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Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
2.54 cm
24 hrs
10 °C
No Smell
45 %
10 °C
11 L
2 L
78.74 cm
Between the 7th and the 15th I've started to see the meristem start to produce some new growth. I'm concerned I'm over watering, plant 03 looks yellow and spotty already. They get about 2 gallons every 3 days or so in the wick bucket, I also spray the tops daily with about a 1/4 cup of water. Soil Mix: 5 gallons mother earth coco/perlite 5 gallons ocean forest 4 gallons happy frog 6 gallons earthworm castings 1 pound nature's living soil autoflower
Grow Questions
AWistfulNihiliststarted grow question 5 years ago
I'm already seeing yellowing and on the largest plant, #3. Is that due to growth or am I over watering? Approximately 2 gallons in the wick bucket every few days when it starts to feel dry, but I generally spray the top with water on a daily basis, not more than a 1/4 - 1/2 cup.
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Feeding. Schedule
Germanoanswered grow question 5 years ago
hey :D -first since you are using LEDs (little Heat) , i would reccommend you removing that first Layer above the Soil, and so it can dry faster,which is good for the Plant -and you dont have to spray the top with water on a daily basis, remember the Roots Growth in always towords moisture , so if you add Water on Daily Basics you will get Root problems and the Roots wont spread around the Pot , -so first when it gets dry water again ( to Cheak if it is dry enough, put your finger down few inches the Soil and cheak if it is dry or not , dont water if only the surface is dry) i hope this helped you :)
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
7.62 cm
24 hrs
10 °C
No Smell
45 %
10 °C
11 L
0 L
78.74 cm
Either I'm doing something wrong or Gimpy is having some real issues. I'm going to keep him though and see what happens, he is the master of his own fate. They got a worm casting and nature's living soil tea on the 16th. That saturated the soil fairly well and I've ridden it all the way until about Wednesday when they got a short top watering of water mixed with a bit of trinity. They got another dose of water and trinity today. I'll be giving them a half gallon of bubbling water/trinity(1tsp per gal) in each reservoir tomorrow to be wicked up over the weekend. Added 300W COB by Cannagrow on 2/18/20, plants already seems to be responding positively to it. I'm planning to add a second to get more penetration once the plants get a bit larger.
1 like
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
7.62 cm
24 hrs
10 °C
No Smell
45 %
10 °C
11 L
1 L
78.74 cm
3/1/20 - 48 hour compost tea is about to be administered to the plants, Chunk is really filling out! 2/27/20 - Some light top watering on the plants every day, keep the living soil going. -Added 10 gallon Critical Purple seedling from Grower's Choice. 2/25/20 - Week 3 is looking very encouraging, still another update to go on Friday or Saturday! On 2/18-2/20 they got a top watering from a jug of 2 gallons of water + 2 tbls of Trinity I had bubbling in the tent. After the 3rd day bubbling (the 20th) I started to see a lot of bubbles crawling up, at that point I put equal parts in the water wick reservoir for each plant. The mixture continued to bubble in the reservoirs while I was on vacation. The mixture was fully wicked(partially evaporated) on about the 23rd. The two healthy plants really seemed to enjoy this, it even seemed to pick up Gimpy a bit. 2/25/20 - Today is the first day I've given them a good check, all 3 were drying up so I mixed 2 gallons of tap water with 2 pinches of ascorbic acid (bubbled for a bit) to hopefully treat the chlorine and chloramine. The 3 plants got a bit over the top and the rest in each reservoir. I'll begin brewing a tea tomorrow to be deployed this weekend.
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
10.16 cm
24 hrs
10 °C
No Smell
40 %
10 °C
11 L
1 L
78.74 cm
3/06/20 - The ponytailing fucking failed! Chunk tore through it like the hulk, so I ended up using it to LST her instead. The other are growing happily. They received another dose of water and roots trinity today. Along with a half gallon of water and roots trinity in the water wick. 3/03/20 - Chunk is getting a bit of ponytailing, waiting until he gets a bit taller to tie down some branches. Helmet is looking fantastic! He may have doubled in size from last week. Gimpy grew so much his weak, unsupportive spine gave out, I have him propped up with some palm fronds, thanks shitty neighbor! I'm seeing exceptional growth after each tea session, double the mass for the two little ones, and the big one grew outside of the pot for the first time. I'll continue with a filthy compost tea every 7 days, I may eventually begin feeding them every 3 days if they show signs, perhaps just top watering with compost tea and using regular water in the reservoir. Temps are totally wrong on this diary and won't save, probably firefox focus messing with it. Daytime temp 77-80 Nightime temp 65-70 Humidity 30% Temps are going crazy in Cali, along with the humidity dropping like a fucking stone. Will likely add a humidifier on a humidity sensor soon. Also considering C02 supplementation.
