Short but very sweet! They are super frosty and smell delightful..I just wish they had grown more. Pretty sure I backed off the N too quickly, plus the UVB over-exposure incident in early flower might have stunted them to some degree.
Like most autos, they need MUCH Cal-mag as they enter flower...I went with the highest dosage recommended on the bottle, and it still wasn't enough to appease them. I'll get weights and do a smoke report later-
Plant A: 45g
Plant B: 58g
Tastes as good as it looks!
Final thoughts:
This stuff won't last is it tasty!
I'll definitely grow it again at some point, with an eye to getting them much bigger.
Potency: 9/10
Yield: 5/10
Aroma: 10/10
Flavor: 9/10
Bag-appeal: 9/10
Tolerance to maltreatment:
Hey there,
Thanks so much for running a diary of our genetics 🙌
Let us know if you need any assistance, we’re more than happy to help.
Happy Growing !!! 🌱☘️🌴🍀🌿🌳