating with Bloom fertilizer. I'm applying from today on a foliar spray to activate growth at this stage (this week and the two coming next). Day 54 (05/11) fertigation Bloom fert 0.3 g/L, CalMax 1.3 mL/L, VitaMax 1mL/L, pH 6.1, EC 1345 uS/cm and Foliar spray. Iturned on the lights manually as I got up and saw the lights were out. She will have 4 additional dark hours today, but I wouldn't worry. Day 55 today I did some work on rebel shoots and that's all! Day 56 I fertigated with a Bloom fertilizer solution 1.3 EC inflow and 0.9 EC units run/off, I can increase the EC a bit higher until I reach 1300 uS/cm in the roots but as I see her growing fine and without deficiencies, I'll stick to this amount for precaution. Later I sprayed leaves with Foliar fertilizer just when the lights had gone off. Day 57 Today Friday is vegetative fertilizer's day! Day 58 happy Saturday to everyone be it autoflowering or photoperiodic! Thank God for your blessings. Today I had to replace one of the 50 W cob led but fortunately, lights are all shining now. She's been very shiny this morning too. Day 59 I'll put her under 13,5 hours darkness a day.
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
12 hrs
25 °C
650 PPM
60 %
24 °C
24 °C
20 °C
38 L
3 L
50 cm
Nutrients 2
Cal-Max - Grotek
Cal-Max 1.3 mll
Vitamax Plus - Grotek
Vitamax Plus 1.321 mll
Day 60 (12/11) and starting the second week since I change the photoperiod, but she's not really flowering yet, she's producing florigen. The fertigation solution is only Bloom and also Foliar spray. Since it's still transition I won't raise the concentration, I'd rather go low on fertilizers. Day 61 she keeps on growing and stretching the actual shoots. She looks very pretty at this moment. I'm satisfied with her sight so far. Day 63 EC of run off is 1114 uS/cm. I'm using foliar fertilization (Foliar from Power Flower fertilizers) every day just after the lights go off. Day 64 (16/11/2019) fertigation includes 1.3 mL/L Cal-Mag, 0.2 g/L Flower Power "Foliar" fertilizer (this time is not foliar application, I added the solid to the solution, I think the only disadvantage with this is that one needs more powder and it's the most expensive of all the flower power fertilizer line) plus 0.3 g/L Flower Power Bloom Fertilizer pH 6.1 EC (inflow solution) is 1.33 mS/cm. Some shoots that are good candidates to bear buds in the future seem very weak so I'm supercropping a little more while there's still time! I want strong stems to carry heavy calixes ;) and I plan to fill the surface yet a little more Day 66 today a big defoliation, I don't like getting rid of that amount of stored energy, those precious carbs, and the associated risks of such a high stress technique, but some things have to be done. 🙏
Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
5 years ago
12 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
700 PPM
60 %
20 °C
38 L
3 L
20 cm
600 PPM
Nutrients 3
Cal-Max - Grotek
Cal-Max 1.3 mll
Vitamax Plus - Grotek
Vitamax Plus 1.321 mll
Pro-silicate - Grotek
Pro-silicate 0.5 mll
Whoa this Dr grows more than Tabare Vazquez in military dictatorship, she's getting a bit out of control... I hope I will not have trouble with some colas (those close to the walls tend to grow higher than those in the center of the surface. I thought the highest ppfd is by the center. I'd like to have a QUANTUM METER and for sake of curiosity, get some measurements here and there... donations accepted for the sake of Science! Well, ultimately I'd be satisfied if those colas wouldn't be burnt later. Fertigation EC inflow 1.35 mS/cm and run off 1.1 mS/cm. I see she seems to be drinking more. Living is learning! next time I grow one of this I'd let her go veg for 5 weeks or less. I didn't know of the strain before despite I read a bit about it before buying the seeds, and while some growers reported huge stretching, others reported little. This pheno indeed stretches! 20/11 I see she continues going up but fortunately there is still some room for more stretching (I wish she wouldn't, of course) before being burned by the lights. 21/11/2019 To my horror 😳 I saw today that what seeemed a good EC value for the run-off was not a reliable value for that quantity, the EC meter is failing 😵 and the EC was nearly 2.8 mS/cm 😳 so I started to flush! I managed to get the value down to 1.8, tomorrow I'll continue giving her cal-mag water and the days that be needed (perhaps I add 0.1 g/L de fertilizer that's 1/4 the amount I was using) until EC gets down to 1.3 or less. I praise teh Almighty she's not hadnute burn with those values of EC! I think she could hardly pull water from the solution. By the way, the Dr keeps growing vertically and I shake a little every day when I see her for the first time in the morning. 22/11/2019 I think the EC issue is correct now, I 'm having a run off of 1.4 mS/cm which I find normal. I'll increase the frequency of fertigation and also use more volume of solution to get more run off the next fertigation events. Day 71 (23/11/2019) was started using pro-silicate from Grotek. So the fertigation solution today is : 1mL/L Cal-Max: 0.3g/L "Bloom" fert., 0.3 g/L "Foliar" fert. and 1mL/L Vitamax Pro pH 6.1(Final EC of inflow solution 1.67 mS/cm), run off 1.23 mS/cm. Unfortunately a 50 W led piece died, so I put a 50 W Cree CXB3590 3000K as a substitution. I think this feature will work much finer than the other.
