Summary: Treating #2 like it is moving along, but only if I trash Future #1. #1 and #3 are rocking out like drunken sailors on shore leave. Going with a few more tops than I intended. Liking how Durban Poison turned out of my various trials and errors lately. This one bushes out a bit more but if I get it into 12-12 soon it won’t have the chance. Within days, it'll be in bloom box.
48 Days - These need to move along very soon. Once again putting in a plant that has 7-10 days too much overlap. Need to get my shit together, here. Working with 2 unknowns so the mistake was inevitable. If I make it the 2nd run, then I can beat myself up.
49 Days - Too big… before this point, too big… Major pruning ahead.
50 Days - Getting rediculous. Definitely too lush, but gave a thorough irrgation with extra runoff. New benches worked well enough. Have some improvements in mind for setting up the bloom bench, but must wait for early am or late afternoon. Went a little crazy with the vege tarp. It’s going to last, that’s all I will say. Prune these tomorrow after setting up bloom bench. Time to recover should match harvests.
51 Days - Just fucking ridiculously large for what I need. I’ll be chopping at least 2-3 nodes off of keeper shoots and removing the rest. Don’t feel like doing this, because I’m not certain or comfortable about doing it… a bad habit of mine. I don’t expect an extended recovery time with a happy plant.
#4 showing the elongated re-vege leaves but no rounded leaves. It’s bushing like crazy last couple days. Stigmata still showing, but can simply take a cutting of new, clean growth at a later date and avoid all the ugliness below.
#2 is still weirdly asymmetrical -- not the nodes, but ½ of plant is drastically smaller. Assumed it was light or airflow related…
Need to re-drill my light in vege area. Experiment with differing gaps between bars is not working as well as I’d like. Could buy some slotted aluminum and be able to adjust distance between lights as far as wiring allows and without any re-drilling or removing from vege area. That would be optimal.
52 Days - In 2 days since irrigation with proper runoff, these things have exploded. They are ginormous, and I will cut them back today… must cut them back today. Donors gone wild too.
Okay, left way more than I need, but likely shocked the plants. Left no more than 2-3 vertical shoots per axillary growth. If thicker and reaching higher, 3 was allowed. Once BBM/NOG is out of the way, they are going into bloom regardless of shock or not. No more than 2-3 days. #2 will be delayed, if it ever makes it to bloom box.
Since bench went in, humidity in vege area jumped significantly (70%RH) . While I may be better for growth, I’d rather it be slightly lower for microbial concerns. The vents are mostly blocked off now. If not for the vigorous growth, I’d be worried. I’ll find a way to improve airflow, but ffs, it isn’t needed.
53 Days - Doesn’t seem shocked. Expect re-growth to be fast with how much vascular tissue exists. It’s perky, but I cannot be sure it is growing again. 1-2 days likely enters bloom box.
54 Days - Moving along well. Chopped the hell out of these plants and they are still happy and perky. Temporarily bending some stuff down to prevent apical dominance until the lower stuff evens out. Just a couple in center that are a bit too tall to start in comparison. Treating #2 as if it is going into bloom box too. These plants needed 12-12 a 10-14 days ago. That’s after a prolonged cloning phase.