The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Green Poison F1 Fast Version -- Redux!

4 years ago
Custom Light Emitting Diodes/80W
Custom Light Emitting Diodes/200W
Room Type
weeks 6, 8
weeks 6, 8-9, 11-14
Sphagnum Peat
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow medium
11 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
18 hrs
24 °C
60 %
22 °C
11 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 4
MgSO4 0.277 mll
TSP 0.053 mll
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate - J.R. Peters, Inc.
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate 0.555 mll
Please comment on my elaborate cloning system. I put a lot of time and effort into it. I poked a hole in some buffered substrate with a pencil and popped the cutting into that hole. Then, I Irrigated to set substrate around buried stem. Some 10w LED bulbs above it providing 18 hours of very low-intensity light per day. (this is a joke... I do use root hormone. Fairly sure it helps with cloning young plants, but not needed for any mature donor. Get the generic stuff as it is akin to pharmaceutical generics if active ingredient is the same) Day 0 - Cut 4 clones off of each plant. Intended to use top of apical meristem, but was concerned about the hollow / woody stem. Used lower growth. Some flopped slightly. 1 Day - Didn’t do a great job propping them up. Some have a little curve, but not so bad. Rather not fidget with them at this early point in time. 7-14 days under ambient light unless I see a reason to move them sooner -- ie roots easily visible before that point. Without roots, it cannot use intense light. Intense light will only cause a recent clone to cannibalize itself. The goal is to simply maintain current vegetative state with >15hours of light. 16h is safer; I am using 18h. 2 Days - All seem to be getting enough water uptake and stiffened up a bit. No more notes unless something goes wrong, or I see roots. Expect them all to live at this point. 3 Days - Removed lowest extra leaf on 2 of them. All look fairly perky in evening. Not as worried as I once was, but still not 100% confident these will root. Have not lifted to look… waiting at least 5-7 days before I agitate them. 4 Days - They all look fairly perky, now. A leaf I typically cut off is struggling to stand up on one, but maintaining color. All are perkier in PM. Feel fairly confident at this point. If like normal, I’ll see some roots up against edge of insert cup or popping out the drain holes in next 2-3 days. 5 Days - All standing up like good little soldiers by late afternoon. Working the minor kinks out of the stems by themselves. Confidence grows. Haven’t worried about the viability of a clone in a long time. Don’t like it. 6 Days - Seventh day, ongoing as of update. No notes Okay, started a little iffy due to donor age, but seems strong by end of first week. I have not inspected for roots, but suspect they exist at this point due to behaviour of plants last 2-3 days. Standing taller, perkier, etc... Only 1 will be added to the donor stable, and that depends on the results of ongoing crop. So, I figured I'd grow them all a second time if i have to keep 4 plants alive. All are labeled #1-4 and corresponds to the current in-bloom crop numbering.
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
18 hrs
24 °C
60 %
22 °C
11 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 4
MgSO4 0.277 mll
TSP 0.053 mll
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate - J.R. Peters, Inc.
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate 0.555 mll
6 Days - Standing up well. Check for visible roots in PM. 7 Days - Cannot see roots through nested translucent cup. #3 and #4 feel solid. They all look perky and without droop. Worst-case it takes 21 days for transplant? It wouldn’t be a bad thing for timing. F#1 may go 2-4 weeks longer than the others. 8 Days - #1 felt solid today. Fertigated until extra runoff. Felt light and first since initial watering. All are perky and somewhat robust given the context. 9 Days - #2 is concerning… Rest feel solid and likely rooted despite no roots at edge of cup. See either a burnt tip or dying bit on lower axillary bud - forgot to note which # - the tall one. 10 Days - Minor problem caused when I had to move things around. The timer did not move with it. So, they had 24hours/day for the last 2 days. Still can’t see roots near edge. On top of young donors, I have not hindered chances a bit and possible 3rd party’s lack of care due to ignorance about clones being another great concern. May carefully water #1 as there may be a fairly large air gap and get it snug again underneath surface.. 11 Days - I guess I shouldn’t be too concerned. There’s no way it’d retain the color and maintain some sense of hydro-static pressure, if it weren’t laying roots down by now. Petioles are a healthy color. Leaves are a healthy color. Either the strain is a slow cloner or more likely the young age of the donor plant is causing a slower cloning process. Extra time is okay. If they really are a ~6 week variety, this will replace previous plants and I will start some autos for fill the other half of bloom box. 12 Days - slight watering to ensure substrate is snug around buried portion. Fairly certain #3 and #4 are fine, but should see roots by now. Lots of time… Leaves look fine with no degredation beyondt he tall one with the lowest axillary buds with some minor tip burn that has not worsened since the 2nd or 3rd day. Held off on full pruning of Bloom counterpart-donors. Should have at least 1 opportunity on each without impacting yield in a week or so… re-vege delay can open up space for some autoflowers or something else to fill space in meantime. It might take so long to work this out, that I get a yield and assessment of the one I want to keep. Can do a 2nd run later as I’ll have ton of this type soon. FFS, brag about how I never lose a clone and these 4 turds happen. Still waiting. Color is fine, so long as they don’t take a nosedive, I’ll hold out hope. After 3 weeks I’ll reassess the leash I give. I might start some Autoflowers in meantime and keep these small until I know which is the winner. This may be the better idea. I’ll sleep on it.. Maybe, give them until 16-18 days before I change up what is run next. Second look in bloom box shows at least 2 cloning opportunities on each plant without impacting anything important in regard to yield.
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
18 hrs
24 °C
60 %
22 °C
11 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 4
MgSO4 0.277 mll
TSP 0.053 mll
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate - J.R. Peters, Inc.