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Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
10.16 cm
24 hrs
10 °C
No Smell
40 %
10 °C
11 L
1 L
78.74 cm
03/09-13/20 Surprised at the growth in the pictures between the 4 days. Should see Chunk enter flower this week, cross your fingers!
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
5 years ago
22.86 cm
18 hrs
21 °C
50 %
16 °C
11 L
2 L
58.42 cm
03/24/20 Huge updates. Cleaned up the tent, started Scrogging the 3 teenagers, gave the 10G her own spot. Lights were moved down from 31 inches from the top of the canopy to 23 inches from the top of the scrog net. This is the closest recommended by the manufacture to prevent light burn. Gonna see if the ladies are praying a lot, if not I'll leave it there until it stops stretching. MAY HAVE TO SWITCH TO 12/12. It's been 45 days... 03/19/20 6 weeks (41 days) in an no sign of flowering yet. Chunk is some kind of fucking bush! I've been aggressively LSTing him, if he doubles in height despite my best efforts and I still don't see flower, I'll 12/12 them. New addition! 1 Liter compost tea distributor. Got some use today with about 2 liters of tea, with another 2 liters either tomorrow or the next day depending on how the plants like it. May use it occasionally for watering, but it's less circumspect than I would be, more magnanimous.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
AWistfulNihiliststarted grow question 5 years ago
Do you tuck the stems with new growth and future cola sites under the scrog net, or attach them to the top of the scrog net, or either? Please take a quick look-see at my setup and let me know if you have any advice!
Techniques. ScrOG
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Wicked_Stixanswered grow question 5 years ago
You want to spread the new growth out and tuck it under the scrog net. The goal it to spread the plant out as wide as possible so you can fill as many grids on your scrog as possible. The net kinda holds some tops down so it will give a chance for some lower branches to catch up. This will give you a nice even canopy. Good luck!
Week 7. Flowering
5 years ago
22.86 cm
18 hrs
18 °C
45 %
13 °C
11 L
2 L
58.42 cm
Nutrients 1
Trinity  - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Trinity 7.812 mll
3/26/20 Started ScrOG just in time, these babies are in FLOWER!!!!!!!!! YOU GET A FLOWER, YOU GET A FLOWER, YOU GET A FLOOOOOWEEEEEEERRRRRRRR!!!!!!!! No water for over 48 hours, will probably water them before I go to sleep tonight. I'll begin giving them Trinity every water - up from every other - from now on @ 2 tablespoons per gallon (more like 2 shots). I generally prepare 2 gallons and give the first part day 1 just before where I think runoff will happen, then the next day they get another gallon which has been bubbling overnight. Always see some nice microbe production over that 24 hours. I'll start brewing their weekly compost tea tomorrow to deploy over Saturday and Sunday: 3 gallons of water 2 shots of trinity 2 handfuls worm castings 1 handful nature's living soil autoflower Generous helping of alfalfa meal, kelp meal, bio-live Bubble for 2 days, given over 2 days. 2.5 gallons in the dirt, .5 gallons as a foliar spray. They fucking love that foliar spray.
