WEEK 2 - 13/2/2021 - 19/2/2021
13/2/2021 - I lucked out on seeds germination. Out of 5 Moby dick seeds, 4 germinated and out of 5 critical jack, 4 seeds germinated as well. Even after a week, those two seeds just refused to germinate. So 4 Moby Dick seedlings transplanted to 4 regular pots and 4 critical jack seedlings transplanted to 4 xl pots. All 8 pots will be top fed until the roots have established before autopot system can be started. 15 gallons of water mixed with the following and each pots watered with 2 litres of fertigation :
Cal Mag - 5ml/Gal - 75ml
Micro - 2.25ml/Gal - 34 ml
Gro - 2.25ml/Gal - 34ml
Bloom - 0.6ml/Gal - 9ml
Diamond Nectar - 5ml/Gal - 75ml
Rapid Start - 2ml/Gal - 30ml
pH - 6.04
EC - 1.09 mS/cm
T - 27
16/2/2021 - 4 pots separated into its own section of the tent. So 4 xl pots with critical jack placed under Migro Array 8 light and 4 regular pots with Moby dick under HLG 550 rspec. The tent temp is at 30 now. I'm leaving the AC setting as it is because if I reduce the temp, the rh will reduce as well and 1 humidifier is not enough to cover the full 4 x 8 tent. Plus the plants are still in seedling stage so highish temp it's fine for now. So far so good. All 8 plants are looking great!
17/2/2021 - one of the Moby Dick is showing calcium deficiency but it is still growing, though slightly slower than the other. I'm not too worried about this. I think it should improve once the Autopot system is turned on.
19/2/2021 - Day 14 from germination
Amazing result!!
Give a good amount of nutrients and they will ensure you a huge yield and super tasty flowers 😍
Where do you buy Dinafem / humboldt seeds?? I can't find them anywhere
Sweet hugs from us ❤️
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Very nice! Enjoy smoking this lovely strain. Critical Jack is my favourite strain. I grow these seeds from Seeds Mafia. Try from them 'cause u'll be amazed. It grows really fast a looot and the smoke is excelent!
Absolutely fantastic!👍☺️ Wow! Great job man! 👍 Looks like you just poured the sugar on Those buds! Beautiful colors as well! Very nice! Happy harvest!☺️