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate 0.555 mll
13 Days - While I’m giving these some time, I better put together plan B. Start taking a keener interest in the lower axillary growth of plants in bloom. Believe it was fairly close a couple days ago. Should be able to have a 5-6 node cutting of a primary shoot. 14 Days - Genuine concern about #4, the tall one. Its leaves are drooping. The others are retaining hydrostatic pressure, which is a good sign. Still no overt sign of roots. Regardless, 4 more cuttings are planned… if they get tossed out, it is no loss. I can LST to fill an awkwardly shaped area. 15 Days - Rah-roh, Shaggy! Number four is taking a shit all over itself. One, two, and three are all perky and happy. They must have roots, but they haven’t seen in spot-checks - I don’t look at each and won’t touch #4 until it dies, just in case it finally roots. Rolling with 3. Probably know the ‘keeper’ before #4 needs a transplant after a likely and lengthy re-vege period. I have an excellent road map from the Gorilla Blue notes for a fairly fast developing plant (ongoing, but betting on the under of 56 days). This should be ahead of that pace all the way. 16 Days - #4 still dying. Other 3 look even better than normal. Tufts aren’t out yet on from-seed plants, so it isn’t full-bloom, yet. Got some growth last night, so pushing another day or 2 hoping for another node of growth for the potential cutting. Since others are doing so well, I’ll just take 2-3 cuttings from #4 and keep them in their own basin. Still no roots on #1-3 visible through cup, but they’d be nosediving with #4 if not rooted… I have not tossed #4 into garbage, yet. I did take a new cutting off of original #4 plant. It is a bit smaller, but only needs to survive to carry on genetics if chosen. This one may never see the bloom box. PM - So far, it hasn’t drooped a bit, which is nice to see. #4-a continues its nosedive. Checked one for roots, but none seen, which is odd considering the general health and possibly slight growth lately. They’d have to be dying if not rooted by this point as #4 shows, right? 17 Days - #4 is dead… long live #4. New cutting did droop slightly over dark period, but barely beyond the x-axis. Expect it to stay strong. Slight curve in stem, but toughening up already. Think the #4 clone was a slightly more hollow stem than the others. The leaves deteriorated so badly I just pulled it out of the substrate at which point I felt how mushy the stem was. Other than initial irrigation, I’ve only watered once so far in 17 days, so can’t be overwatering.. #4 was just a pud. I’m sure future cuttings from a much older plant will root faster. 18 Days - new #4 looks fine. Other 3 look happy with no signs of deterioration. No roots… holy fuck. Still think they are fine. Must have some roots or they’d show some degradation by now. 19 Days - Think I see a root on #2, but it’s unusually high. The stems of each feel dense and anchored. The ‘new’ #4 looks fine. PM - definitely roots on two of three seen. Other must have them too. _________________________ An unusual week. I expected to transplant and be on my merry way with these plants. Instead one dies on me and the others are slower than molasses - likely due to age of donor. No big deal. Will roll with whatever happens. I included pics of replacement donor cuttings and a very lonely vegetative area with some very unhappy donor-plants. You can see the slightly shorter g-redux cutting has the beginning of a flower showing at terminal. So, maybe it becomes a bonafide diary in the next week or two. Should move past cloning phase soon, and it has been an extended period so far that i don't expect to repeat the next time i clone Green Poison Fast Version.
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
18 hrs
24 °C
60 %
22 °C
11 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 5
MgSO4 0.291 mll
TSP 0.053 mll
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate - J.R. Peters, Inc.
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate 0.581 mll
20 Days - See some roots on the 3, but nothing like from-seed, so we’ll take it nice and slowly with these as to not kill them. #4-ii may or may not make it into the bloom box. Good news is I likely only need to take one clone for donor before these go into bloom box. I like the doubling-up on a photoperiod I try out before adding to stable. If I need to maintain 3-4 plants in the meantime, might as well bloom them all again, too. 21 Days - No unusual stretch yet from the three with roots. Going to take it slowly with these as I don’t have a good 2nd chance at this point. Waiting for overt signs of growth before acclimating to intense vege area lights. 740pm #1-3 testing stronger light. Didn’t cower immediately, so giving an hour or two. After 1 hour, one of them is looking unsteady, but no droop, yet. Not staying I vege area for the night, as I won’t wake up in time to check on it safely. 22 Days - Well, I lied. Kept them in overnight because they were still robust when lights went out. *6 Days for the new #4, which did not follow #1-3 into vege area. All are surprisingly robust, relative to each context. May try higher intensity today for #1-3. I didn’t measure, but <10k in that locale is easy to guesstimate. Held up all day. Test greater intensity tomorrow. #4 feels anchored already. 23 Days - Looking super happy. #4 likely rooted, but taking it slowly and carefully, because no 3rd chances for #4… no 2nd chances for #1-3 at this point. All 3 are standing at attention. The limited droop in one of them is completely gone. Loving life at 12k lux. Full strength whenever I wake up tah’marah. ** 7 days for #4. It sure feels anchored, I reckon, despite near full-bloom biologically. 24 Days - #1-3 are loving life at 14k lux. Fed a bit, because I can’t recall the last time. #4 is almost certainly rooted, but continued it’s flower progression, so that’s ~30 days away, which is a fine timetable if it is the “winner” and joins the donor area. 25 Days - #1-3 need a transplant, immediately. Looks like I’ll be mixing up some substrate and filling some pots. This took forever, but the age of the donors is the likely cause. Day 9 for new #4, and it will likely be ready for a transplant much sooner from cut than #1-3 even though with re-vege. Depending on timing of its development and space filled by other 3, it may tag along into bloom after all if useful. #1, 2 and 3 were transplanted today. 3 grams of Dynomyco each as I saw no difference between the pots with 5g and 2.5g or really at all, but I’ll use it up and probably not bother in future. Put #4 in last hour or two and seems okay. Needing 2-3-4 different mixes was a good learning lesson from the 4x diaries of previous crop. Single-strain runs will be the norm not the exception going forward (2 tanks required). Over the winter, I might break down the bloom box into 4 or 8, instead of 2, but that raises the same problem again of potentially many mixes of fertilizer needed at one time. Day 26 - #1-3 are happy. #4 had to be removed in AM after ~3 hours of light. Probably should have removed it an hour before, but … I do sleep. Acclimated in next couple days, regardless. Transplant within 3-7 days? So I was 8/9 in clones and I took 4 from a donor that was less than 30 days old. Better than I expected, to be honest. The 5 donor-plant cuttings were virtually guaranteed as long as I stayed out of the way. PM - Will try with #4 tomorrow. Other three are off and running with initial growth. #1 looks to be ahead of the pack by a couple days. -------------------------- Another excellent week in the garden. Things are ramping up again after a little delay due to cutting #4 being an obstinate bitch. Can fill area with 3 plants well enough, but won’t be as efficient, inevitably (g/sq ft). Three plants are officially no longer cuttings. #4 is getting there. Testing stronger light as i type. So I was 8 of 9 on clones this time and I took 4 from a donor that was less than 30 days old. Better than I expected, to be honest. The 5 donor-plant cuttings were virtually guaranteed as long as I stayed out of the way. (**edit, thank you @Greenfingeress) - 35-40+ days seems to be the area it gets to roughly 100% success with a healthy cutting. The other key is not bombarding it with intense light. Merely light for long enough each day to prevent hormonal problems (i.e. bloom with no roots).
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
18 hrs
24 °C
60 %
22 °C
11 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 4
MgSO4 0.291 mll
TSP 0.053 mll
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate - J.R. Peters, Inc.