Used techniques
Week 12. Flowering
5 years ago
12 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
650 PPM
60 %
22 °C
36 L
6 L
20 cm
600 PPM
Nutrients 3
Cal-Max - Grotek
Cal-Max 1.3 mll
Vitamax Plus - Grotek
Vitamax Plus 1.321 mll
Pro-silicate - Grotek
Pro-silicate 0.5 mll
25/11 Day 73 already and starting another week (week 4 since I changed the photoperiod); budlets are not completely formed but still look like more of preflowers. She continues to stretch, she's growing 4-5 cm per day, a complete beast. I think she could be stretching more before the aspect of the preflowe/budlets cahnge much. Comparatively with the pictures of other Grinspoon's growers, the flowering stage is going on very slowly...well I thought the same when she was at vegetative stage, I saw everybody's Grinspoon specimen was much bigger and much sooner than the one of mine, but in the end her growth has been so big that I 'd have liked better she hadn't grown that much. She's entirely taken over the grow room! The light spectrum I use does not promote much stretching per se, as I've seen it on many other hybrid strains in the last two and a half years since I have this system. It's a 80cm*80cm*160 cm grow box (Darkbox) and so far I think the environment for the plant is, in general, let's say fine (except perhaps the hottest days of summer and the coldest days of winter). Humidity is a little high, becuase my place is humid and I don't specailly control it but I'd guess it is roughly 60% HR throughout the year. Being that said, I blame this stretching entirely to her genes and yes, my lack of caution to have prevented all this enormous growth from happening. Really I didn't want to regret later, of not having the size of the plant I wanted and also for not knowing how much she would stretch (I wouldn't have thought this much) I let her grow more than I should have. But one learns from his mistakes and by growing new strains, every strain has different phenos and one never knows which is destined to one's plant. The fertigation solution is now 0.5 mL/L Pro-Silicate; 1,3 mL/L Cal-Max; 0,4 g/L Flower Power Bloom fertilizer at pH 6.1-6.2, EC is 1.35 mS/cm and I raised the fertigation volume to 6L keeping the frequency. Day 74 (26(11) she keeps on stretching, I'm seeing another way to raise the lights the maximum I can, I see the budlets forming more definitely so I don't think she'll be stretching much longer, perhaps and luckily this week she stops doing it. Meantime all I can do is keeping the tallest shoots out of the line of the led lights to prevent bleaching of the leaves or the budlets being burnt. God help me with this. I'll post some pics tomorrow if I have more time. My plants do take more than 60% of my free time at home (but I <3 growing marijuana). Day 75 (27/11) I used a few hooks from the bathtub's curtain to hold the growlights and managed to raise them a precious distance. Day 76 (28/11/2019) i jumped off the bed to assess the sitaution and evertyhing was normal, a big blade burned it tip for proximity to a led light, but the bud tips seem no to be damaged -yet-because of the strong lights/heat. One fertigation (inflow EC 1.35 mS/cm. EC run off 1,5 mS/cm) "en dan ben ik klaar met haar". Day 77 29-11-2019 she keeps growing tall and she's become something almost unmanageable. A couple of shoots have surpassed the lights. If only they won't be burned 🙏 Day 78 (30/11) She seems to be stopping growing. When I saw her I realised extraction fan was gone, fortunately being Saturday I could find a replacement soon. I find that run off pH is 5.3 (collected at the last portion the run-off, 2nd fertigation of the day. Isn't it a little too acidic to leave this issue untreated? Day 79 (01/12) after a reply from @knut at I am advised not to take in consideration runoff pH but to take care of pH in and EC "in", as for the runoff, just checking EC, because pH varies for the interaction between nutrients and is of zero interest, so I was told. The extractor is working fine and it is a lot more silent than the older one. Last for today, I'd say I'm happy she seems to have completed the stretching phase, although there are a few shoots at scarce centimeters from the ceiling of the box as a consequence. The other shoots are fine, at a reasonably good position from the lights. It was very hard times with these last weeks and the damned stretching. If I had to evaluate the growing difficulty of this strain, I'd say "quite hard" because she's pretty much unmanageable at the stretching phase, unless proper caution measures be taken before it's too late. Day 80 (2/12/2019) To end week 12 (4th week flowering) I see it seems that stretching phase is over so I can breath again. She still may be growing one or two centimeters, that I dunno for sure, but judging from the accelerated rate of stretching I have seen since the last two weeks, it appears that she won't get taller. She's almost tocuhed the ceiling :/ I see a slight swelling of the baby buds, like the calixes that are starting to form.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Gabarramstarted grow question 5 years ago
Hi there How many weeks should I expect a sativa that takes a flowering time of 13-14 weeks, to keep on stretching? Thank you!
