The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

go BIG or go home LSD-25

5 years ago
Quantum board Light Emitting Diodes/240W
Quantum board
Quantum board Light Emitting Diodes/240W
Quantum board
Room Type
weeks 4-12
weeks 4-5
weeks 4-5
weeks 6
weeks 4-12
Grow medium
25 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
6 cm
18 hrs
20 °C
No Smell
60 %
20 °C
25 L
0 L
80 cm
So I started my first indoor grow :) I'm very excited. I germinated 10 seeds and they all sprouted. The first week was easy, I just give them tap water pH corrected and nothing else. They stretched a bit too much that I wanted, so I lowered the quantum board. Also I'm not running them on full power, I calibrated them with a luxmeter so I gave my babies 5000 lmne this first week. Here it is very rainy, but my dehumidifier always keep the humidity on 60 %, and I also have a thermoventilator that turns on when the temp is under 20°.
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
10 cm
18 hrs
20 °C
No Smell
60 %
18 °C
20 °C
25 L
0 L
60 cm
Nutrients 4
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 0.528 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.132 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.264 mll
Second week and the first problems arises. This is the first time for me indoor so I'm not very familiar with the lights, and the plants stretched too much because I couldn't find the perfect height but now I think I'm good. Also 6 of my 9 babies have curly and twirly leaves. It happened with one of my plants in the previous grow and it wasn't a big of a deal, but now I'm a bit worried. It could be genetics but it also could be my fault. After some research I think I found the problem : the wind of my ventilator was too strong so I turn it off. Now the situation seems to be better, we'll see next week if I was right. This week I also started to give nutes, but because they are a bit curly how I said before, I don't know if they like or not. I adjusted the light to 60 cm ad dimmed so it gives 17000 lux, I know that I need to measure the PAR for the best results, but you know, a parameter cost too much, and this is the best I could do. Some of the plants are already starting to show some shadows of purple, and I'm really excited to see how they will be next week, cause I want to train them as soon as they get a Lil bigger.
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
15 cm
18 hrs
20 °C
57 %
15 °C
20 °C
25 L
0 L
50 cm
Nutrients 4
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 0.528 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.264 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.66 mll
So I started this week by raising the nutes quantity. I had this schedule that I used in my previous grow and it all went very well, but this time the plants didn't appreciate it. All of them had nutes burns, some very small and some had their entire leaves yellowing. For the rest of the week I flushed them, and gave them only ph water with calmag. I don't know where and why I fucked upped, but I ordered a tds tester so I won't have those problems in the future. Beside this problem the plants are doing great, the steam is getting thiccher and the leaves are getting bigger. I lowered the quantum board and dimmed it to approximately 30000 lux, I think the plants will love it. The next week I plan to start lst and also I'm thinking to top the central plant because she is doing very great. I will wait 2-3 days until the soil it's dry, and then start fedding them again with a lower % of nutes, hoping they will take them better than this week.
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
17 cm
18 hrs
20 °C
No Smell
700 PPM
57 %
15 °C
20 °C
25 L
0 L
50 cm
Nutrients 4
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 1 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.264 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.66 mll
Day 23: I started the LST on my babies and they love it, also I topped the middle one and she is doing fine. It seems that they now are doing great so when the soil will get dry I will get them the feeding. I also bought a tds tester and found out that my tap water have 350 ppm so this is why my plants had burnings with overfeeding, but now that I can measure it I will not have problems with giving them the right amount of nutes. Day 24: I transplanted the little one in a decent pot, I think it's a 1 liter pot. The soil is dry so I fed them, measuring a ppm of 700, hope they take it well. The plants are doing great, the lower branches are slowly growing and the plant that I topped is already recovered. Day 26: nothing new, I installed the net and started the SoG. The qbs are at full power now (480 w) and I lifted them a little bit up so the plants will start stretching to the light. The are some pistils in the middle one so I think that the next week all girls will enter in flower.