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate 0.581 mll
Weekly Summary: Another productive week for #1-3. Number four is catching up. It is read for a transplant, but may just keep this one small until a winner is selected from previous harvest. Number 1 and 3 are going crazy. They need to be topped, but logistics of the bloom box is dictating otherwise as is harvest of previous GPFV crop. No big deal as it can be pruned back. Just means a stronger roots system relative to above ground mass when flower begins. Must remember to leave at least 1 opportunity to clone each of these plants when the winner is selected. Due to lack of balance in plant size, i may LST #1 and #3 and use #2 to fill any leftover gap -- any shape possible or simply top, whatever is required to fill the gap. ----------- More details below and sometims random nonsense and not so random nonsense... 27 Days - Day 11 for #4. Removed #4 after testing. Giving a day off unless I see roots at edge. Two of the transplanted plants are clearly off and running, but one might be lagging. During transplant, one split off at bottom horizontally as I placed into pot. Fell an inch or two and possibly ripped on some roots. Regardless, if it is stalled, its leaves are happy, and it is maintaining its hydrostatic pressure. 28 Days - Chugging along. Waiting another day before testing #4 again. Caused a very, very slight fade in it, so it cannibalized itself a bit on the previous attempt. Still feels strong. 29 Days - #4 acclimating without wilt in morning after being left inside overnight. #2 is the laggard (front/right) upon closer inspection. #1 and #3 growing at ludicrous speed. Removed riser from 1 and 3. 30 Days - #1 and #3 are going crazy and reduce intensity hasn’t caused stretch. #2 is on the brink and will drop it down even though it’s 1-2” shorter than others at this point. I’m just going to keep #4 small. I’ll fit the 3 around Future #1, as it will likely overlap. 31 Days - SSDD 32 Days - #1 and #3 are amazing. #2 is 2-3 days behind but definitely vigorous at this point. #4 is showing roots after 15 days. 2nd or 3rd day of acclimating to the light. 33 Days - #4 will be transplanted today (day 17 vs day 25, young donor plants impact success and length of time needed). #1 and #3 need to be topped and remove some growth. Debating delaying this due to backup of Anesia seeds taking their sweet ass time blooming. ~2 weeks may be too long to grow after I top… if so I’ll just prune it back again. Seems like best option. I’m going to leave four shoots and the new 2 co-terminal buds. Think 6 is a good amount to fill a 15x15 space. Might try 5 with one and remove one of the terminal buds after topping.
1 comment
Week 6. Vegetation
4 years ago
18 hrs
24 °C
55 %
20 °C
11 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 3
MgSO4 0.291 mll
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate - J.R. Peters, Inc.
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate 0.581 mll
5-12-26 Hydroponic - J.R. Peters, Inc.
5-12-26 Hydroponic 0.872 mll
Summary - I did top and shape a bit 16 days after transplant. Have extra opportunities for a donor plant, if necessary. Testing leaving a little nub on a top shoot to see how it slows it down for other lower growth to catch up, and how long before it regains dominance. #4 is chilling in the cup still. While still showing stigmata, vegetative growth is vigorous or nearing vigorous. #2 I also topped and shaped a bit, but this one may or may not make it into bloom box. Future #1 is funking up the program big time. Have some weird asymmetrical growth on #2, which is concerning as that seems to be the better plant. Hoping it was simply caused by environment. Any donor taken from these 4 will be a clone regardless and can take a cutting from the normal growth. ------------------------------ 34 Days - Debating what I’m going to do with these, but better shit or get off the pot soon. If still pliable might LST 2 bigger plants, or just stick to topping, sacrifice a little yield per ft^2 and learn proper lollipop level on 2nd run. 35 Days - Probably should water soon… 10 days since transplant. Vigorous growth from #1 and #3 continues. #2 is in stride now but behind 2-3 days. #4 is clearly a confused plant and hasn’t done much beside grow roots, which is fine. I probably need another 10 days minimum for 3 plants. Not sure why I thought I had to fill more space. F#1 isn’t going anywhere. Can grow these 3 just as I normally would and they’ll slot in perfectly… after 10-14 more days. (#4 -16 days old) 36 Days - Will top these when I start a flush on BBM/NOG plants. Should give a few days to heal and have a good bit of vertical growth started. 37 Days - Fertigated today - set in 1gallon of water and let it absorb, then got the top later and back into vegetative area quickly enough. A narrow fit, so the water rose high on the pot, but because it doesn’t soak high enough, I am likely to do a top-drip system with drainage lines. Transplanted 3 donors into their 1-gal homes and final 2 in cups acclimating to lights. #4 at 21 days looks like it is coming out of its funk showing a little vege growth as of late. We’ll see if it throws rounded leaves due to re-vege. Removed lowest axillary growth from all 3 primary plants. PM - Holy shnikeys did they respond after a 1-gallon irrigation with ludicrously vigorous growth. #2 not as much, but she’s coming along too. May only need 2 of these in bloom box, but need all 4 until mid October. The quick development lately of BBM and NOG is encouraging. May start flush soon / prune plant for 6 vertical shoots. One is for a temp-clone. 38 Days - Everybody is rocking and enjoying their all-to-short lives, psst, don’t tell them that. If I delay longer, I may remove some top leaves of growth that will be pruned off to prevent any unnecessary stretch of any important axillary growth. 39 Days - Have to do some shaping soon. I can tell when I am a bit uncertain what to do by how much I avoid it. Likely done before pictures taken. 40 Days - Okay, these are past the point when I wanted to top, but need to wait a bit longer. Being lazy, but want to look it over and maybe remove some top leaves of what will soon be pruned off. Getting more stretch than I want on axillary shoots, I assume. The first node or two I don’t mind as it needs to stretch away from trunk before growing vertically, but after that it is just impacting yield negatively. Only two will be grown out unless F#1 has miraculous development soon.
Used techniques
Week 7. Vegetation
4 years ago
18 hrs
24 °C
55 %
20 °C
11 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 3
MgSO4 0.264 mll
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate - J.R. Peters, Inc.
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate 0.555 mll
5-12-26 Hydroponic - J.R. Peters, Inc.
5-12-26 Hydroponic 0.925 mll
Summary - Another relatively good week in the garden with one trouble-maker not to be named here. The clones are very healthy. If things get delayed further, I’ll be able to send #2 and a straggler into bloom box to fill BBM/NOG slots. Within 2-3 days #2’s going to be big enough, and the others need to be trimmed back possibly. #4B remains in solo cup. Will remain there for duration in vege area. All the donors are taking off. I topped all but the 2 slow ones. Think if I waited any longer to regenerate the donor plants I would have had some problems due to health issues. Six months in ¾ gallon of coco-coir.. rootbound, nutrient symptoms showing up… They look incredibly happy now. So, 1 did die out of the 9, and it was from a young plant, and the 2nd cutting did survive. 41 Days - Everything is looking healthy nearly 1 day after mutilating plants. Status quo, otherwise. 42 Days - Looks happy enough. Dimmed lights ~10% previous night. 43 Days - The size they are right now and the days after topping is about perfect. What isn’t lining up is the bloom box half in which it will reside. They are cooperating with bending so far. Terminals are reaching for the light I bent them toward. There are more shoots than will be kept. 44 Days - Waiting for 2 slots to open in bloom box (BBM and NOG). Need a little more time for a proper cutting from each too, although fairly certain #2 is the keeper. 45 Days - Fertigated, bottom-fed, got top wet. Threw out excess in bucket. 46 Days - Looking a bit too lush, but nothing drastic. If anything crazy happens I’ll put ½ gallon pH’d into substrate. New raised vege bench with proper drainage hopefully before next irrigation. Wood is cut. Bloom is made. Finish vege tomorrow and seal them up. 1-2 days drying or longer, if I smell any gassing. Hope weather allows me to air them outside for duration. 47 Days - These plants sure are easy to vege with amazingly vigorous growth.