Other. Harvest - Drying
Darkuauanswered grow question 5 years ago
These sativas keeps on stretching around 4 - 5 weeks. I want to see it till harvest
Week 13. Flowering
5 years ago
12 hrs
27 °C
650 PPM
60 %
22 °C
36 L
6 L
20 cm
600 PPM
Nutrients 2
Cal-Max - Grotek
Cal-Max 1.3 mll
Pro-silicate - Grotek
Pro-silicate 0.5 mll
03/12/2019 Day 81 The Dr seems to be concentrating in forming buds but I think she's grown some half centimeter, is she going to touch the ceiling? She has to know that is is confined and the sky is not the limit, at least in her condition. Day 82 (04-12-2019) The shoot at the rear left is almost touching the celiling of the grow tent😨 and i keep on tying other shoots and keeping them the farthest from the burning lights (many leaves' tips are scorched, but fortunately it's just the tip and the bud is still far from that hot point. Other leaves that are close to the lights, well, I took scissors and there's no need to speak further. Look the hard work I'm having with this plant height's issue. Goddammit why can't I have a normal grow like everyone? Day 83 just looking the video and the pics is self explanatory. No further comments 😒 Day 84 Ithe tallest shoot has reached the ceiling and seems to try to keep on growing so she needed to start bending at the very top because she wouldn't get past the tent fabric. Regarding EC, I am using a fertigation solution about 1,3 mS/cm and the runoff EC at 1.5 mS/cm. EC has been kept controlled since I raised fertigation volume to 6 L per fertigation event (1/day), unfortunately this solution containing nutrients goes to waste :( Day 85 07/12 I'lllst the tops that get to touch the ceiling and keep observing and acting as needed. I fear she'll stilll keep going up for a while. Fertigations as usual, got runoff EC 650 ppm today (1.3 ms/cm) which I think it's very good of a value. Day 86 (08/12/2019) Following advice I defoliated and even cut some thin and improductive shoots. Removed a lot of foliage and even supercropped a long tall shoot, I want to see how this high stress technique affects her. Because I plan to keep it doing if other shoots decided to continue growing. I wonder why do shoots continue growing vertical after having passed the light's level. Is it the glow coming from the reflective walls perhaps? Many questions. I decided to take down some tall shoots by suspending little weights near the tip, it seems to work more or less fine. Day 87 luckily the HST seems to have worked fine, the shoots are recovering and point upwards again. The main tip is quite unruly, today I supercropped that tip. Runoff EC is 650 ppm, perfect. Day 92 /14-12-2019) I think that despite her exaggerate growth she's managing to thrive fine with some limitations, buds seems going well. Shoots are still growing vertical but supercropping and resistance seems to have hampered her a while, but now I see she engaged on growing some centimeters more :/ Day 93 two days from starting the 14th week, despite the lights and the heat of this season (added to the lights I had to keep the tent door open for there was 32 ºC inside) the Dr is taking it well, I see the buds foxtailing as I expected, and I'm positive this grow will get to a good end. I'll work day by day to achieve that. Regarding fertigation, I gave her a solution half concentrated (relative to the solutions that I had given her the preceding days) because I noticed salt build-up by the EC measurements. I left run off EC at 800 ppm which is still a bit high for my liking but not excessively. For the amount of runoff I collected today, I see she seems to be drinking a little more.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Gabarramstarted grow question 5 years ago
Should I lollipop the bottom ?
