Pretty wet week. We got a lot of rain, and my girls aren't thrilled about it. We have clay soil here, so it holds water for awhile. Although I dug a hole and filled it with my medium, eventually those roots break through into the clay, and I think they're water-logged. Lots of leaves yellowing, lots of fading. I defoliated the yellow dying leaves, so many plants now have "holes" in them. The budsites still continue to produce, though. Runt in particular is developing a main cola that will be pretty impressive - I bet it's the size of my forearm come harvest time.
Clean, wet, country living.
@Thatsmyfirsttime, thanks! We try to grow as much of our stuff as possible and be self-sufficient. I try organic stuff out here and there (my autoflowers I used a living soil ammendment), but for the most part I think ferts are a scam. Coffee grounds, ground egg shells, earthworm castings, and left over fruit and veggie scraps. That's all I think you need to grow big, beautiful organic plants.
Runt's dry weight: 151g. It's curing now in a couple of paper grocery bags. I also harvested the traditional manifold, like the next day after Runt, so she's trimmed and dried as well: 137g; she's also in a couple of grocery bags.