1 comment
Week 8. Vegetation
4 years ago
18 hrs
24 °C
65 %
21 °C
11 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 3
MgSO4 0.264 mll
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate - J.R. Peters, Inc.
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate 0.555 mll
5-12-26 Hydroponic - J.R. Peters, Inc.
5-12-26 Hydroponic 0.925 mll
Summary: Treating #2 like it is moving along, but only if I trash Future #1. #1 and #3 are rocking out like drunken sailors on shore leave. Going with a few more tops than I intended. Liking how Durban Poison turned out of my various trials and errors lately. This one bushes out a bit more but if I get it into 12-12 soon it won’t have the chance. Within days, it'll be in bloom box. --------------------------------------------- 48 Days - These need to move along very soon. Once again putting in a plant that has 7-10 days too much overlap. Need to get my shit together, here. Working with 2 unknowns so the mistake was inevitable. If I make it the 2nd run, then I can beat myself up. 49 Days - Too big… before this point, too big… Major pruning ahead. 50 Days - Getting rediculous. Definitely too lush, but gave a thorough irrgation with extra runoff. New benches worked well enough. Have some improvements in mind for setting up the bloom bench, but must wait for early am or late afternoon. Went a little crazy with the vege tarp. It’s going to last, that’s all I will say. Prune these tomorrow after setting up bloom bench. Time to recover should match harvests. 51 Days - Just fucking ridiculously large for what I need. I’ll be chopping at least 2-3 nodes off of keeper shoots and removing the rest. Don’t feel like doing this, because I’m not certain or comfortable about doing it… a bad habit of mine. I don’t expect an extended recovery time with a happy plant. #4 showing the elongated re-vege leaves but no rounded leaves. It’s bushing like crazy last couple days. Stigmata still showing, but can simply take a cutting of new, clean growth at a later date and avoid all the ugliness below. #2 is still weirdly asymmetrical -- not the nodes, but ½ of plant is drastically smaller. Assumed it was light or airflow related… Need to re-drill my light in vege area. Experiment with differing gaps between bars is not working as well as I’d like. Could buy some slotted aluminum and be able to adjust distance between lights as far as wiring allows and without any re-drilling or removing from vege area. That would be optimal. 52 Days - In 2 days since irrigation with proper runoff, these things have exploded. They are ginormous, and I will cut them back today… must cut them back today. Donors gone wild too. Okay, left way more than I need, but likely shocked the plants. Left no more than 2-3 vertical shoots per axillary growth. If thicker and reaching higher, 3 was allowed. Once BBM/NOG is out of the way, they are going into bloom regardless of shock or not. No more than 2-3 days. #2 will be delayed, if it ever makes it to bloom box. Since bench went in, humidity in vege area jumped significantly (70%RH) . While I may be better for growth, I’d rather it be slightly lower for microbial concerns. The vents are mostly blocked off now. If not for the vigorous growth, I’d be worried. I’ll find a way to improve airflow, but ffs, it isn’t needed. 53 Days - Doesn’t seem shocked. Expect re-growth to be fast with how much vascular tissue exists. It’s perky, but I cannot be sure it is growing again. 1-2 days likely enters bloom box. 54 Days - Moving along well. Chopped the hell out of these plants and they are still happy and perky. Temporarily bending some stuff down to prevent apical dominance until the lower stuff evens out. Just a couple in center that are a bit too tall to start in comparison. Treating #2 as if it is going into bloom box too. These plants needed 12-12 a 10-14 days ago. That’s after a prolonged cloning phase.
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
4 years ago
12 hrs
21 °C
No Smell
60 %
21 °C
11 L
40.64 cm
Nutrients 3
MgSO4 0.264 mll
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate - J.R. Peters, Inc.
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate 0.555 mll
5-12-26 Hydroponic - J.R. Peters, Inc.
5-12-26 Hydroponic 0.925 mll
Summary - These plants are happy campers. Even unruly as it is now, it looks nice. Moved 2 into bloom box early this week. Have not finished pruning the plant beside the prep work in last weeks notes. Need to keep a few extra growths in case clones don't root. The canopy will be thinned to 9-11 colas on each plant. Reducing leaf to bud ratio as well as reducing larf being my primary goal above maximizing yield. Still expect 75 grams or more per plant, but not sure how dense this strain is, yet. Daily Notes: 55 Days - Finally, a respite from vegetative phase soon! I need to take 2 or 3 clones, depending on what enters bloom box tomorrow. I don’t think I’ll be able to tell the buds apart, but time will tell. Irrigation after 5 days. Everything is rocking. 56 / 0 Days - First 12-12 day of bloom after 56 cycles of 18/6. Two went in. #2 may follow in a day or two. Didn’t like the clone options today on #2. 57 / 1 Days - #1 and #3 look fucking amazing. One shoot is being a pain, so I bent her down. Keep eye on it to break apical dominance. If I can’t do it with simply bending it in AM, I’ll tie it down for a few days or so until it is the same height. Not sure about F#1. 2-3 days is worth the investment, but not much longer. If #2 is entering box, F#1 will be trashed. I won’t let it get further behind than 2-3 days. 58 / 2 Days - Looks fucking fantastic. How’s that for alliteration. Pruned #2 up and took a cutting in case it does enter bloom box. Either way, would need a transplant to a 1-gallon donor pot. F#1 is making me waffle. Irrigating tomorrow - in bloom box for sure. #2 might need another day. Re-vege #4 probably needs water every day in the solo cup. Removed lowest shoots - 4 remaining on #4. 59 / 3 Days - SSDD. Clones look fine. Cleaned up #4 (in cup, rooted) a bit. Only #1 and #3 in bloom box. F#1 just to spite me decided to do something this week. The flowering plants look amazing. 60 / 4 Days - Wow, the 2 in bloom box are just beautiful. I’ll thin each down to 9-10 strongest vertical shoots. Remove 2-3 from each likely. Lollipop a bit more than first run. Observe and update strain notes, which at this point are non-existent for GPFV, but soon enough plenty of good information will exist. 3 potential donor clones are happy and perky. #2 is still ready for bloom box, but… F#1 is in the way. This #2 plant may be tossed and salvage what I can from mostly unused pot of substrate. 61 / 5 Days - 2nd time is the charm it seems. These two plants are happy campers. I’m approaching defoliation differently this time. I’m going to do some minor pruning in coming days on obvious stuff that won’t be worthwhile for various reasons. Always* lowest first when clearing at this stage as I don’t want excessive axillary growth. When vege growth is nearly done, I’ll do any final touches and possibly thin out canopy to 9-10 vertical shoots. If it gets crazy, I’ll cut some off in waves so as not to shock the plant right as it enters full bloom-related growth. Shooting for 75g per plant without knowing current yield. That’d be 300g on a full run and lights are down to 200w / ~1A constant current powering the 12 bars of ~1200diodes. 62% of 288w or 185 watts might be a better guess, but want to err on conservative side -- open load on 1 driver is 178V x 1.623amps =~ 288watts, this is why I get the Type A constant current drivers, you get an extra 15-20% watts than advertised “240” which is really ~252w at 1.4A on the type B and AB - cost of 0-100% dimming capabilities and off-driver convenient dial. The internode distance has been great on new growth. If it starts to get too tight or new terminal growth slows, I will raise lights 1-2”. Think I have a 22-28k coverage as these grow into that level quickly, which is about 1.5x intensity of my vege area with same diodes. This lines up with math of DLI. Funny how that works. My lights are an excellent example of how lux recommendations are dangerous. If I ran mine at 50k, not sure if I could at any distance >=12”, I’d kill my plants. Some may read my comments, try my lux values with their lights and get some stretched out dumpster fire. Proportional intensity of the same exact light (or same proportional diodes/bulbs parts) is all that Lux/Lumens can tell you. Treat each different fixture as an island, otherwise. Lux can still help find consistency and recognize dimming of light when you need a shorter distance from canopy to reach same intensity of light.