1 like
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
22.86 cm
18 hrs
18 °C
45 %
13 °C
11 L
2 L
58.42 cm
Nutrients 1
Trinity  - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Trinity 7.812 mll
Week 9 has been moved back to week 8! Week 9 is now actually week 9! 4/12 60 Days Woooooo, this is gonna be a long week my dudes, got 3 more days of actual week 8 to go! I've added a Blumat maxi watering carrot to Chunk. Two more are coming for Gimpy and Helmet. I had a 2nd, but it's in Phimo (different diary). Trying to dial it in, but it's definitely using water and I'm not seeing runoff from it, so far so good. Today was tea day, tomorrow will also be tea day! Since the flowers are developing I'm not foliar spraying the top anymore, just the bottoms. The canopy is thick enough that it protects the buds. The basil has been transplanted outside and a fan has taken their place, need to make room for a second ScrOG on a different plant. 04/09 I just did the math, these are at 57 days, I'm a week ahead! Continued the foliar sprays all the way through 04/08, plants seem to enjoy it. They got another feeding from the large batch of tea on 04/08 as well. I'm fairly certain I've reached the end of the stretch, thinking it's time to stop tucking. 04/05 Moved the plants up again, they were still looking a little stressed, back up to the original distance from the plant at 31" Things look better this week! Improved the picture lightning situation, I'm enjoying looking at these so much I'm taking more pictures. Compost tea today foliar spray this morning before lights out followed by a half gallon into each plant a few hours after they woke up. Small amount of run off in the bottom, but I will allow it to be wicked back up over 24 hours. Took a ton of macros today, you can see some early resin production, looking good! Smelling notes - Check the most recent Fam picture. Top left - Gimpy, top right - Helmet, bottom right - Chunk Gimpy - A very strong sweet and sour, definitely Sour Tangie. Helmet - Sweet and a little piney, not astringent or like pinesol, very clean smell. Almost crisp, no bite. Gotta be Pineapple. Chunk - Very subtle, not like the others, must be the Norther Lights by process of elimination. Will be interested to see how this one smells. 04/03 Redid the ScrOG net yet again. The rough twine was really tearing up those delicate little flowers on the new growth. Trying out some bungee cables to make it a bit more modular. Also extended the size a bit, was painfully obvious these 3 plants needed a bit more room. I also definitely light stressed the living hell out of a few of them, I've now moved the LED panel back up to 31" from the top of the net. 3/30 We're at week 8 (N95 masks for size reference - you're welcome), things are looking really good under the ScrOG. As I tuck the ends of those stems I'm seeing a ton of growth both at the tops of the stems and just shooting up all over the place. Starting to see them hit the screen and gain size like every day. I'm in there a couple times a day retucking and opening, looking for those little stems coming up so they can get some of that good light. This led seems to be penetrating really well, I'm very happy about that! I'll be moving Phimo the Critical Purple to his own diary.
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
27.94 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
45 %
18 °C
11 L
2 L
78.74 cm
Nutrients 1
Trinity  - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Trinity 7.812 mll
4/18 66 Days Just some progress pictures, no major changes here beyond dialing in the Blumat Maxi carrots. 4/16 64 Days Actual week, 9! If you're wondering where all my other not actually week 9 shit went, I moved it back to week 8. Who am I kidding, no one gives a shit! Everyone now has a Blumat Maxi watering carrot. Now that they are just fattening up I can scale back on them and start focusing a bit more on Phimo, who's just reached ScrOG! Two feedings of their weekly tea, Sunday and Tuesday.
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
27.94 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
45 %
24 °C
11 L
2 L
78.74 cm
Nutrients 1
Trinity  - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Trinity 7.812 mll
4/26 74 Days! Another round of pictures, another round of trich checks. Upon closer inspection looks like mostly clear with chunk being the furthest along at mostly cloudy. I crowd sourced around 2-3 weeks left in this grow. Wouldn't be surpised if harvest is week 3! Temps are really shooting up in the temp with RH remaining the same. The plants are guzzling water and the smell is getting fucking gnarly. It's all fruit in there. Tea day after lights out. 4/22 - 70 Days! We are officially at week 10! Been a few days since I took pics, couldn't bear to add anymore to week 9. From this point on we'll be doing regular trichome checks. Chunk trichome check looks mostly clear Helmet trichome reveals mostly cloudy with some clear Gimpy is 100% cloudy I think, pistils going dark, but she's showing some purple too. Not seeing yellowing on the leaves on the buds of any of them, so assuming I have a bit more time. No changes to the routine, blumat carrots have made watering a no-brainer, now I'm just giving them a weekly spray down with some tea, both into the bed and up into the bottom of the foliage as a foliar spray. Want to avoid the buds though.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
AWistfulNihiliststarted grow question 5 years ago
How much longer on my 3 plants @ 70 days? Kept the plants extremely low and small by over-training during the stretch, buds are fattening up, but I'd love to give them a lot more time. I'm thinking 2 weeks based on the macros I'm taking, with Gimpy going to finish first?