Techniques. Defoliation
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hey there , go for it and lollipop chayton said it all really just want to add go on with a razor blade and cut off the flower nodes down there too , bandage with some opaque tape . Removing flower nodes will do a lot to get the benefits of lollipopping . Hope this helps ! 🚀
Week 14. Flowering
5 years ago
12 hrs
30 °C
550 PPM
60 %
25 °C
36 L
6 L
600 PPM
Nutrients 2
Cal-Max - Grotek
Cal-Max 1.3 mll
Pro-silicate - Grotek
Pro-silicate 0.5 mll
Hi! It's day three of the 14th week (day 97) since she was born (6th week flowering) and the Dr with the limitations that we all know (size and proximity to the lights) seems to be doing well. There's a tendency for salt build-up in the coco medium son I lowered EC to 550 ppm and still get a 700 ppm runoff. Progressively I'll be raising the values very day. She has a nice citrus smell that fills the room and is very enjoyable first time in the morning. Day 99 (21-12-2019) happy Summer Solstice! The Dr is fine, growing and always growing. I feel relieved to see that the buds which are not under the light seem to be trhriving exactly (or more) than the lower buds, which are entirely under the lights! I look after the heat though, in fac I didn't replace the COB that broke down so I have 50 W less but some heat less also. Temperatures are usually about 29-30ºC in there, days are really hot in Montevideo! To sum up, I love the way I see buds are growing, and I think how long i still have to wait for harvest time!
1 like
Used techniques
Week 15. Flowering
5 years ago
12 hrs
30 °C
550 PPM
60 %
25 °C
36 L
6 L
600 PPM
Nutrients 2
Cal-Max - Grotek
Cal-Max 1.3 mll
Pro-silicate - Grotek
Pro-silicate 0.5 mll
So far, so good. The Dr amazingly grows similar sized buds above the light level as she grows buds behind the lights. Buds are small in general. I fertigate her once a day, 0.4 g/L of the base fertilizer. Inflow conc is 550 ppm (ca,. 1100 uS/cm), and I think I may be slightly underfertilizing. I plan to raise the concentration 150 ppm within two weeks and see if she tolerates that amount. What's fantastic in these long flowering strains, that it seems one has all the time in the world to plan and make changes, in the end, there's so much time to recuperate in case of an inconvenience! Day 107 (29-12) It consoles me that even the infortunate grow disadventures of mine with this "stretchy sativa" I think the journey will turn out successful. Let's some in April! (perhaps somewhat earlier, I dunno) If not for yields, which I reckon thwy may not be as large as I wanted (if for big yield was the original intention of growing this strain I wouldn't grow this one specially -which is know not ot be a big yielder, it was the desire of the experience of growing this noble and beautiful landrace (heirloom) sativa. by myslef...and I have 4 more seeds ;) I raised EC with 0.5 g/L Bloom fertilizer per liter solution, keeping all the other ingredients constant, in concentration and order of mixing. Every day I have the extra work of inspecting the colas to see whether they are being damaged by heat and eventually apart them from the cobs, etc., but in general, I thank God this could have been even much worse. Luckily she resists both the high indoor temperatures (31 ºC by this date, when outside temperatures are of that order), and pro-silicate additive may have been useful to resist heat, as Grotek claims.
Used techniques
Week 16. Flowering
5 years ago
12 hrs
30 °C
550 PPM
60 %
25 °C
36 L
6 L
600 PPM
Nutrients 2
Cal-Max - Grotek
Cal-Max 1.3 mll
Pro-silicate - Grotek
Pro-silicate 0.5 mll
Happy New Year guys! Unfortunately, the heat has arrived completely for January and I guess that both the plant and I are gonna suffer this. Pistils are getting brown and curly, and I see extensive trichome production on certain buds but not all of them. Also I see the buds in general keep on fox-tailing. Day 4 Week 16 ( 03-01-2019) she looks good, surviving the hell temperatures in there but enduring. Fertigation is about 600 ppm inflow, run-off 700 pom, I', giving her 0.55 g/L Bloom fertilizer. I see buds are getting thicker. The tent is a jungle. My God, I've never had such a mess., and never grew a sativa like this. I've had a specimen of Nirvana Sky "superauto"; indeed she was a real monster, but even she was autoflowering, I remember topping her early because I was fearing the big size. But this one is "uitstekend"! Last pics of the week (this plant's weeks start on Tuesdays). I returned home after a short leave and found her the same as I had left her.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Gabarramstarted grow question 5 years ago
On which week should I start using PK fertilizers for this long flowering sativa?
Feeding. Schedule
Fruitgroweranswered grow question 5 years ago
The buds on a pure sat will always have that fox tail, never fattening look but a pk boost is for the middle of the flowering period for 2-4 weeks.