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
4 years ago
12 hrs
21 °C
No Smell
50 %
21 °C
11 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 3
MgSO4 0.264 mll
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate - J.R. Peters, Inc.
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate 0.555 mll
5-12-26 Hydroponic - J.R. Peters, Inc.
5-12-26 Hydroponic 0.925 mll
Summary -- Nearly 2 weeks into bloom phase and she is growing like mad, of course. All risers have been removed, so it's gained 7-8" since entering the box. Expect another week of vigorous growth and slowing down after 18-21 days total into bloom. Went with 12 colas. AFter BBM/NOG dry weight came in, i'm not so worried about how many colas i choos anymore. The plant will likely produce what it is capable of, if I don't cut too much off. Now, will 1 cola produce like 4-9? I may not go so far, but relative to the ranges i am dabbling with, it makes no difference it seems. The vascular tissue will provide! Will definitely need a 2nd pruning before it conentrates solely on buds. Side note - with much more mature donors, all clones rooted, but seem to be slow to acclimate to brighter lights than others before. This may be a full 21 day process for a transplant. (important tidbit for timing in perpetual garden) __________________________________ 62 / 6 Days - Looks fantastic. Nearly as tall as others. Internodal spacing is great. That will dictate level of lights. I’ll get motivated tomorrow and prune it back. The cuttings and re-vege all look fine. 63 / 7 Days - Chopped each down to 12 vertical shoots and removed lower growth. Top 5-7 nodes of axillary growth remain on each (top ~6” for most). All leaves remain on the plant as it is well-spaced even if shielded. Quite a bit of vegetative growth left. Trying to refine how/when to prune this to get 10-12” colas or better - can reference # of nodes and length after 7 days. Genetics are incredibly consistent that I’m not worried about possibility neither are the keeper. 64 / 8 Days - Must have grown close to 2”. Nearly same height as other plants. 65 / 9 Days - Must remember to remove a riser at end of day. Let them continue to grow into ‘max’ light. Irrigated 2 in bloom area. #4 re-vege can go ~48 hours. #2 (vege) drinks significantly less than the 2 in bloom box. 66 / 10 Days - Removed risers in AM. About 2-3” below canopy, but should be able to remove the last riser before all said and done with vege growth. This will definitely need a 2nd trim. PM - Growing like a vine. ~2”? visibly closed gap created by removing riser. There’s a problem branch getting much thicker than the others.. if I don’t pay more attention it’s going to skyrocket. Bend it down in AM, again. 67 / 11 Days - #2 in vege area needed an irrigation badly. I’ll see if logistics work out of putting it into bloom box or not. Plants in bloom are bushing out like crazy. Nearly back to canopy of box. Likely remove last riser tomorrow sometime. 68 / 12 Days - Irrigated bloom plants. After taking 6 days, it only took 3. Pots were quite light. Takes about 1.25 gallons to saturate the slightly smaller “3-gal” pots with some runoff. All risers are removed, but a bit shorter than canopy in evening. 7-8” of growth since entering bloom box.
Week 11. Flowering
4 years ago
12 hrs
22 °C
No Smell
50 %
21 °C
11 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 3
MgSO4 0.264 mll
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate - J.R. Peters, Inc.
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate 0.555 mll
5-12-26 Hydroponic - J.R. Peters, Inc.
5-12-26 Hydroponic 0.911 mll
Summary Well, i like the choices I made pruning this plant. Hoping for another 2-4" of growth, but if not I am still satisfied. Looking at 8-10" zone of solid bud mass on nearly all 12 vertical shoots on each plant. Working on making a rectangular shape as they need to fit into 1/2 the box. Starting to think #2 was a bad idea, but can still remove it without feeling much anxiety about it. The majority of previous harvest was salvageable, so the dire need has waned. The yield on these 2 should be heavy. I'm liking the developing structure of the colas. The #2 plant is 16 days behind and only has 6 or 7 colas. I put it under 12-12 schedule a day after pruning it back. If it grows enough vertically, may just do this all the time or leave a few more nodes of vertical growth. As i clone this, i'll eliminate wasted growth by cutting off less to accomplish same ends. _____________________________________________ Daily Notes 69 / 13 Days - Vegetative growth continues for another ~week. 70 / 14 Days - Not good.. potentially large portions of first run need to be thrown out. Need to wipe down entire bloom box with isopropyl alcohol. 71 / 15 Days - Think I’ll prune up the rest of the plant in the coming days. May piecemeal it a bit, but want to limit chance of any extra axillary shoots beyond necessary from auxin spreading out. These 2 plants show no sign of mold. After just 3 days, the pots were very light. Can tell there is more plant mass than last run (per plant). Wiped everything down with 91% alcohol. 44% RH, give or take given horrid hergrometer/thermometer. One is +1.5C the bloom one displays -1.5C. Can’t be sure on hergrometer. 72 / 16 Days - 0 days for #2. Pruned the living shit out of it. If shocked, don’t care, could use a few less days of vege growth, and ensures I can fit it all into ½ the box in ~5 weeks. Yield isn’t paramount, but it’s a grown plant and ready to go. Continued to bend other 2 out a bit on one axis. Pruned the donors back to a few growths too. Trashed #4 clone as it was most impacted by mold and others may not be at all. Need better light and dried flower to inspect better. Will scope around. 73 / 17-1 Days - 1 days for #2. Trimmed off most axillary growth that wouldn’t form a nug along stem. I still expect some but should be minimized. Conservative estimate of an 8-10” zone of solid nugs along stem. It might surprise me on a few taller branches. Should have little to no larf. Shaping them into a rectangle. 9 colas will be better for a normal 15x15 footprint. #2 is jigsawed in. Need to fit these into 1 half at some point. 74 / 18-2 Days - Irrigation for the bigger two. #2 likely won’t get back on same schedule. Pruning looks fine the next day. Fairly certain I see growth, so not shocked. Almost certainly took off more than 1/3rd of plant, but the repercussions were acceptable if they did come due. 75 / 19-3 Days - Looking good. 6-8” colas at moment, but should gain some more height. Even at that size x12 is fine. The plant and my environment can support 12+” stretches of solid buds. After that point it gets leafy / shielded from light. To help memory -- #2 is 16 days behind.
