WEEK 15 - 15/5/2021 - 21/5/2021
16/5/2021 - 2.5ml/L Florakleen mixed with 5 gal of water for each res tank. This will run for 48 hours followed with Neem oil + Chitosan + hydroguard top feeding.
18/5/2021 - I decided to go back to manual top fertigation. Mainly because I've been noticing several leaves on Moby dick and Critical Jack yellowing and older leaves seem to be showing multiple nutrition issues. So the usual diagnosis of nutrient lockout again then. Together with Fungus gnat issue, I think it's best to top fertigate until harvest.
Minimal defoliation done and several small lower branches removed for Moby dick plant 4.
19/5/2021 - 10 gal water mixed with the following:
Liquid silicon - 1ml/L - 38ml
Cal Mag - 2.5ml/Gal - 25ml
Micro - 2.5ml/Gal - 25ml
Gro - 0.5ml/Gal - 5ml
Bloom -4ml/Gal - 40ml
Chitosan - 1ml/L - 38ml
Hydroguard - 2ml/gal - 40ml
Neem Oil - 3ml/L - 114ml
pH - 5.9
EC - 1.08 mS/cm
T - 25
All 8 pots drenched with the neem oil mix.
20/5/2021 - All 8 pots drenched with the neem oil mix again. Mixing neem oil with other nutrients may not have been a good idea. After a day, the sight and smell is just horrible. Looks like cheese curd floating around. Next time if needed, I'll just water the neem oil separately with the nutrient mix. It was truly a bitch to clean the whole container. So oily and stinky.
Amazing result!!
Give a good amount of nutrients and they will ensure you a huge yield and super tasty flowers 😍
Where do you buy Dinafem / humboldt seeds?? I can't find them anywhere
Sweet hugs from us ❤️
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Very nice! Enjoy smoking this lovely strain. Critical Jack is my favourite strain. I grow these seeds from Seeds Mafia. Try from them 'cause u'll be amazed. It grows really fast a looot and the smoke is excelent!
Absolutely fantastic!👍☺️ Wow! Great job man! 👍 Looks like you just poured the sugar on Those buds! Beautiful colors as well! Very nice! Happy harvest!☺️