Used techniques
Week 5. Flowering
5 years ago
26 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
750 PPM
60 %
15 °C
18 °C
25 L
1 L
55 cm
Nutrients 5
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 1 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.528 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.528 mll
Day 30: the plants are doing great, no sign of nutrient deficiency or overfeeding, lateral branches are stretching. Overall I'm very happy. I start to see the first pistols so this will be the start of flowering. Next time I will feed them only water and then start with the flower feeding schedule. The only thing is that humidity is pretty high because we have bad weather here but I hope to take it down to 50 %. Day 31: I'm so happy! The plants are having and explosive growth, now they are 25 cm tall. Today I continued training them with the scrog net and also gave some ph water with calmag to the plants that have the soil a lil dry. Next time I'll switch nutes for the flowering stage. I'm also planning to buy a pk booster and maybe molasses and silica. I'm so excited to see how they will grow this week. Day 32: the plants are growing exponentially, I train them every day. They are healthy and happy! I noticed some signs of light burn and raised the light a lil bit. Today no watering, I'll do it tomorrow. Now that they are starting flowering I also bought a pk booster with molasses, I'm looking forward to see how the plants will take it. Day 33: they change every time I see them. They are super healthy and happy, the leaves have a beautiful green color and I'm starting to smell a hint of blueberry. Also the 10th plant, the smallest, now is practically fully recovered. How every other day today I trained them, I also have done some light defoliation, cutting off the leaves that I couldn't bend behind, I gave them 18 l of water, using the new bloombastic. I used 1 ml/l and with the other nutes it gave me around 550 ppm. It is pretty low, now I can go up to 950 ppm, but I want to see tomorrow how they take them and if they are healthy I will give them another feeding with a higher ppm. Day 35: they took the feeding very well. Today I trained them as always, every plants got around 10 tops but I'm planning to have 15. I gave them another feeding this time with 750 ppm. There's only one strange thing that I noticed : the middle one have some leaves that are a half green and a half yellow( you can see in the photo). I don't know why they are looking like this but I'll found out eventually. Edit: So I've done some research and the half yellow half green leaf is a rare mutation that can occur, very cool! I'm glad this isn't a problem.
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
5 years ago
39 cm
18 hrs
21 °C
650 PPM
56 %
16 °C
19 °C
25 L
1 L
50 cm
Nutrients 5
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 1 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.528 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.528 mll
Day 38: it's all going great, plants are all happy and healthy, I'm only having troubles with humidity, it can go up to 70 %. I've upgraded to a bigger humidifier (my wallet is crying) so I hope it will go all right. The soil is still pretty wet so I'll wait another 1-2 days till the next watering. I'm continuing training them but not as hard as before because I don't want to have the buds very low so I'm only pulling them away so every bud has its own space. I'm also defoliating a bit because there are a lot of leaves and I'm struggling tucking them, so the ones that are covering buds I just take them away. Day 39: today I've done some heavy defoliation, lollipopping all my girls. The humidity now is lower than before, around 60%. I watered them 1 l each with water, Calmag and flora Gro only because I think they may have nitrogen deficiency. I'll wait two day and then water them with the full mix. I've also highered my lights because I saw on the tip of the leaves yellow color and that might be light burn. Day 41: the plants took lollipopping very well, they are fully recovered and healthy. I gave them 10 l of feeding with a ppm of 650, I gave them a lot of P and K, we will see how they take it. It seem that they stopped stretching, another 3 weeks of flower and I can chop them. Day 42: they look beautiful, 3 plants are already purple, the others are starting to color too, I noticed that the plants that are genetically more sativa change color earlyer than the other phenotypes. I've done the last lollipopping, all the leaves and buds that couldn't reach the light were eliminated, now starts the boring part of the grow where you only need to gave them water and nothing else.
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
5 years ago
42 cm
18 hrs
21 °C
500 PPM
55 %
16 °C
18 °C
25 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 5
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 1 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.793 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.528 mll
Day 44: I thought the plants stopped stretching but I was wrong, they gain another cm in a day. Today I fed them but with a lower ppm because I noticed that some leaves have burnings. Other than that they look incredibly good, the flowers are getting bigger and smellier. Now they drink around a liter per day. 3 of 10 plants are fully purple and the others are catching up. Day 47: they are doing great, plant #1 is catching up with the others and starts flowering while the others are in full flower and are starting gaining some weight. I watered the today with water and calmag with a pH of 6. The plant in the center is having some sort of problem, it doesn't seem like nut burn (because then they would all be burnt). I also installed a bigger fan inside for colling the quantum board's drivers and circulate the air. I also lowered the temps at night, this will help bringing the purple colour out.
1 comment
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Soskar69started grow question 5 years ago
The plant that stays in the center is having some problems. Sugar leaves are curling down and have brown-yellow spots, they also seem very dry (see the photos) . Only this plant is having those problems, what could it be?
