Qg1 doing her thing and is flowering nicely. did more breaking and bending, one branch got it pretty hard so I fixed it with ducktape and we'll see how it goes, but even if this one branch wont recover its not a biggie as she could use some hc pruning anyways, look how bushy she is for 25l ;-)
Shes now more spread to the back part where cookies used to be... Tied her down from 180cm to 150 again.and there is also more air and more light then before ...
Fuck me sideways ... Wasnt there for a week and meanwhile that btch got moldy af. First I thought yeah like one more week blahblah ..but greenhouse said no before I arrived. like 90% needed to go down today, left a few lowest buds that looked like will go for next two weeks. . Main bud was gone almost whole and every nice bud was half moldy :-(
Apologies @Dinafem-Mark that I didnt gave her the proper harvest :-((
My guess after cuting everything down to smaller pieces is -60% :-(
Some sad pics follow. And I just spent last hour and half with, cuting out the moldy parts ...
Anyway she smells beautiful a that frosting is really a treat ;-) looking forward to how she tastes ...
Ill have to pay more attention to the qg before the harvest and idealy check her daily ...and Ill put some fan in there just to be sure ..
After Ill harvest her whole Ill mark it harvest ...