After only one year of use my ts600 stopped working properly, a part of the panel no longer turns on. I wrote at mars hydro for assistance to my ts600, at the beginning very helpful, we exchanged messages, they asked for some codes on the product and then they offered me 2 solutions.
after agreeing on a solution they disappeared. they haven't been replying to my messages for about a 10 days.
UPDATE 1 - After writing again to mars hydro they replied, they say that in the message system of the platform (where I bought the ts600) sometimes it loses messages or does not notify them. they told me to rest assured, not to worry, they will solve the problem, I wanted to believe it and give it another chance.
UPDATE 2 - Another 7 days have passed but I have not received any news from mars hydro, once again they have disappeared.
Sorry to leave negative feedback, but it's been almost 1 month and they haven't done anything concrete, just words.
I'd like to only thank Jeffrey from Zamnesia for the opportunity to grow this amazing strain 🙏
Thank bro for these 73g of pure happiness, I'd like to share it with you 😎
Guys, don't forget to add the code:
To your Zamnesia order to get 10% discount 👌
@Newbie_01, I imagine how she smells, jummy :)) I would leave her a week or a little more if I was you, just to let the buds swell a little more :) you're doing great, that's for sure, the bigger the pot the bigger the plants :)
@ReinDeer Hey friend, thank you very much for your comment, I am very pleased 😇🙏🏻
I am very happy with this plant, there are a few days left to harvest. it has an amazing smell and really beautiful buds 🤣