Leaves. Curl down
Leaves. Color - Pale
HighRoller909answered grow question 5 years ago
I don't want to scare you but I think it has root problem.two things coming to mind when you say sugar leaves are curling down,gettin yellower and crispy ; bud rot or root rot problem. you might be overwatering it for a while or if you think you havent been overwatering this is because it is right in the middle and can't get enough air to soil surface to help it dry faster,it may be too humid in that pot. yours are still small flowers that's why I don't think bud rot is an issue but you definitely should check that pot closely.Lack of nitrogen doesn't appear like this,firstly lower and bigger fan leaves get yellow in that case.I wouldn't water it for a week to see if it stops spreading.and providing extra air or space to that pot would be a great idea.I know you wont be able to move pots because of scrog but you can defoliate neighboor plants' leaves. your weekly review section is a joy to read btw.I like how you analysed them each and separated into phenos.I have that midnight purple pheno you were talking about,smoking right now.recently harvested,check out my diary if interested.good luck everything looks cool.
Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
43 cm
18 hrs
21 °C
700 PPM
55 %
16 °C
18 °C
25 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 5
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 1 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.793 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.528 mll
Day 51:The plants are doing great, they stopped stretching and now flowers are getting bigger and bigger. Today I feed them all(except the middle one) with qppm of 700,next time I'm planning to gave them a much more potent feed with a ppm of 1000. The middle plant it's not getting better, other leaves are getting yellow, and I don't know what it could be, for this week I will only gave her ph water with calmag an nothing else, I don't want to flush her because the stress would be too high and I'm so near the harvest that it would be pointless. Other than that I'm very happy, the smell is getting stronger and more vivid every day, the buds are getting bigger and juicy, I think the bloombastic is doing a great job, they will be A1 quality. Now I'm also starting to see the different fenotypes. The Lsd-25 have 3 different feno: 1) dark purple : I have 4 plants of this feno, and this is the best fenotype. It is the more sativa feno, it starts slow and small but in the end it would be the biggest and with the bigger colas, and also it starts getting purple on it own, starting from the flower and progressing to the leaf. The smell it's very pungent and minty, it's a mix of fruit and mint. Overall it has all the things that you want in a great strain. 2) the pink: the majority of my plants (5) are from this feno. This fenotype is more indica than the previous, it is a lil bit smaller, but on the other hand it is the one that have the biggest number of flowers. It is bushy and have a lot of leaves. This one will get purple but only when you will drop the temperature around 18 °C, the purple is lighter than the other feno, almost pink, and the leaves don't get so purple like the other. The smell is like the first feno but not so pungent. Overall a good feno, just a lil bit harder to train and to work with. 3) the green goblin: I have only one plant of this feno. It's a perfect mix from the previous fenos, not too big and not too small, not so bushy and not too opend, the buds are not a lot but not too few. And to this point it's the only plant where I can't see the purple, maybe some shadows of pink in the main cola. Maybe it will get purple later but I don't think so. The smell is different from the other two, it's minty and earthy. Overall good feno but it hasn't the charisma of his sisters. Day 54 : thank to the users on this grow I found out that the middle plant have root rot. I moved her in the bottom left corner where I have my fan, so the air circulates better, and also dropped down the RH, we'll see if she bounces back. So for her this week no water, I will wait till the soil gets dry. I fed the other plants today, 2 l each with a ppm of around 800, they all lookin very good, I hope that the disease won't spread to them. This grow I learned a lesson, next time I will be better prepared, I will give my plants mycrhrorizer to prevent root rot, and have multiple fans for better air circulation. I'm also thinking on buying the ghe ripen and giving it starting from next week , so I can harvest all my plants at the same time, because the plant #1 is behind the others ( longer vegetative stage) and the ill plant now is stuck and it isn't growing. Did you ever used ghe ripen? Is it worth it? Comment down below and let me know :)
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Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
43 cm
18 hrs
21 °C
700 PPM
55 %
16 °C
17 °C
25 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 3
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 1.057 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.528 mll
Bloombastic - ATAMI
Bloombastic 1 mll
Day 58: the plants are ok. The middle plant that now is in the corner it's not fully recovered yet and it's stuck, her flowers didn't get bigger this week. The plant that was in the corner and now is in the bottom middle seems to have the same root issues, but I noticed in time and it seems that the disease stopped. The plant #3 is ahead and her leaves are getting yellow, I don't know if it is my fault or the plant is coming to the end of her cycle, but she have another 2 weeks minimum to go. The other are doing good, colas are getting fatter and pistills are turning orange. I fed them 2 l each with pH corrected water and Calmag, this is the last time I'm giving them Calmag, now I will feed them heavily with a lot of P and K. This week I will se how they will grow, if the flowers will not get bigger how I want, I will give them ripen and then after 10 days harvest them.
