Started flush 4 days ago- continued with the second flushing and will continue for the next week. 2 weeks flushing total then she’ll sit in darkness for 24 hours then be chopped! ♥️
You can pick up some powdered stuff you mix with water and use to calibrate your meters . You can find it on line or often it can be found at your local pharmacy.
@Inganjawetrust, thanks man! I’ll take any and all advice I can get. I still feel really unsure/uneasy about both of my PH meters and if they work accurately or not. I have a ghetto yellow Vivosun one and it works alright... if it’s correct I guess?? And also I have an Apera ph water tester too... so I dunno if they even work cause they don’t match. What’s your advice?
Get yourself some ph test solution. Ph 7 and ph 4. Calibrate your pens with this each time before use and you should be fine. Ph pens without calibration are no use.
When calibrating i pour the soloution into the lid of the pen so you only use minimal. Making sure to wash thoroughly before putting away for storage.
Hope this helps and happy growing
@HighFromHome, for the most part yes.. my ph meters both read differently.. and I feel quite shakey about the whole ph thing anyway do they make me feel weary on which to think is correct. What do you think?
@FoTwenny, I appreciate the kind words! Definitely Next week she’s maybe ready for flawless finish.. might try to push her another week on overdrive- gonna check my cloudiness tomorrow!