1/31/20 - Seeing a little growth every day. No idea what I'm doing with watering yet. I haven't watered for 3-4 days and soil still seems moist about an inch down from surface. I have also been misting top of soil and plant with water the last 3 days...mainly because humidity is so low. I'll likely be picking up a small ultrasonic humidifier in the next few days to see if I can improve things. Watered 32oz. (6.6Ph) today.
2/2/20 - Still growing :) I tried a small humidifier and it did work pretty well but it was not big enough. Only got humidity up to 38% and ran dry in 4 hours. I'll be returning it for a bigger one. I'm also a little confused about venting the tent. I have small flaps at base of tent I opened two of them by tenting the bottom of flap slightly, making an opening where direct light can't get in but air can. I think this really hurts my heating and humidity control efforts but plant needs fresh CO2, right? I'm running the vent fan (configured as exhaust) at about 33% speed with the carbon filter inside the tent for extraction. Any suggestions or explanations for how to set vent flaps?
2/3/20 - Watered 16oz. I also closed one of two vent flaps and lowered fan speed to minimum. Per advice received from my question, I am puzzled by the answer to close all the vents with the vent fan running. Not much change noted on temperature or humidity after a couple hours. Still waiting for replacement humidifier.
2/4/20 - Got my new humidifier. This one has built in humidistat and 1 gallon tank. Filled with distilled water and put in tent. Seems to be working well.
2/6/20 - Humidifier working great. Plant is doing great! (or so it appears to me) Starting to notice a slight odor now in the tent when I open it. Still trying to get a handle on watering. Soil still seems moist. on top because of the humidifier?
What to do with vent flaps at bottom of my 2 x 2 tent? Exhaust fan running at ~33% speed with carbon filter in tent as intake. Tent In cold room (overnight temps 45-55*F) , running heater and humidifier in tent. Currently, 2 of 3 flaps tented at bottom of flap to allow air in.
I would close them to keep the heat inside. At this point there isn't much need for them to be open unless you have heat issues and wanted the cooler outer air to get in the tent.
Help! I thought I had this. Is this calcium deficiency? I've been using treated water (1tsp CalMag+ 1tsp Grow Big per gallon). It's just getting worse. See photos and descr. from past few days.
Hey man I just saw your question about harvesting...first the plant isn't ready to harvest yet. Your pistils really aren't starting to die off yet. You have several weeks to go from what I see. The damage on your leaves is a light or heat related issue. I would try to get the light as far away from them as possible so you can push them longer. Good luck!
@HiddenOp831, Humidity too high or too low?
I found a great humidifier (and heater too) that's perfect for small grow tent. Winter here and tent is in cold room with ~25% RH.. That's why I'm running space heater and humidifier in tent.
@Gewroo, totally understand. I’m right there with you. This is my first auto, second grow. And my first grow was just one plant. I’m having humidity issues at the moment that I’m dealing with.
@HiddenOp831, Using plastic 5 gal. pot. I'm not really watching for saturation runoff. I did that initially before first planting to get idea of pot weight. Since then, I've just watered when it seems like pot got light. This seems to be accompanied by the first inch or so of soil to be very dry. I dunno. Seems to be working for me so far. After planting and during early veg stage, I was watering 1/4 gallon every 3 days or so.. At current stage, I'm giving plant about 1/4 gallon per day. I'm also stressing over keeping temperature and humidity in check. Other than that, I have no idea what I'm doing.. LOL
Good choice of seed for your first grow. A couple of them took longer than I was expecting for an auto but I was very happy with the results I had from this brand. Hope you enjoy your grow as much as I enjoyed mine.
Is the spotting happening on the top leaves? if yes, then it is a calcium defiicency, which by the pictures it appears to be the case. The problem with calcium deficiency is that the symptoms appear several weeks after the deficiency is present. At this point there is very little you can do. your water should always have a base of 0.5 EC (250 PPM), if not then you need to add cal mag to get to that point.
@@Athos, Thank you!! Not necessarily on just top leaves.. It seems to have started on lower leaves and spread up. I have cut out a lot of the lower leaves that were looking bad. Now it just seems all over. I have been using CalMag (1 tsp/gal) the last few days and yesterday I treated with Safer 3-in-1 Garden Spray for Rust fungus. I'm really suspicious of rust fungus because I've had occasions were nighttime temps were in the low 60s with 70% humidity. I've since started turning off humidifier at night and just let the humidity drop into the low 30s overnight.