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
43 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
800 PPM
60 %
16 °C
16 °C
25 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 2
FinalPart - Terra Aquatica
FinalPart 1 mll
Bloombastic - ATAMI
Bloombastic 1 mll
Day 67: so I finally found out what is the disease: it's called septoria lycopersici. I got it because I left dead leaves on the ground and they helped spreading the disease, so lesson learned. Today I started a little experiment: I'm planning to harvest my plants the 8th February, because of the septoria. So in order to achieve full maturity for all the plants I gave 7 plants ripen and bloombastic, ph 5.8 and 400 ppm. The plants #2 and #3 are ahead and they are ripening on their own, so I gave them flora micro, florabloom and bloombastic, with 6.0 ph and 800 ppm. So at the end I want to see how the ripen will affect the plants, the quality and the yield. Whatever, the plants are ok, the ones that were more affected by the septoria are growing slowly but they seems to be better than the last week, all the plants are changing color, leaves are getting yellow, and the smell is soo good, the resin production is very high, every time I touch them I get immediately stinky fingers.
Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
5 years ago
43 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
1000 PPM
60 %
16 °C
16 °C
25 L
1 L
35 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 2.113 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1.057 mll
FinalPart - Terra Aquatica
FinalPart 1 mll
Day 78: so I made some changes, I moved the plants so the ones that were in the middle and took the best light and replace them with the ones that were outside the center. The plants are doing great, all have their own unique color of leaves, some have colas the size of my fist, and the resin production is so strong that I found on some colas liquid resin. The smell is very strong, now I try to open the tent only when necessary because if not the odor will stink my clothes. It seems that ripen is doing its job, so today I gave them the last feeding, if the soil will get dry I will simply give them water. I will not flush this time, I read a lot and concluded that the flavour and quality of dried buds depends on the way you dry and cure them, not if you flush or not. Here's a study that have been done on this subject : You can see that there is no significant variation in the quantity of nutrients in flushed vs non flushed plants. The only thing is that in the last week you can give them plain water because there are enough nutrients in the soil, so it will be a waste to fully fed them. I also harvested the small plant in the 0.5 liter pot. It's now drying in a carton box, but yesterday I cut off some buds for tastin. Soo the flavour is very strange, like nothing a tasted before, it doesn't taste like cannabis. So when you're e smoking you have the impression that you aren't smoking weed and so you won't get high. But 10 minutes passed and I was high as fuck. And this was only a sample that is not fully dried and cured, and the quality is not the best, so I can only imagine how the other ones will be. I checked the trichomes, and some plants are starting to show some Amber trichs so they are almost ready, I plan to harvest them next Saturday, I also plan to give them 2 days of darkness before harvest so I can push them to their max potential. Day 82: besides the middle one, the other plants are ready to chop, I prefer to chop when all the trichs are white because I like when the thc is at its peak, and here some trichomes are already getting Amber. I gave them ro water for the last time and put them in the dark for 48 hours, Friday will be the harvest day.