Used techniques
Week 12. Flowering
4 years ago
12 hrs
22 °C
50 %
21 °C
11 L
35.56 cm
Nutrients 3
MgSO4 0.264 mll
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate - J.R. Peters, Inc.
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate 0.555 mll
5-12-26 Hydroponic - J.R. Peters, Inc.
5-12-26 Hydroponic 0.911 mll
Summary Well, the dumbass that takes care of my garden forgot to irrigate one evening, and then took their sweet time getting to it the next morning. It wasn't wilted initially, but by the time it was physically watered, it had wilted in the lower portions of the plant. Not too worried, but if i see nanners in ~4 weeks, this is probably why. Other than that, it's been a smooth and uneventful week. Everything smells clean and mold free. Plenty of circulation throughout the plant even though I left nearly all leaves. Autopilot is definitely engaged. Any issues with leaves are so few and far between that i don't even notice them. Preflowers at all lower nodes are female. Think i see a couple leaves near bottom starting to be shed - just a hint at moment, but expected at some point. Even healthier than the first run, which should be expected too, i guess. Think i have a great roadmap for this plant. Including larf from first run, i average near 100g per plant. That'd be a 400g harvest in a 30x30 space. I'd like that very much. These plants have little to now larf, but will have many more good buds. They are larger than i will grow in future - not quite double in size. So, if i get ~160g on each of these, i'd consider that in scale with quick eyeball guesstimate. ___________________________________________________________ 76 / 20-4 Days - These are looking stacked! Trichomes seen on both already. This might be a little ahead of previous crop? Possibly maturity of the plants being the cause, if any. Vertical growth might be done, whereas they eked out another inch or two after day ~20. #3 has a larger bud zone, but that’s due to pruning, timing, luck. PM - Borderline needed irrigation. Faster than last time, but “3” days. 77 / 21-5 Days - Same shit, different day (SSDD). Irrigated, including #2 to get it on same schedule. 78 / 22-6 Days - Starting to fill in. Should be some healthy-sized colas on each. 79 / 23-7 Days - Excellent development. Try to irrigate slightly sooner than I have been. Heavy enough in PM. Fill tanks and mix another 4 gallons. It’ll be used in vege soon. 80 / 24-8 Days - Looking nice. A bit more axillary growth than expected on a few shoots. They may not fuse into 1 bud, but should produce something worthwhile. Nice thick stigmata. Much different than the thin hair-like stigmata on the GGxWW solo cup. Possibly a bit too lush? Next week or two should suck that down considerbly. 81 / 25-9 Days - Forgot to irrigate yesterday… was fine initially, but after mixing nutes and walking away for a bit, it wilted. Ran a little extra through due to excess dryness to ensure saturation. Watered #2 also. Irrigating after 3 days is a better idea. 82 / 26-10 Days - #3 looks to more easily form single cola along stem than #1, but #1 smells better and had a better yield on first run. Both look great. 83 / 27-11 Days - in progress... (First day of next week...)
Used techniques
Week 13. Flowering
4 years ago
12 hrs
22 °C
50 %
21 °C
11 L
35.56 cm
Nutrients 3
MgSO4 0.264 mll
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate - J.R. Peters, Inc.
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate 0.555 mll
5-12-26 Hydroponic - J.R. Peters, Inc.
5-12-26 Hydroponic 0.911 mll
#2 needs to be shaped a bit more. Have been working on a branch, but it's being pesky. Fairly good spacing, nonetheless. #1 is clearly the winner, not that i could easily reverse that decision at this point. The vertical shoots have more robustness. This plant can handle 12 colas -- filling them all out properly so far. Plant #3 on the other hand looks like it'd be better with 6-7 colas. Some have bent outward a bit and it has impacted their share of resources - more obvious over time. You can see this in the canopy pics of each of the larger plants -- #1 and #3. Not sure if you can see how well-distributed mass is on #1 vs. #3 in pictures. The consistency is starkly different in RL. #1 is a monster that could easily be grown much larger. I'll stick to ~9 colas in future, though. These are looking sexy - even better than first run. I see a tip that has a hint of yellow on #1 and it is shedding at least 1 lower leaf at moment. #3 looks healthier if push comes to shove, but development of #1 is head and shoulders above #3. Health is not a concern for any of these plants. Not immaculate, but close enough.
Used techniques
Week 14. Flowering
4 years ago
12 hrs
22 °C
50 %
21 °C
11 L
35.56 cm
Nutrients 3
MgSO4 0.264 mll
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate - J.R. Peters, Inc.
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate 0.555 mll
5-12-26 Hydroponic - J.R. Peters, Inc.
5-12-26 Hydroponic 0.911 mll
#2 still needs to be bent out a bit for airflow, but othwerise no LST for #1 and #3 Have some comparison pictures of previous run and this one. They are not all clones of each other, but they were all very consistent, regardless. Amazing how much the stigmata have changed since last night. Definitely picking up the pace in that regard as I type. Enjoying this second run immensely. Eliminated minor issues with better watering habits. Smells amazing. #2 is making me rethink my choice, but I think that's just splitting hairs and buyer's remorse with nothing tangible behind it. Greener pastures, so to speak... I'll rope up the #3 a bit soon. It needs to be reined in a bit to fit 2 into one half of box. #2 can fit in with the 3x OGC, and i may end up with only 3 plants for BBM/NOG crop too, so all is well... if the bbm seedling does get in their belated, that is fortuitous too... GP#2 is only 16 days behind #1 and #3, which may be just about the time the potentially recovered BBM-seedling enters box.
Used techniques
Week 15. Flowering
4 years ago
12 hrs
22 °C
50 %
21 °C
11 L
35.56 cm
Nutrients 3
MgSO4 0.264 mll
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate - J.R. Peters, Inc.
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate 0.555 mll
5-12-26 Hydroponic - J.R. Peters, Inc.