Week 17. Flowering
5 years ago
12 hrs
30 °C
550 PPM
60 %
25 °C
36 L
6 L
600 PPM
Nutrients 2
Cal-Max - Grotek
Cal-Max 1.3 mll
Pro-silicate - Grotek
Pro-silicate 0.5 mll
Whoa another week. 07-01-2020 ( Day 116) Heat is very strong in January on this latitude. I keep the tent door open almost all the time to help ventilation. She is developing more buds from the former buds, that's waht it looks like, so if this is the way I think I had seen this befor, she would be keeping on growing new little buds from the buds that have been already formed, thus instead of packing on bud weight, she develops more biomass creating new buds and elongating the ones that we already there. Day 117 08-01-2020 Yesterday I forget to cover the tent front with the nylon layer to prevent any light leaking through the zipper and pinholes that there are all over the frontal face, the grow room is at my back, when I sit by the computer, so, the front side gets all the glow from the monitor. So I gave her a continuous long night starting at 8 pm yesterday , lights were on by 8.30 and will be off by 17. Day 119 (10-01-2020) I added 0.2g/L Boost fertilizer (High K and P) twice a week every week, until further observations or whatever. So the final mixture is 0.4 g/L Bloom and 0,2 g/L Boost, plus the other general nutrients/additives. The inlet air fan broke so I had to run to the store to get another one. I hadn't checked before (MY BAD!!) but I'm positive that it broke today. By the way, today is extremely hot! (30 ºC /86ºF) by the mid tent's height where the thermometer is) so I let the tent door open and extra ventilation (of course that microbes, spores, dust and other shit that is getting inside the grow room rampantly in the meantime). Day 111 (12/019 One thing that puzzles me is the fact that some buds are frosty but other look at bare sight, like there were no, butwith the loupe, one sees that there are in fact many of them but very tiny (I hope they'll develop a little more later). The thing is why does it look kind of a different thricome maturation?
Used techniques
Week 18. Flowering
5 years ago
12 hrs
30 °C
550 PPM
60 %
25 °C
36 L
6 L
600 PPM
Nutrients 2
Cal-Max - Grotek
Cal-Max 1.3 mll
Pro-silicate - Grotek
Pro-silicate 0.5 mll
Day 113 (14 01 2020) 18th week from seed, starting the 10th week flowering if my math is not wrong. I continue struggling against environmental heat, light's heat, heat everywhere threatening the precious buds. If only I could have managed to keep growth under control... However things are the way they are. I've kept on adding phosphates to fertigation water, 0.2 g/L Boost and 04 g/L Bloom. I decided to try two weeks of PK boost and then two weeks again before the flush. Day 115 (16-01-2020) I see some buds have fattened since last week's phosphate boost. The tent, as you may have seen in the pictures, is a mess inside, a f*cking rainforest. I'd have a lot to trouble to make repairings/etc. without risking damaging the colas. Day 116 17/01 luckily the temperatures decreased a bit, now there's about 26 ºC inside the tent. Day 118 (18/01/2020) So far everything is as usual, ppm of run-off decreased to normal (or may I say a little under normal) values.
Used techniques
Week 19. Flowering
5 years ago
12 hrs
30 °C
550 PPM
60 %
25 °C
36 L
6 L
600 PPM
Nutrients 2
Cal-Max - Grotek
Cal-Max 1.3 mll
Pro-silicate - Grotek
Pro-silicate 0.5 mll
Day 121 (Day 1st Week 19) and the lady's buds are very clearly packing on weight. She is ready ready for a PK boost again! But if I really have to tell my opinion, I think she doesn't need more P, she's growing very well. On the other hand, a boost won't hurt. It's a pity the high temperatures of summer, she may be really suffering the heat inside the grow room. Luckily prosilicate may help her (as it seems to be) helping on this heat issue. Of course everyday I inspect buds to put those approaching the lights farther. Led lights are too bright and may bleach the precious buds so proximity to lights is the real problem of this current grow. Day 124 (24/01/2020) Helaas i found an incipient spider mites infestation, this f*cking plague always makes its way into my grow. Because of spider mites I sotpped growing outside. Really, I do hat these nasty animals and I would eradicate forever if it was in my power. I found a few leaves with inequivocal symptoms of spider mite bites, and in the back of the leaves I saw eggs, nymphs and adult forms. I started treatment with neem oil 5 mL/L applied as soil drench. I'll repeat in 5 days. on the other hand it's fortunate that I have seen them and so I can start treatment soon before they take over the entire plant. 1/5 day for PK boost: 0.5 mL/L Prosilicate + 1mL/L CalMax + 0.6 g/L Bloom fertilizer + 0.2g/L Boost (inflow 530 ppm) pH 5.85 (run off 450 ppm) Day 125 High temperatures again, with the open tent temp is 29.4 ºC inside... Day 2/5 for PK Boost Day 126 (26 01 2020) PK Boost day 3/5 inflow 550 ppm, run off 530 pmm Day 127 (27/01/2020) PK boost dat 4/5, luckily it was a cooler day today , i kept the tento closed, and temperatures did not exceed 29 ºC which I consider "normal" for the summer (but I would like lower temps though)
