Weekly Summary: Another productive week for #1-3. Number four is catching up. It is read for a transplant, but may just keep this one small until a winner is selected from previous harvest. Number 1 and 3 are going crazy. They need to be topped, but logistics of the bloom box is dictating otherwise as is harvest of previous GPFV crop. No big deal as it can be pruned back. Just means a stronger roots system relative to above ground mass when flower begins. Must remember to leave at least 1 opportunity to clone each of these plants when the winner is selected.
Due to lack of balance in plant size, i may LST #1 and #3 and use #2 to fill any leftover gap -- any shape possible or simply top, whatever is required to fill the gap.
----------- More details below and sometims random nonsense and not so random nonsense...
27 Days - Day 11 for #4. Removed #4 after testing. Giving a day off unless I see roots at edge. Two of the transplanted plants are clearly off and running, but one might be lagging. During transplant, one split off at bottom horizontally as I placed into pot. Fell an inch or two and possibly ripped on some roots. Regardless, if it is stalled, its leaves are happy, and it is maintaining its hydrostatic pressure.
28 Days - Chugging along. Waiting another day before testing #4 again. Caused a very, very slight fade in it, so it cannibalized itself a bit on the previous attempt. Still feels strong.
29 Days - #4 acclimating without wilt in morning after being left inside overnight. #2 is the laggard (front/right) upon closer inspection. #1 and #3 growing at ludicrous speed. Removed riser from 1 and 3.
30 Days - #1 and #3 are going crazy and reduce intensity hasn’t caused stretch. #2 is on the brink and will drop it down even though it’s 1-2” shorter than others at this point. I’m just going to keep #4 small. I’ll fit the 3 around Future #1, as it will likely overlap.
31 Days - SSDD
32 Days - #1 and #3 are amazing. #2 is 2-3 days behind but definitely vigorous at this point. #4 is showing roots after 15 days. 2nd or 3rd day of acclimating to the light.
33 Days - #4 will be transplanted today (day 17 vs day 25, young donor plants impact success and length of time needed). #1 and #3 need to be topped and remove some growth. Debating delaying this due to backup of Anesia seeds taking their sweet ass time blooming. ~2 weeks may be too long to grow after I top… if so I’ll just prune it back again. Seems like best option. I’m going to leave four shoots and the new 2 co-terminal buds. Think 6 is a good amount to fill a 15x15 space. Might try 5 with one and remove one of the terminal buds after topping.