Trimmed up after a one-week dry at 75˚F and 55% RH. I'll update with a better smoke report (and bud pictures!) in about two weeks after some curing.
As for the rating, this was the most challenging grow I've faced, and I'm apt to believe the two-seed pack I got of Forum Stomper was part of a sub-par batch. (More on this below.)
But if you're looking for a GSC autoflower, this strain will definitely do the job. I've sampled some buds in both a joint and a bubbler. It's like a woody Gelato: same head and body effects for me. Can do pretty much anything after partaking, but socializing and watching stuff is best! This batch will mainly be used to help the wife's mild anxiety and insomnia; I'll be making tinctures with MCT oil.
Thanks for checking the grow out! Will be updating at different points during the curing process. . . . 🖖🏽🌿