5-12-26 Hydroponic 0.911 mll
These are smelling and looking very nice. #1 is by far the best, not that i could easily reverse that decision. That donor is happily transplanted and growing. With only better watering habits being the difference from the first run to the second run, it clearly has a major impact. Leaves were strong and symptom free the first run, but everything looks better the 2nd run and it looks to be more developed. See amber on top. Still plenty of glassy trichomes below, but i'm going to weight physical appearance a bit more this harvest. Trichomes are still the track, but accepting the limitations and lack of understanding of what it correlates to. The trichomes on the top layer are not as ripe as any that are tucked away in the conglomerate of what makes up a bud. I often see foggy and amber triches very early in process. Those just don't disappear, but they may be covered up... still ripening and degrading, i'd assume. What trichomes we see are a minority of what exists, possibly? Anyway, Once the plant looks ripe and i don't see many clear/glassy trichomes, this plant will be harvested. See how the high compares to a ~64 day cycle vs what is likely to be 8 weeks or less. Stigmata have changed over 8-9 days at this point. (couple days before last update). It has been a swift transition. Unless maturity is the primary reason, feeding habits also seem to impact time to flower. Being clones, these are much older plants than the first run.
Week 15. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Second round was better. No fingus among us this time on any plants. A little extra frost and finished 13 days faster. Have 2 different aromas. #1 is nice and sweet and orange-like. The other is similar but more skunky/ccreamy smell with less distinct orange undertones. Potency should be better than last time. It is a good high but not going to blow your mind. This is the main reason for the 9/10. Have to leave headroom above this one. Looks incredibly pretty. Nice colorful undertones to a very healthy green. It has fairly dense nugs, too. Yield is exceptional. I didn't properly fill space, yet I expect a very nice return from a small 30" x 30" space with ~200watts of power. Just going to exclude #2 for the harvest data. It is 16 days behind and did not fit into that same space with other 2. Flower time is faster than I thought - 51 cycles of 12-12 on second run. Cloning -- VERY SLOW CLONER! I usually transplant within 16-21 days. This thing didn't show vegetative growth for 24-25 days and using root hormone. Another week beyond that to transplant. Takes ~28 days to clone. No big deal, as this requires very little resources the first ~24 days. Ambient light is sufficient. Can easily start these 4 weeks earlier than needed and have no issues.
Show more
Spent 106 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
1250 g
Bud wet weight per plant
240 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Creative, Energetic, Euphoric
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry eyes
Negative effects
Citrus, Fruity, Sweet

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Second round was better. No fingus among us this time on any plants. A little extra frost and finished 13 days faster. Have 2 different aromas. #1 is nice and sweet and orange-like. The other is similar but more skunky/ccreamy smell with less distinct orange undertones. Potency should be better than last time. It is a good high but not going to blow your mind. This is the main reason for the 9/10. Have to leave headroom above this one. Looks incredibly pretty. Nice colorful undertones to a very healthy green. It has fairly dense nugs, too. Yield is exceptional. I didn't properly fill space, yet I expect a very nice return from a small 30" x 30" space with ~200watts of power. Just going to exclude #2 for the harvest data. It is 16 days behind and did not fit into that same space with other 2. Flower time is faster than I thought - 51 cycles of 12-12 on second run. Cloning -- VERY SLOW CLONER! I usually transplant within 16-21 days. This thing didn't show vegetative growth for 24-25 days and using root hormone. Another week beyond that to transplant. Takes ~28 days to clone. No big deal, as this requires very little resources the first ~24 days. Ambient light is sufficient. Can easily start these 4 weeks earlier than needed and have no issues. ______________________________________________________ Familiar with the plant, so the review is likely finished. I'll likely update some notes below about drying process. Gonna be lazy about my drying process. When i think they are close i'll jar some nugs with 2-way humidipaks for enough hours to determine any change of mass. As long as it doesn't continue to lose weight, the rest is ready to be jarred. Remaining Bloom Notes 104 / 48-32 Days - Still looking pretty. Quickly changing trichomes. This is slightly different than the past. Frost is looking a little extra thick today, too. This may be coming down in a hurry. Want to see how it progresses a bit further. PM - Quite a bit more amber up top compared to previous days. Still some clear in mid and lower areas, but don’t see a trichome without a fat head. Nice tall stalks. Probably the best I’ve done so far, and a good baseline for future grows. Two significant changes occurred since first grow. The lights are less intense and better watering habit. It’s not just 1 of the seed-lines, either. We’ll see how #2 develops, but expect it to also finish faster. Minor change to substrate coming up then a long period of consistency is coming. 105 / 49-33 Days - Still too many clear trichomes lower on nugs. Day-to-day… Scope in PM. Looks about ready by the eye. 106 / 50-34 Days - I like the progress. Giving another day. Harvest is imminent. 107 / 51-35 Days - #1 and #3 harvest. #2 is ~16 days behind. This is 13 days faster than previous iteration of same genetics. Splitting hairs, but these look better too. Potentially more frost, but they were fairly frosty last time too. **Drying notes** 108 / 36 / 1 Days - #2 is ready for water. Drying - filled up 2 entire levels of mesh rack. Similar yields. Letting #1 stretch a bit more like #3 is the goal in future. Fewer leaves, it seemed in lower portions, less shielded etc… lankier and less bulky. Keep oscillating around this ‘preferred/intended’ point until I find it. Can’t wait to smoke it. It grew more healthily, maybe it’ll taste different too… 109 / 37 / 2 Days - Hopefully, #2 isn’t too thick. RH is low, should be low risk. Still some softness to buds, good sign. 110 / 38 / 3 Days - Getting close due to winter air. Jars sanitized and ready. #2 needs irrigation first thing tomorrow. Same with the donor. The polyfilm grow bags reduce evaporation, but reduction of O2 to roots seems irrelevant so far. Jarred after 3.5 days. Each lost about .05g from ~30g over a few hours with 8g 2-way 55% RH packs. So, probably about the right time. 3.5 days is a bit fast. Some jars smell excellent already. Some still have a grassy smell or small hint of it remains. This shouldn’t be a problem. Burping 2 times per day. Safe guess >120g from each. ~250g total - trying to underguess by 5-10g based on current weight. 