Ozzie Deadhead
connoisseur genetics australian deadhead
31st March 2021
Another good week for the deadhead , I performed another series of topping to the branches . 👊
The plant is growing nicely and I'll be doing some HST (bending) to the main branches in coming days.
I'm estimating two to three more weeks and then I should be able to iniate flowering.
Now that we are having less than 12hours of sunlight each day It will be as simple as leaving her out at night instead
of giving her the extra 6 hours of LED lighting that she's been getting 😎 .
Then depending on the stretch I will decide whether to then move her indoors to finish or leave it outdoors and
allow it to flourish under the Aussie Sun.
Also... I'm gonna take the two lowest branches and attempt to clone them .
Thats about it for this weeks update.
Cheers for stopping by 👍