20 Days - See some roots on the 3, but nothing like from-seed, so we’ll take it nice and slowly with these as to not kill them. #4-ii may or may not make it into the bloom box. Good news is I likely only need to take one clone for donor before these go into bloom box.
I like the doubling-up on a photoperiod I try out before adding to stable. If I need to maintain 3-4 plants in the meantime, might as well bloom them all again, too.
21 Days - No unusual stretch yet from the three with roots. Going to take it slowly with these as I don’t have a good 2nd chance at this point. Waiting for overt signs of growth before acclimating to intense vege area lights. 740pm #1-3 testing stronger light. Didn’t cower immediately, so giving an hour or two. After 1 hour, one of them is looking unsteady, but no droop, yet. Not staying I vege area for the night, as I won’t wake up in time to check on it safely.
22 Days - Well, I lied. Kept them in overnight because they were still robust when lights went out. *6 Days for the new #4, which did not follow #1-3 into vege area. All are surprisingly robust, relative to each context. May try higher intensity today for #1-3. I didn’t measure, but <10k in that locale is easy to guesstimate. Held up all day. Test greater intensity tomorrow. #4 feels anchored already.
23 Days - Looking super happy. #4 likely rooted, but taking it slowly and carefully, because no 3rd chances for #4… no 2nd chances for #1-3 at this point. All 3 are standing at attention. The limited droop in one of them is completely gone. Loving life at 12k lux. Full strength whenever I wake up tah’marah. ** 7 days for #4. It sure feels anchored, I reckon, despite near full-bloom biologically.
24 Days - #1-3 are loving life at 14k lux. Fed a bit, because I can’t recall the last time. #4 is almost certainly rooted, but continued it’s flower progression, so that’s ~30 days away, which is a fine timetable if it is the “winner” and joins the donor area.
25 Days - #1-3 need a transplant, immediately. Looks like I’ll be mixing up some substrate and filling some pots. This took forever, but the age of the donors is the likely cause. Day 9 for new #4, and it will likely be ready for a transplant much sooner from cut than #1-3 even though with re-vege. Depending on timing of its development and space filled by other 3, it may tag along into bloom after all if useful.
#1, 2 and 3 were transplanted today. 3 grams of Dynomyco each as I saw no difference between the pots with 5g and 2.5g or really at all, but I’ll use it up and probably not bother in future. Put #4 in last hour or two and seems okay.
Needing 2-3-4 different mixes was a good learning lesson from the 4x diaries of previous crop. Single-strain runs will be the norm not the exception going forward (2 tanks required). Over the winter, I might break down the bloom box into 4 or 8, instead of 2, but that raises the same problem again of potentially many mixes of fertilizer needed at one time.
Day 26 - #1-3 are happy. #4 had to be removed in AM after ~3 hours of light. Probably should have removed it an hour before, but … I do sleep. Acclimated in next couple days, regardless. Transplant within 3-7 days?
So I was 8/9 in clones and I took 4 from a donor that was less than 30 days old. Better than I expected, to be honest. The 5 donor-plant cuttings were virtually guaranteed as long as I stayed out of the way. PM - Will try with #4 tomorrow. Other three are off and running with initial growth. #1 looks to be ahead of the pack by a couple days.
Another excellent week in the garden. Things are ramping up again after a little delay due to cutting #4 being an obstinate bitch. Can fill area with 3 plants well enough, but won’t be as efficient, inevitably (g/sq ft). Three plants are officially no longer cuttings. #4 is getting there. Testing stronger light as i type.
So I was 8 of 9 on clones this time and I took 4 from a donor that was less than 30 days old. Better than I expected, to be honest. The 5 donor-plant cuttings were virtually guaranteed as long as I stayed out of the way. (**edit, thank you @Greenfingeress) - 35-40+ days seems to be the area it gets to roughly 100% success with a healthy cutting. The other key is not bombarding it with intense light. Merely light for long enough each day to prevent hormonal problems (i.e. bloom with no roots).