Buds. Other
1 like
OutForRealanswered grow question 5 years ago
The only macro you have made is showing clear and cloudy trichomes, mostly clear to me so if you are harvesting followings the trichomes you can fairly wait for 2 weeks before they could all turns white ( most of them ) so you could harvest in 2 weeks depending on the trichs
Week 11. Flowering
5 years ago
27.94 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
45 %
24 °C
11 L
2 L
78.74 cm
Nutrients 1
Trinity  - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Trinity 7.812 mll
5/3 - Day 81 MICRO DAY! Did 4 micros on all the plants on different colas. Seeing all the plant milking up, seeing what appears to be a small amount of amber on some as well. Still a mess of clear though. Possible harvest on day 86, Friday! The drying tent I ordered won't be here until the 11th, which would be day 90. They can probably wait. Not sure if I can. 4/30 - Day 78 Macros and micros. 4/28-29 - Day 77 (technically) 3rd day of tea today, seeing the colas really start to gain mass. Another trich check today, still seeing plenty of clear. Estimating an end of week 12 harvest, if not into week 13, I'm going to let the Gimpy the Northern Lights at least 30% amber, if not more. In addition the the highly fruity aroma, one of these is skunky as all hell *cough* NL *cough*. I also can't really fucking with them without getting my hands really sticky anymore. Getting there!!!
1 like
Used techniques
Grow Questions
AWistfulNihiliststarted grow question 5 years ago
Just did a mess of micro shots (Week 11). Really don't want to undershoot the harvest on my first grow! I wouldn't mind waiting until next Monday when my grow tent arrives, another 7 days. That's what I'm telling myself, would love expert opinions though!
Other. General questions
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 5 years ago
you do want to wait for all milky no clears, few ambers, that's the max potency for THC. When you chop her , you'll anyways have more ambers pop up during the drying process. you dont really need to wait for the tent either, a lot of the time the tent will actually be a bit too dry and dry the plant out too quickly. I found a pretty good way to do it with a cardboard box and no air flow, just pass a few rows of strings through it and close it tightly then leave it at room temperature in your living room for example for like 2 weeks. I learned that technique on here. Another variation of this technique is to have a small fan for airflow. Hope this helps ! 🚀
Week 12. Flowering
5 years ago
27.94 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
45 %
24 °C
11 L
2 L
78.74 cm
5/10 - Happy Mother's Day! Just updating to show the drying tent, got here early, set it up and strung up the ladies inside. RH is 45-50%, temp is whatever the ambient temp in the room is, been 70's the last couple of days, let's hope it stays that way! Velcro screened vents on the tent are open for airflow. I'm thinking I'll be doing the trim tomorrow evening and letting them dry another day in the tent before going into jars. We'll see how they feel! 5/08 - 89 Days They got chopped! Realized most of my pictures are from the sugar leaves, got a real good look at most of the calyxes today and started to see a bunch of amber popping up on all 3, freaked me the fuck out so I decided to go ahead and chop! We're starting the dry, I'll report back after! Wet weights of the basically the full plants, I'll do a partial trim in 4 days and weigh again! Chunk - 10.5 Oz Gimpy - 9.2 Oz Helmet - 6.9 Oz 5/07 - 87 Days We continue to approach chop. I was hoping to chop them tomorrow, but things are still looking pretty darn clear! I have no clue who the macros are, they all look great! I want to cut these fucking things down so bad... Just water, not going to do any dark periods or flushing or anything, they will live a full life before I murder and smoke them.
Used techniques
Week 12. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
5/16 - Taste test 4 days into cure. Still tastes a little immature, but the smoke in a vape is smooth now, no more pre-cure harshness. Loaded two bowls in my dynavap, it's got a undertone of a savory skunkiness, I'm getting a little fuit but not much on the exhale, assuming those flavors will develop as time goes on. High is nice, got me feeling like I'm watching the world from inside of my head, sounds are standing out, but not in an overwhelming way, a nice, settled haze. This might cure out of it, but getting some interestingly intense dry eye. The Tangerine Dream is the standout of the 3 strains I grew this cycle. It smells amazingly of overripe fruit, an indiscriminate sweet and sour, earth, chocolate, and it is very pungent. Going to give it a week to cure before I sample. I'll update then!
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Spent 87 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
289 g
Bud wet weight per plant
20 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Euphoric, Relaxed, Uplifted
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry eyes
Negative effects
Citrus, Earthy, Woody

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
This was my first grow, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't slightly disappointment with the final weights. The buds look amazing, I'm assuming the size is due to over watering initially and that I tried to go living soil in a 3 gallon. I also probably pulled too early, but I'm fucking impatient, I'm sorry! I'll be popping the remaining 2 beans of the Sour Tangie on the next cycle in a 2x4 no till bed. I'm hoping they will appropriately size up with all available nutrients. I'm not super excited to regrow the other two strains, they aren't impressing me yet. But the tangie just smells so fucking good I want to eat it! All told I have about 2 ounces jar'd up from 3 plants. Despite the massively different wet weights, each plant produced an extremely consistent 20 grams of good buds with another 1.5oz of trim total. I have the trim in the freezer waiting for a micron screen to make some hash.