Used techniques
Week 12. Flowering
5 years ago
43 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
1000 PPM
60 %
16 °C
16 °C
25 L
1 L
35 cm
Finally it's harvest time! After 2 days of darkness I chopped them, hung them in the tent at 50 rh and 17°C for the first 3 days, then I will bring the rh up to 60 so they will dry slowly. Now I want to talk about every single plant in my tent: #1 in the begging this plant was in the middle up position, then I moved her in the left upper corner. She's the dark purple fenotype. In the 3rd week she was the one that suffered the most the overfeeding, but after there she bounced back and growed some decent buds, she took LST very well. The wet weight was 140 g. #2 this plant was in the middle of the first row, then when I had problems with the middle one, I moved this plant in the middle, and after 2 weeks I moved her in the middle of the back row. She's the light purple fenotype. This plant is a beast, it's the biggest of all and she's in a 5 gallon pot. When I moved her in the middle, the buds just exploded in size. She was covered in trichomes from the bottom. Wet weight was 260 g. #3 this plant was in the right upper corner the whole time. Pretty big and tall, she was the dark purple fenotype, and the most beautiful of all in my opinion. She was already ready for the chop a week and half ago, but I couldn't chop her alone. She was beautiful and healthy through all the grow, one the best plants in my tent. Wet weight 186 g. #4 this plant was the whole time in the middle left position until I moved her in the left bottom corner. Light purple feno, she was the second plant that suffered the most from the disseas spread by my middle plant. The buds are a bit airy and not of the best quality. That's shame because she could get big like her big sister. Wet weight 160 #5 she was at the beginning in the upper left corner, the I moved her in the middle of the back row, and lastly in the middle for the last 2 weeks. The last of the dark purple fenos, she entered into flower very late, and could have gone for another week minimum. The tallest of all, around 50 cm, very beautiful and big, she haven't got any problem in the whole grow, the only con was the late flowering transition. Wet weight 274 #6 this plant was firstly in the middle of the first row, then I moved her in the right middle. The only plant of the green fenotype, she was the 3rd plant that suffered from the disease. She was going pretty good but the disease stunt her development. Wet weight 212 #7 she was firstly in the middle on the right, then I moved her in the middle of the first raw. Light purple fenotype, she was one of the biggest in the grow. She grew very well from the beginning and had some amazing colors in the last week. Wet weight 240 #8 the plant that was firstly in the middle, then got sick and I moved her in the right bottom corner. She was at first the biggest that I have and the only one that I topped, but after she got sick she just stopped packing weight and remain like this until the chop. Wet weight 200 #9 she was in the right bottom corner then I moved her on the left in the middle. The last of the light purple fenos, she wasn't nothing special pretty normal size plant. Wet weight 206
Used techniques
Week 12. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
So here we are a the end of this grow. It didn't go as I planned but I'm overall happy. This strain is very beautiful: she has some jaw dropping colors, great resin production and a smell that will stink all the neighbourhood, but the struction of the buds it's not the best, a bit airy. There are 3 fenotypes, and every one have some particularities: -dark purple: the best looking feno, it has an amazing smell of berries and mint, it reminds you of a fairy forest. The flavour is amazing and the stone is very potent. The buds are a lil bit airy. -light purple: this feno have also some amazing colors, the purple of the bud and the green leaves create a beautiful contrast. This feno smell more like berries and flowers, the difference between this and the dark purple feno is very subtle. The bud structure is very airy. -green fenotype: very strong smell of mint and woods, in my opinion this is the best feno. Yeah, it has no purple but the stone is the best of the three and the buds are pretty dense. This strain it's not for beginners, you need to be very careful and very good to read the signs of the plant. It also have a very high amount of thc so be aware how much are you smoking, you will fall deep in your thoughts and have difficulties doing normal stuff so it's definitely a night time smoke, it's also very trippie, I myself have experienced some uditive hallucinations. Fastbuds says that this strain will be ready in 8-9 weeks, and maybe this is true for the dark purple fenotype, but the other fenotype will need more, so be aware of that. I give this strain 8 stars, because it's a unique experience growing and smoking this strain, people will go crazy after seeing it in person, but the bud struction is not the best, but this strain definitely take the #2 spot on my list, right after royal gorilla.
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Spent 85 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
186.01 g
Bud wet weight per plant
45.61 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Happy, Hungry, Talkative
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry eyes, Dry mouth, Paranoia
Negative effects
Berries, Flowery, Mint

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Here are the weight of all my babies (description of every plant in the previous week) : #1 30.42 #2 58.36 #3 40.83 #4 34.89 #5 54 #6 47.29 #7 56 #8 42.78 #9 46.21 So in the end I have 45g per plant, and 0.85 g/w, not what I was expecting, my goal was more than a 1g/w, like 1.2-1.5g/2. Maybe if it was not for the disease I could have gotten to 450g. But the quality is high and I'm happy for this. Here are other things that I learned in this grow: -purple genetics don't harvest a lot -5 and 7 gal pots are too big for autos, they don't utilize so much space, 3 gal is enough -topping autos it's not necessary if you do a good LST and lollipopping -good reflective material make difference, my tent was very cheap and the material wasn't so good, now I bought some mylar and the difference is big -flushing is not necessary, a good dry and cure will make the difference In the end thank you for following my journey, for the next grow I want to take things to the next level so stay tuned ;)


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northernMikecommentedweek 105 years ago
Hey thanks for the info👊 If you do the math, I've only had approx.3-4 weeks veg, and 4 weeks flowering as I am on the start of week 9, day 57. So I think I might feed them a little longer, picked up some overdrive yesterday😛,not sure if I mix it with the big bud, or should I mix seperately, or if I should use it at all?😵 Gotta wait for those guys on the west coast (advanced nutrients) to open up shop so I can give them a call. Your PLANTS look great, beautiful colours👌 Grow Big!!