1 comment
Week 20. Flowering
5 years ago
12 hrs
30 °C
550 PPM
60 %
25 °C
38 L
23 L
600 PPM
Nutrients 1
Pro-silicate - Grotek
Pro-silicate 0.5 mll
Day 130 - Neem emulsion as drench Day 131 (31/01/2020 Day 4 Week 20) I'm changing to a new fertilizer, not using Flower Power anymore, will be using "all in one" Greenhousefeeding fertilizer (long flowering) which is NPK 18 12 18, quite a different composition from the latter I was using, let's see how it works. The NPK balance (18 12 18) real does not make sense to me, so high N for flowering,it puzzles me... it looks like more of a transition fertilizer. But since I am not an expert in agriculture, adding to this this brand has has success with this fertilizer in the industry or so it seems, well I think I just have at the least to give it a chance to prove its goodness before judging, this is, not prejudging before I have evidence. I have been looking previously to Advanced Nutrients but circumstancially I only have this Greenhouse feeeding stuff to deal with. I got a EC of the inflow solution of 470 ppm and pH 6 ( prosilicate 05 mL/L, Cal Mag from Advanced Nutrients 2 mL/L (yes I run out of Grotek Cal MAx and I couldn't find in stock on the market); 0.6 g/L GHF Long Flowering fert, run-off 562 ppm. Day 132 (01 February 2020) now I'm really counting the days to harvest, because I see a tiny dot of white mold into a group of buds that had created a pocket where the bastard colonized. I tried to remove the dot an sprayed with milk emulsion, then let it dry with an external fan. What worries me is the part (at the back of grow room) behind that jungle that I cannot access to inspect.
Week 21. Flowering
5 years ago
12 hrs
30 °C
400 PPM
60 %
25 °C
38 L
23 L
600 PPM
Nutrients 2
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 2 mll
Pro-silicate - Grotek
Pro-silicate 0.5 mll
Day 139! (08 February 2020) Spider mites seem under control, but with long flowering bitches like these I start worrying for mold in the last weeks of flowering because it's very rare to have a humidity lower than 60% throughout the year in this country. I took a sample to dry and test how it is going, I found a broken shoot (I don't know how it happened) and I removed it for drying. Luckily, it was a shoot containing lower buds and it was not even heavy. But for the sake of trying how she is going, in some way I celebrate this... Also I removed the portion where I firstly saw that white mold was forming, before it spreads its f*cking spores everywhere. I reduced fertilizer from 0,4 g/L to 0.2 g/L as for ripening time. She's started to lose vigor, she's entering senescence and her time is coming, after seeing her every day in the last months, we're kind of a long time relatives. I see she's aged almost enough for harvest. Day 140 It's the lady's last month and Just hope I wouldn't lose any bud because of mold. Spider mites is a controlled infection but it worries me not. Also I regret having had to use neem oil for the f*cking spiders, I wish that the chemicals in it wouldn't impart an odd taste to the buds. I won't do any other drench until harvest, flush mediated.
Week 22. Flowering
5 years ago
12 hrs
30 °C
400 PPM
60 %
25 °C
38 L
5 L
600 PPM
Nutrients 2
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 2 mll
Pro-silicate - Grotek
Pro-silicate 0.5 mll
Day 141 22th Week and there's not much to say that has not been said yet. I have taken a few buds that I can easily reach without risking to damage the long colas (I can inadvertently cause damage with my arms and elbows) and see their thricomes, I'd say it's 40% cloudy and 60% still transparent). If I couldn't decide by the color of thrics I guess I'd harvest after 160 days from seed (100 days flowering) approx., plus a week or two for a flush. Day 144 I see spider mites have made great damage to many leaves. Luckily we will make it up to harvest. (I'll try Final Flush by Grotek this time). Day 145 (15 02 2020) I'm thinking if next grow is gonna be white widow (normal grow, 4 plants in the ol' 80 x 80 x160 grow tent or Dr. Grinspoon again (12/12 from seed this time, four plants). I have seeds to spare but I think I'll germinate (if possible) the WW seeds before they get too old. I'll thinking this over for a while, I have plenty of time to decide. I have two Nirvana Sky "super-auto" (160 days from seed to harvest) that I'd like to get rid as well. Day 146 I'm thinking seriously about starting to flush tomorrow and harvest the soonest, because the spider mites have upsurged and I don't want to see that nasty webs on muy precious buds. Of pests, i hate this the most.
