Good flower development this week. Some last stretch is occurring. Beleive this is partly due to giving a bit too much light, again. These plants definitely need less - OR, it is environmental due to dryer, cooler winter air impacting how much light eh plant can handle.
I also forgot i had added 40mins to the lights a couple weeks back. So, that in addition to any less optimal conditions has caused some light burn at an intensity that should not cause light burn based on previous experience. I've raised the lights about 1.5" and dropped back to 12hours of light per day. In the meantime the plant has had some healthy, good stretch and #2 has shown obvious signs of recovery. #1 is being a bitch about it. I am 99% sure it is light caused, the left half of the plant it looking better and i rotated and shifted that to a less intense area of the box. That half of the plant is recovering faster, so I raised the lights a bit more this morning (final .5" of 1.5" adjustments lately).
Other than that self-inflicted problem, all things are going well. Whether due to slightly better handling of this problem or simply genetics, #2 is filling out the best of all three. #3 is a stocky piece of shit with which i didn't do so well. #1 may just be a bit slower than #2, but if the trend continues, #2 may be the 'keeper' as long as it smells good.