northernMikecommented5 years ago
@MG2009,Thanks, I talked to the rep,he said the same thing,told me to start with small amounts and see if your plants like it👍 thanks again Grow Big💪
MG2009commented5 years ago
@northernMike, Not sure if Advance Nutrients got back,but I was told by there rep. That there products are fine to mix with other nutrients (hope this helps)
northernMikecommented5 years ago
@Soskar69,Hey thanks again. I ordered a usb microscope from amazon 50-1000x($28) should have it by friday,hope it works as good as they say🙏 I think I like the high thc as I already spend enough time on the couch LOL.😃 Good luck Grow Big!!
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Fast_Budscommentedweek 125 years ago
Hey there, Well done on your grow. We hope you have enjoyed growing our genetics !! Keep up the good work! Happy harvest!!!🌾
Denzulcommentedweek 95 years ago
That lovely color already starting to come in. Nice work. Need to get my hands on some of those quantum boards. They created some beautiful buds.
Denzulcommented5 years ago
@Soskar69, actually just ordered some sun boards on ebay. Same lm561c technology as the V1s but offered 5 different spectrums so I was able to mix and match a nice diverse spectrum. Also a hair cheaper. Super excited to hoperully build it this weekend.
Soskar69commented5 years ago
@Denzul, yeah man I highly recommend getting those qbs on alibaba, they are cheap but they're get they job done very well
ThrashedTV_BakedByGlazecommentedweek 95 years ago
One of your colas is bigger than my entire LSD-25 yield 😂 They look great, best of luck closing them out 🙌
Soskar69commented5 years ago
@ThrashedTV_BakedByGlaze, thank you very much 🙏 the most important thing is the quality not the quantity 😉
Gardener_of_Goodnesscommentedweek 45 years ago
Good work with the LST and the new TDS pen! Mine helped ALOT! Keep it up! 👌👍😎
Soskar69commented5 years ago
@Gardener_of_Goodness, thank you man! Yeah the Tds pen was totally worth it
raptor65commentedweek 15 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate👍, looks to be coming along just fine 👌👊, all the best for your future harvest and happy growing😉
Soskar69commented5 years ago
@raptor65, thank yo man :) I appreciate it
EZgrowercommentedweek 15 years ago
it's very interesting to watch your diary. I wish you a huge harvest of buds. What do you prefer to use a Bong or a joint. 4-20 Bro. subscribed and watching your grow.👍
Soskar69commented5 years ago
@EZgrower,thank you bro :) I prefer to use a blunt or the vaporizer!
Buddha2commentedweek 125 years ago
Congratulations! I really like those colours. I assume I would get stoned by only seeing them 😄
northernMikecommentedweek 85 years ago
I was told by the fellow at my local greenhouse, nursery , with fabric pots sitting in some type of bowl you should use plastic pot lifters or root rot is a good possibility. also good air circulation under the canopy hope this helps Grow Big👍 plants look cool👌
Ganjagrandaddycommentedweek 75 years ago
Looking good in there. should be a great harvest of beautiful , dark ,Varnish/fruity smelling buds. nice job
MG2009commentedweek 65 years ago
Looking forward to seeing that canopy mature👍
ChefDan420commentedweek 65 years ago
Power to the scrOG ✊🏼
MG2009commentedweek 15 years ago
Good luck. Following👍
northernMikecommentedweek 125 years ago
Buds look great, nice colours👌 some good smoke there👍 Later!!
northernMikecommentedweek 125 years ago
Hey looks great, nice job👌 I like the 3 gallon pots also, but i do like to top my plants once, plus LST I try to keep them short and compact in the tent, a little more room to move them around. Chopping my Lambs Breath#3 tonight😛 buds are a little different than last time, but still look pretty good. Way to Grow!!
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