Week 23. Flowering
5 years ago
12 hrs
30 °C
400 PPM
60 %
25 °C
38 L
5 L
600 PPM
Nutrients 1
Flawless Finish - Advanced Nutrients
Flawless Finish 2 mll
Day 152 from seed ( 98 days since I changed photoperiod) and I'm harvesting after one week flush. A few buds seemed to have started decaying inexplicably, like burned, and had acquired a grayish- brownish coloration that I didn't like at all. I think she's caught a fungus. Besides I also think spider mites have done they job well because I was amazed at the extent they had sucked the sap on almost every leaf of the plant, fan leaves mostly. They have weakened the plant so much that she may be int he process of a more terrible thing that could be fungi. Back to spider mites, it is indeed nasty to see the damage this pest has done so far, because I see they have chewed almost -if not all- leaves, and fortunately they hadn't started to form webs, which I abhore seeing. I had started to see adult spider mite forms into the very inside of buds, while I was inspecting the thricomes, so before this nasty pest would eat up my precious buds, or any other cause (mold, etc) I took the decision to flush and harvest her progressively. First I'd harvest the most ripen buds or those that show signs of decaying and leave to the end the most immature (those that were far from lights, which are terminal and very big and dense though a but immature and bright green. The plant looked overall ready and I preferred to harvest the most bud I could, as you may imagine, but I would have liked another week for flushing more thoroughly. I've been flushing with tapwater and 2 mL/L Flawless Finish from Advanced Nutrients. In the next few days I'll be finishing her completely, drying won't take long and as for curing I think a couple of weeks. The smell in the room is really heavy (in fact it has been heavy for the last month), it stinks oif citrus here.
Week 24. Flowering
5 years ago
12 hrs
30 °C
400 PPM
60 %
25 °C
38 L
5 L
600 PPM
Nutrients 1
Flawless Finish - Advanced Nutrients
Flawless Finish 2 mll
155 days from seed and still harvesting the last big colas, and flushing for the parts still receiving light during 12 hours and processing more residual materials intracellularly, while hopefully ripening a little bit more. Like I told before, there are three or four colas like that in the video that were not completely exposed to light and they might not as ripe as they should be. I'll check that while smoking later after these colas are properly dried and cured.
Week 24. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Very good product! Very energetic stuff. At first when I was getting used to smoking this, I felt dizzy after smoking a few puffs in the morning. Ive smoked for half of my life and I've done this everty day, I wouldn't rate myself as a beginner in this aspect, but this sh*t is very heavy fact I wouldn't recommend this weed as all day smoking stuff, better to combine with a indica for the evening.
Show more
Spent 169 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
1618 g
Bud wet weight per plant
403 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Creative, Energetic, Happy
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry eyes, Dry mouth
Negative effects
Citrus, Diesel, Pine

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Firstly, thank you Barney's Farm for developing this awesome strain. Fertilization: I've never had any problem with her regarding fertilization, she was fertigated every day with low concentration of nutrients, average 550 ppm (1,1 mS/cm) with she tolerated pretty good. I usually don't go heavy on nutrients, specially this strain which I read is a little sensitive. The major problem I 've had with her, she took over the entire grow room during flowering stage. The mistakes I made were: 1) I didn't top her because I considered she was not growing vigorously. 2) LST, scrog net and supercropping seems to have made her grow even more fiercely. 3) I used a large fabric pot ( 10 gal) and coco/perlite mix, I should've used a smaller pot, I gave too much room for her roots to expand and she grew infinitely as a consequence. I think no-one should do this. I'd advice that besides your topping her, grow her 12/12 hours from seed. 18/6 is too much and she stretches a lot. Resistance to pests: she got red spider mites and quickly and the pest spread to the whole plant, and made a great infestation. I think I realized late she was infected, since it was a jungle in there, for me to see the liitle devils concealed, sucking the sap. Resistance to mold/fungi: in the last stage of the plant's life I noticed a few spots of mold growing and I discarded some pieces of bud for this issue. She is sensitive to 60-70% humidity in the last stage. Unfortunately I wasn't able to correct the relative humidity, I live in a humid country and close to the shore. Smoke: it is very strong dope, and lasts long, four hours or more. I'm a heavy smoker and I realise that I do no more than 4-5 puffs and then I'm done. This dope is not for pussies :D Yields: I'm more than satisfied, I've never had all this amount of dry weed from a single plant indoors! Thanks to everyone who gave advice during my grow and again to Barney's Farm, always developing the best cannabis strains, forever my favorite breeder.


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GanjaFarmerGrowcommentedweek 15 years ago
Difficult strain, Good Luck, I'll follow :D
Dahoolacommentedweek 15 years ago
Good luck with your grow! I'll follow along
QQNPKcommentedweek 75 years ago
Beautiful! This is a strain iv wanted to grow for quiet some time, gotta make that happen soon! Ill be watching this & good luck 😁!
Gabarramcommented5 years ago
@QQNPK, thank you!