2 plants vs 4 hindered maximizing space. Will push 300-350 with 36 colas (vs. 24) in same space and a slightly deeper zone of buds. 111 / 39 / 4 Days - Weighed testers again in afternoon. Lost ~.1 grams over greater than 12 hours. I did not write down time i jarred them. So, they are still losing weight, but negligible amounts. This is when i want to consistently jar my nugs. I want the 2-way packs to absorb some fraction of a gram of weight. That also prolongs how long they'd work with that batch, not that rehydrating them is difficult to do. Added a couple more pictures today. No buds, but will add some dried buds pictures when I can. The #2 plant is still in bloom. It looks nice. It won't be included in the results due to being relative to 1/2 box, and not 1/2 box plus a bit more space and light. That wouldn't balance out. Results are based on 30"x30" area only. 112 / 40 / 5 Days - Losing .15g per 24 hours in jars. Leaving open for 2 hours to ensure it’s not simply burying the needle in a small enclosed environment. Smoked a blunt of #1 and it tasted good already. Other plant smells different, but have not smoked any. Zero flush, fairly fast dry… tastes better than drying it over 7 days and a water-only diet last 5-7 days, LoL I felt this way about another clone-clone harvest comparison. Greater than 3 days seems enough. #2 is picking up the pace. Smells more like #3 than #1. Nugs are huge. Stigmata coloration started 2-3 days ago. Think it’s light related on taller colas - more on top of those colas. Still similar timeline to #1 and #3. These are very consistent genetics in that respect, growth, structure etc. Seems to be at least 2 aromas, and one is definitely sweeter. 113 / 41 / 6 Days - #2 heavy in AM. Lost about a gram with jars open yesterday. Not moist on outside of buds anymore, no more sticking… lost .1g over night. Probably a few more days to reach equilibrium at 55% RH. 114 / 42 / 7 Days - Losing .1g per day. Not sticky in jar, but 2-way packs are 9g, not sure how high they go. May leave open for an hour tomorrow. #2 is progressing quickly, drinking quickly. 115 / 43 / 8 Days - #2 is progressing well. While it doesn’t smell as good as #1, definitely smells better than #3 - along a creamier aroma more so than sweet. Looks to finish around same time as others - roughly 2 weeks faster than first run. Probably won’t see the finish of #2. This update will be last for the diary. Lost .1g or so in both jars. Leaving them all open for at least 1 hour today. They aren’t overly moist, I just want to progress to 1 burp per day faster. Once I get that equilibrium weight, don’t have to worry as much. Since #1 and #2 tester jars get way more exposure each day, seal 15-30mins sooner. Can feel small difference in buds between the jars at this point. 116 / 44 / 9 Days - Both jars lost about 0.35g. That’s more than 24hours and opened for ~1hour. I don’t expect these can lose much more. Exterior has been good for a couple days. #2 is looking really nice. Excellent visible progress. These will be nice mutton chop buds. 117 / 45 / 10 Days - Not ready for irrigation. Slight slowdown? Will check in PM. Won’t let it wilt at this stage and one early irrigation won’t cause a calamity. Looking pretty, smelling good and the canopy is strong. No issues. Possibly last pics tomorrow of #2. Nugs still losing 0.05g-0.1g per day in jars. Leaving open for 30-45 mins today. Again, not wet on outside or fear of growth, but new 2-way packs may be at capacity or not. 11th day, so I’m not worried about speeding it up a little at this point. Makes the room smell fucking amazing. The 2 aromas mix well. After 1 hours, lost .25g and .20g from #3 and #1, respectively. About proportional to mass difference between the two, so they are at same point. Written down, compare tomorrow. 118 / 46 / 11 Days - Getting closer. Still losing weight each day. Nugs feel right on outside. Lost about half as much as normal, but 16 of 24 horus. Good sign as it was >12 hours. So, loss of mass is slowing down. The husk of plant is still healthy and strong 11 days later. limited light, no water since couple days before harvest. I feel good about how i treated this plant. (up to cutting it down, then not so much) 119 / 47 / 12 Days - Triches look pretty close. Not much glass seen. Not much amber, either. Test jars lost .06g each over ~24 hours. Second day of half the recent rate. May leave open for 30-60mins again today. Drying is done. Curing has begun. #1 definitely tastes and smells better. A very sweet smell to it. It was already transplanted to donor section a while back. This confirms the choice. This diary is complete. The math is all fucked up so i had to put "1" plant into information. 2 plants were grown and considered for the 30"x30" area results, but let's get the remedial math fixed, eh? Keep it simple. Number of plants is irrelevant to this metric -- G/Watt. g/watt/plant makes as much sense as OPS in baseball -- that's just randomly adding 2 metrics together (on base + slugging) for no rational reason and thinking it's magic afterward. g/w/plant is a terrible metric to use in the first place, because it can mean several different things. Several factors can cause any correlation you believe to exist to go up in smoke. it has a very weak correlation to productivity for this reason.


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Ned_Growscommentedweek 134 years ago
Good bud development and stacking up nicely, they are going to be good 👌
DoDrugs420commentedweek 15 years ago
Nice choice for your grow, wish you a good grow. Good luck and stay lit growmie. 😁
Frenchiecommentedweek 144 years ago
6 weeks into flowering and the buds look really fat. How long more do you thing they need?
Frenchiecommented4 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, ok nearly ready, not that long to wait probably. What do you mean with better watering habit?
L_Tetragrammatoncommentedweek 154 years ago
Looking very fire! 🔥🌲 I can smell it for sure now lol
MrJonescommentedweek 134 years ago
Buds are really starting to fatten up, should not belong for harvest!
northernMikecommentedweek 124 years ago
frosty👌 Nice pics too!! Later!
DYNOMYCOcommentedweek 124 years ago
Looking frosty and healthy ! ✌️🏽
DYNOMYCOcommented4 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, Awesome ! How is the mycorrhizae treating you? From the pictures it looks like it's doing good things !!
Buddha2commentedweek 154 years ago
Wow, what a massive harvest! Congratulations! Enjoy! 👍
DreamOncommentedweek 154 years ago
Looks amazing! Enjoy the puffs! 😎
Bloombustercommentedweek 154 years ago
good job buddy! congratulations on the harvest! 👊😁👍
deFharocommentedweek 154 years ago
Buena cosecha, enhorabuena!! 👆
MrJonescommentedweek 154 years ago
Still, very close to harvest! Looking great!
Polaskiscommentedweek 144 years ago
Looking SEXY!!!! Great job as per usual 👏 💯
FoTwennycommentedweek 134 years ago
Looking absolutely amazing! Great work! 🌫️☺️✌️🌫️
L_Tetragrammatoncommentedweek 124 years ago
Looking very nice! I love that you are slightly ahead of me on the poison grow. What’s to come type deal and it’s stacking very nice!
Polaskiscommentedweek 124 years ago
Looking amazing 👏 😍 👌
MrJonescommentedweek 94 years ago
Moving along nicely @@NobodysBuds! Great Progress with your Garden! 🙌🙌👏Please Check Out My Newest Diary's👏🙌🙌
Ned_Growscommentedweek 64 years ago
I like the way you put the clay pebbles in the buckets under the fabric pots for drainage, I'm going to adopt this method thanks for the idea 👍
MrJonescommentedweek 55 years ago
Another week in the books -they look great!
Greenfingeresscommentedweek 45 years ago
Hi there, are you saying that 30-35 days are the best time to take clones ? As you certainly know what your doing 🍀
the end.
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