1 like
Week 12. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
5/16 - Tried after 4 days of cure. This shit still hasn't developed a huge flavor and smell, it's very much a mixture of earth and bread dough. But it's stoney, stoney baloney homey. That real strong, oppressive high. You can't move, you're having visuals on the periphery of your vision. Slow to respond to questions. I want to crawl under a blanket right now and be spooned. I'm not really getting a huge scent from this once in the jar yet, hoping it will really start to stink up in the cure. This was by far the stinkiest plant in the tent, it smelled like someone dipped a skunk in diesel fuel. It was fucking beautiful! Not getting much of that yet and I'm honestly bummed a bit. The buds on this one were the tightest of the 3, but it's honestly just a bit underwhelming right now. I'll update after a week of cure on the taste, it still has time!
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Spent 87 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
272 g
Bud wet weight per plant
20 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Relaxed, Sleepy
Positive effects
Earthy, Nutty, Woody

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
This was my first grow, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't slightly disappointment with the final weights. The buds look amazing, I'm assuming the size is due to over watering initially and that I tried to go living soil in a 3 gallon. I also probably pulled too early, but I'm fucking impatient, I'm sorry! I'll be popping the remaining 2 beans of the Sour Tangie on the next cycle in a 2x4 no till bed. I'm hoping they will appropriately size up with all available nutrients. I'm not super excited to regrow the other two strains, they aren't impressing me yet. But the tangie just smells so fucking good I want to eat it! All told I have about 2 ounces jar'd up from 3 plants. Despite the massively different wet weights, each plant produced an extremely consistent 20 grams of good buds with another 1.5oz of trim total. I have the trim in the freezer waiting for a micron screen to make some hash.
1 comment
Week 12. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
This one was nothing super special in the tent, smelled like pinesol, now the smell is mostly earthy and I'm not getting a lot of that pine anymore. Hoping again it comes roaring back in the cure. This one has large buds, not larfy, but not tight either. This one has a seed helmet I had to pick off (hence the name) and it took longer to sprout than the others. I probably, definitely, probably pulled this one early. I'll update in a week on smell and taste!
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Spent 87 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
195 g
Bud wet weight per plant
20 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
This was my first grow, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't slightly disappointment with the final weights. The buds look amazing, I'm assuming the size is due to over watering initially and that I tried to go living soil in a 3 gallon. I also probably pulled too early, but I'm fucking impatient, I'm sorry! I'll be popping the remaining 2 beans of the Sour Tangie on the next cycle in a 2x4 no till bed. I'm hoping they will appropriately size up with all available nutrients. I'm not super excited to regrow the other two strains, they aren't impressing me yet. But the tangie just smells so fucking good I want to eat it! All told I have about 2 ounces jar'd up from 3 plants. Despite the massively different wet weights, each plant produced an extremely consistent 20 grams of good buds with another 1.5oz of trim total. I have the trim in the freezer waiting for a micron screen to make some hash.


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CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 115 years ago
hey there, hope i answered your question, the slow drying process and the cure is at least 50% of the final potency and quality so anything else you need to know just drop me a message 👊
CRiSPrGrowcommented5 years ago
@AWistfulNihilist, looks right to me Growmie
AWistfulNihilistcommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, Can you give my drying box a look and tell me what you think? It's 1x2x2, should be enough room!
AWistfulNihilistcommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, thank you brother, you did! I actually built a cardboard drying box that I can hook into my tent to get some passive airflow (worried about mold), might give it a shot and use the tent for another grow!
Psilocubensiscommentedweek 15 years ago
Is that bamboo leaves on top?
AWistfulNihilistcommented5 years ago
@Psilocubensis, close, cut up palm leaves! They're going back on after I top dress it a bit.
RussianGrowercommentedweek 125 years ago
Greetings from Russia! Your Plants look great! Keep developing in the same spirit! If you are interested in following the adventures of weed in Russia, subscribe to my diaries.
the end.
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