CRiSPrGrowcommented5 years ago
@QQNPK, i never heard that one but i'm 100% sure they weren't talking about these genetics 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
QQNPKcommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, The one that waits for something great never waits to long.. or what does one say 🤣😁🍀💐
Show More (1)
OrganicPowercommentedweek 55 years ago
Excited to follow your grow!
Gabarramcommented5 years ago
@OrganicPower Thank you very much for your support.
Ferenccommentedweek 15 years ago
Wao that's gonna be a long journey @Gabarram ! Nice 100% Sativa.... Good Luck mate! Happy growing! Nice detailed start! I am going to follow this progress ! ✌️
Puffer_Billcommentedweek 15 years ago
Nice diary comments. A little bit of info on the plant woudnt go amiss. Lovely germination process and nice looking seedling. 🌱 Best wishes on your 1st diary. 🍀
Ferenccommentedweek 125 years ago
4-5 cm a day? That's crazy ! What is the current height of her ? Nice job bro @Gabarram
Ferenccommented5 years ago
@Gabarram, I have one seed as well but I am not ready to plant it, it takes long to be done... Well, use some LST try to make it more flappen, twist it carefully it may help. This is the transition stage early flowering well she does it very well :D so I am gonna get ready for that as well based on it! Thank you! Good Luck mate! ;)
Gabarramcommented5 years ago
@Ferenc, thank you very much for the words, perhaps "terrifying" suits more than "crazy" imo I don't know how much more she's willing to keep on stretching and I can't raise the lights more 🙏 I think (not measured yet) she may be around 100 cm. Cheers
Darkuaucommentedweek 245 years ago
Finally! Haha that looks great, so afther all worths the effort i have to try this strain in the near future.
Gabarramcommented5 years ago
@Darkuau, thank you very much for your faithful support. Yes, it was worth the effort...This was a journey full of thrill and adventure. A strain full of surprises!
Sessmancommentedweek 245 years ago
Congrats on a great harvest man!! That is a very impressive yield. I am still waiting on my girls to finish. Happy growing!!
Gabarramcommented5 years ago
@Sessman, thank you dear Sessman, wish you a happy growing & harvest!
ShotGunBobcommentedweek 245 years ago
I don't know why people grow this strain😂 over 20 weeks and then you have to trim that shit🤣congrats in your harvest!
Gabarramcommented5 years ago
@@ShotGunBob, this may be a challenging strain in many aspects.
Grey_Wolfcommentedweek 245 years ago
Congrats on growing the Legendary Grinspoon ! You did agreat job 🙏
Gabarramcommented5 years ago
@Grey_Wolf, thank you very much!
Resin_Randycommentedweek 235 years ago
Better sooner than never 🍀👌🏼 Good job there
Gabarramcommented5 years ago
@@Resin_Randy, thank you very much, regards!
Darkuaucommentedweek 215 years ago
Your lady is almost done, so dont worry. My best wishes for you man.
Gabarramcommented5 years ago
@Darkuau, thank you very much and my best wishes for you too.
MadeInGermanycommentedweek 185 years ago
You can give this variety very long time, she'll thank you :-)
Gabarramcommented5 years ago
@MadeInGermany, Ja, richtig!
Kid_Colombiacommentedweek 155 years ago
Great work, hopefully mine turn out similar. I’m on week 4 and could use some advice 🙏🏼
Gabarramcommented5 years ago
@Kid_Colombia Of course, claro parce! Regards.
Darkuaucommentedweek 145 years ago
Wow your lady is getting wild! Nice grow!
Gabarramcommented5 years ago
@Darkuau, yes, I'm afraid it's too much! a liitel bit tamer wouldn't hurt.
growdoctordccommentedweek 135 years ago
Super crop if she gets too tall. Enjoy! I have two Doc Grin beans, excited to start them indoors in Feb, then put in the ground in the hoop house after the last frost. 🤞
Gabarramcommented5 years ago
@growdoctordc, I have never supercropped in flowering but I' ll pluck up courage to do that if I have to, today I did it with just one tall shoot, and I'll keep on doing it if deemed necessary. I thought that if the shoot's tips got a bit above the light's level, this would discourage the shoots to keep on stretching, but it seems not, so supercropping is the only way just to stop them growing vertical at this stage. Thank you very much for the advice, I wish for your seeds a happy germination and 💪 seedlings.
LandOfTheBigBaboon518commentedweek 125 years ago
Looks fucking awesome!
Gabarramcommented5 years ago
@LandOfTheBigBaboon518, thank you very much, indeed this is the first time I see this phenomenon I've always grown hybrids and autoflowerings and this is completely another thing.
Darkuaucommentedweek 195 years ago
What a jungle Bro
Snackcommentedweek 185 years ago
Loving it dude...looking sweet as 👌
the end.
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